Social Question

ucme's avatar

You're a superhero or villain, who do you select as your sidekick or do you prefer to work alone?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 13th, 2010

Someone you know in the real world or anyone from fantasy land, movies, tv, books etc.Or as I say would you be a lone wolf ready to take the acclaim alone.Yes I know i’m reaching somewhat but hey, throw me a freakin bone here.

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26 Answers

Berserker's avatar

I’m all dark and badass, like a samurai, I work on my own. I don’t talk either. I just go meh and then proceed to slaughter everyone.

chels's avatar

RH would totally be my sidekick. I mean, we kick ass together now.. imagine if we were really superheroes..

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Ahh Darkman/woman/girlie type thingy. From the first movie methinks,as usual the sequels sucked.

jonsblond's avatar

I’d pick Sarah Palin. I hear she’s a good shot from a helicopter. ;)

ucme's avatar

@chels…i’m imagining, I really am ;¬}

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond JB &SP hmmm gotta good ring to it.

Blackberry's avatar

I would pick Superman as my sidekick, that just shows you how powerful I already am…..

On second thought though…..god would be my sidekick…....That’s how powerful I am.

ucme's avatar

@Blackberry Okey dokey Bruce!

Blackberry's avatar

@ucme Lol…......

chels's avatar

@ucme Hahahahah.

Cruiser's avatar

I would have to pick @lucillelucille as my badass sidekick and drive around on a tricked out Harley all day looking for troublemakers. She would have to drive of course! ;)

rangerr's avatar

Boba Fett would be my sidekick.
Except he’d be the driver in this duo. I refuse to arrive in anything but the Slave I.

mrentropy's avatar

I’m not sure, off-hand. According to sidekicks have to be useless, gay, racist, or some combination of those.

ucme's avatar

@mrentropy That’s no way to speak of the vice president.I hear Mr. Biden is a smashing fellow…okay he has his faults granted.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d take Artie Shaw’s clarinet as my sidekick for I need no help—giggles—I will dance my way through every caper and emergency kicking ass everywhere…Begin the Beguine,Baby!

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I thought that song was by Julio uglyarse…

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme-It is…he’s just being shy;)

perspicacious's avatar

I always work alone.

mrentropy's avatar


Silhouette's avatar

I’d pick Vunessuh she talks dirty and makes me laugh she also has a neat Black Spatula costume that might come in handy.

filmfann's avatar

@Blackberry Once you’ve shown up God and Superman, you could move up to Chuck Norris.

filmfann's avatar

My sidekick? I would want the Dude

free_fallin's avatar

@filmfann The Dude could never be someone’s sidekick! He’s the main bestest leader ever.

Blackberry's avatar

@filmfann I wouldn’t dare insult a man of his stature lol.

Did you know there is no theory of evolution? There is just a list of species that Chuck Norris allows to live. : )

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