Porno flick, hard 'R', NG 18, or something else, what would existing movies be if the sex scenes were graphic?
If you have a movie like 9½ weeks, The Lover, Looking for Mr. Goodbar, Eyes Wide Shut, Basic Instinct, The Accused, etc that showed all the sex scene in graphic in and out clear detail would it be considered a porno flick, even though most of the film did not involve around the sex scenes? And why if it did it would take a film (some critically acclaimed) and turn it to the dark side?
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10 Answers
Yes, I think censorship boards basically send the movie back and say “as it is, we’ll have to give it an R because of that scene at 46.34 where they have sex and then she shoots the guy and his brains spill all over the floor. Cut that scene and we’ll give it a PGR”. So the producers make a choice to cut it and make more money.
This has nothing to do with the artistic value of a film. And a proper biography for example should show all aspects of someone’s life, including how they have sex, or take drugs, or behave violently.
But I think in most cases it’s the other way around: sex scenes are added (eg in a cop movie) to make the film more interesting, even though they are unrelated to the main plot of the movie. Why is it that every one who’s on the run from CIA finds the time to pick up a girlfriend and have sex with her while his stalkers are just outside the motel room? Personally when I was on the run I had my gf with me, but we didn’t get to have much sex until we were safely far, far away (which is where the movie would have ended). And the sex we did have (once, on a ferry) was in a cramped little bed which would not have made an interesting Hollywood scene.
Implied sex is almost always better. A film like Network makes me uncomfortable (even though the sex scene between Faye Dunaway and William Holden adds to the character development).
Sex, while a wonderful thing, isn’t the best spectator sport. Casablanca is a perfect film. I don’t need to see Bogart drilling Bergman. (Drill, baby, drill!)
It is the content of the film that gives it the rating, not how good it is.
Movies like The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea, Eyes Wide Shut and similar movies all the bodies are in the right position and making the right movements the only thing you don’t see is the hotdog splitting the buns or the pig being put in the blanket. With the advent of DVDs if there was a Director’s Cut that showed the sex scenes in full vivid detail would that version be seen as a edgier version of the original or just a smut film?
like movies that leave something for the imgination!
Love old movies and also like movies on the Lifetime station. Especially love movies that you don’t know what happened until the last 5 minutes of the movie…mystery movie!!!!!! Citizen Kane, Twelve Angry Men, To Kill A Mockingbird, etc…
The rating system is totally F’d everyone should watch This Film is Not Yet Rated. Movies with “normal sex” (male/female, missionary) are fine, but one homosexual kiss could push it to NC-17.
Even worse is violence to sex ratio. Violence is 100% ok, but a sex makes the raters quite uncomfortable.
The rating system is messed up. There have been some movies that get a PG-14 that I can’t believe actually got that rating! Then there are ones that are R were I can’t figure out why.
I’ve never understood why sex is a bigger taboo than someone graphically killing someone.
I watched a documentary on the porn industry and some of them really believe that the movies will be perfection when actors are able to actually have sex in the movie. Good luck with that!
@drClaw @tranquilsea ”Even worse is violence to sex ratio. Violence is 100% ok, but a sex makes the raters quite uncomfortable.” ”I’ve never understood why sex is a bigger taboo than someone graphically killing someone.” That is strange isn’t it? Almost like life and film being Bizarro World where everything is toptsy turvy in life sex is used to sell you everything from eye glasses, gum, shoes, burgers, even lip balm and it is billed as the ultimate roller coaster ride that if you ain’t got a ticket it is because you are too hideous and trollish for anyone to be naked with you, and at the same time cuing up behind every politician that says he/she will cure violence in out streets and neighborhoods. But in film it is the opposite, the violence we don’t want to see anywhere near our homes we watch gleefully with popcorn in hand. What great entertainment to see the ghoul decapitate some hapless stooge who happen to get out of his car, or see the chunks of flesh splatter off the dealer who got double crossed by his junkie. Gratuitous mindless violence we can stomach, even letting youngster view it pretty much whenever they can pop in a DVD, but sex? Oh know, it is to do, to sell with, to joke about and to let everyone know you are getting plenty but never show it, Bizarro World.
@Hypocrisy_Central I think it’s more of an American phaenomenon though. In Europe they are slightly stricter about violence and much more lineant with sex. I remember the huge fuss about “Reservoir Dogs” when it first came out, but films with the odd sex scene (which might make them R rated in the US) would be PGR here.
@Jack79 Quite an eye opener that film…...all I can say is <cough> censorship <cough, cough>
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