Social Question

ebbflowexplode's avatar

My relationships are deteriorating. How can I stop this?

Asked by ebbflowexplode (25points) May 13th, 2010

Lately, I’ve been noticing that people aren’t responding to me as they were before. I’ve also noticed that I haven’t been able to be the same either. I’m in a blue funk. I can barely concentrate, because of constant negative emotions and thoughts assailing my entire being. I know people wouldn’t give a damn if I were to tell them I was depressed. I can’t even think straight enough to have a decent conversation with anyone anymore. (or maybe I’m able to think, just not able to converse…)

How do you maintain your relationships when you’ve fallen into a rut? Is this just a stage of my life where I’m changing? Have I changed into something so incompatible with people? Will I become completely alone?

I’m going quite crazy, but I do not want to go to a medicenter

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10 Answers

stemnyjones's avatar

Well, I can’t really answer your question, but I can say that if your friends wouldn’t give a damn if you told them you were depressed, you should find some new friends.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

You seem to know that you require treatment for depression. It does not only affect you, it affects those around you. It is not uncommon for friends to pull away but not forever. You start making some effort to learn to cope with your depression and things will turn around. You’;; function better and they will be much more able to relate to you.

Don’t put this off! Take control of the situation by doing what id best for you. See a psychologist. You may be able to handle this without medications. Sometimes you need those too. You’ll have to wait and see.

See my profile for some useful information. Also see

ebbflowexplode's avatar

@stemnyjones it’s not also just a matter of them accepting what I have to say, it’s that I don’t want to tell them why I’m feeling sad

YARNLADY's avatar

I do not want to go to a medicenter If you know the solution but don’t want to use it, I don’t see how we can help.

jeanmay's avatar

You won’t feel good about your relationships until you feel good about yourself. I would urge you to seek professional help, but if you really feel that is not an option for you I can think of a few other things that might help.

Talk to someone, not necessarily a friend, but someone trustworthy who is willing to listen. A teacher perhaps, or a colleague, or a family member.

Write a letter to help deal with your feelings. If you don’t want to express your feelings in person, think of someone you admire and trust. Write an imaginary letter from them, to you, outlining what words of advice you think they would offer to you if they knew your situation and feelings. When it’s done, read the letter out loud to yourself. I find this exercise really helps me at times when I’m down but cannot communicate my feelings with others.

To help feel better about yourself, at the end of every day think of three things you did that you were proud of. This works to improve your outlook in two ways: first of all by helping you see the positive in little things you do. For example one of the things on your list might be, “I spent half the day at home in my pyjamas, but I’m proud I didn’t beat myself up over it”. The second way it works is, once you start implementing the list everyday, you find yourself wanting to do better and better things every day so you can add them to your list. This in turn makes you feel more and more productive and positive.

Are those the kind of things you’re looking for?

Coloma's avatar

Mind and thought control is everything.

Try hypnotherapy to rewire your brain in a more positive way.

Your depression and negative thoughts are not just ruining your relationships they are effecting your entire immune system and physical health as well.

You are destroying your T cells, killer cells , lymphocytes.

Depression and other pessimistic states are killers.

InspecterJones's avatar

I think you might be going through a bit of a murky phase in your life and focusing on the wrong thing. For now, forget about your friend and the relationships you have with them and figure out why you’re feeling the way you are. Once you figure out what’s making you unhappy about yourself or your life you can take steps to change/improve. I’ve found that you can’t form and maintain true relationships untill you’re completelly sure of who you are in your current state in life. We’re always changing, theres nothing wrong with that, every once in a while you gotta take a break and catch up on whats going on with you. Realizing something is wrong is the first step and it seems you’ve gotten there.

Kind of like how when you might be playing a video game and theres one part thats just not working out and driving you crazy where nothing will work, at which point you check to see if there might be an update/patch, which there is and it fixed everything and now you can get back to play, sorry that was pretty retarded and long. I’ve been playing games all day.

Theby's avatar

You are depressed and need help. Depression causes one to feel isolated and affects one’s concentration. Sounds like you have already found this out. How is your sleep? Too much or too little? What about your memory and your “get up and go?” Are they both minimized? I have had severe major depression in the past. If you ignore the problem things will only worsen. You say you can’t talk to your friends about your problem. To me, you should be able to confide in your friends about anything. They don’t sound like true friends to me. What about your family? Anyone you can talk to there? Con’d…

Theby's avatar

The only way I found a way out of my depression was by medication. I know not everyone will agree with me on this. Believe me, I tried everything before I resorted to medication. It took a long time to get the correction medication the dosage, trial and error mostly. Without the medication I still take to this day I hate to think what would have happened to me. Ask you GP for a referral to a professional. Don’t be like me and rely solely on your GP. My GP gave me the worst advice and I ended up going through a terrible withdrawal which lasted for a couple of months. I was so confused during the withdrawal that I couldn’t even dial a phone number let alone string together a normal conversation. My thoughts are with you. If you need to talk privately to me please feel free to do so. Good luck!

jazmina88's avatar

get out and fake it….call your friends…be social. do things you like. maybe you will start feeling better.

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