If the middle disapeared which end would you want to be on, the rich or the poor?
If in say a decade the country divided along economic lines, there would be only the haves and the have nots. The middle class would dry up. Which end would you want to be on, the side of the rich or the poor? And would you care to be on the side of the rich if to get there and stay there you had to be ruthless and have questionable ethics at times?
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11 Answers
i would be on the rich and i have never been ruthless. I would give most of my riches away to the poor.
If wealth meant betraying my beliefs, then I wouldn’t want it. If I’m going to act dubiously then I’d rather it be for the greater good. ie. as one of the poor, revolting against this system that churns out only very rich or very poor.
I’ve always been poor. I would like to be rich, but it would depend on the circumstances. I’m not capable of being ruthless even if I wanted to be, so I don;t think I would have any choice anyway, in your scenario.
Poor. Rather than ruthlessly pursuing a spot on the rich side, I would live the life dictated by my values.
Everyone would prefer to be on the rich side. We all say we couldn’t be ruthless, because we’re all middle class or higher whittling away our day on Fluther, but if you were starving and fighting for your life, I am certain you would feel and think differently.
I’d rather be on the poor side, as at least it can’t crumble any more than it will have by then, and I sure as hell don’t want to be on the top of a rich person’s ivory tower when it falls. Hopefully it doesn’t fall on the poor, as it’s most likely to.
Guess I’ll just hit some dark forest, use tree bark as asswipe for a while and eventually reformat humanity by being an incubator for some cannibals.
I think I could be ruthless and cutthroat if the throats I was cutting were those of people who were also cutting throats. I hope that made sense.
If I was rich, I would try my damndest to make things right in our world by living comfortably, but not extravagantly, and using a good deal of my wealth to educate my children in the ways of equality. To add the ruthlessness, I believe I would start and army of educated, motivated, non-complacent young people, both rich and poor, who would take my ideas to the masses and enforce them.
Then they would elect me queen.
@lilikoi “We all say we couldn’t be ruthless, because we’re all middle class or higher whittling away our day on Fluther, but if you were starving and fighting for your life, I am certain you would feel and think differently.” I think I will have to be with you there. I am sure most would want to be on the side of the rich if the middle class went by way of the dinasaurs and Koshagoogoo. If it came down to being somewhat ruthless and having me kids go hungry 3 or more days or have to shove cardboard in their shoes to keep the dirt and wind out I think I might be able to be a little ruthless.
I suppose it does make a difference when you have other people depending on you. Given that I’m the only one dependent on me, there’s only so much I can justify. I would sleep my way to the top, I would make tough decisions about who to fire to save money, if that’s what it meant to eat every day.
But I wouldn’t pull an Al Capone and have everyone who stood in my way killed. If I were applying for a job, I wouldn’t blackmail my competitors to get them to pull out. Money is only worth so much.
@iphigeneia Ruthless is not necessarily violent, just not acting nice and civil at all times. Having everyone that got in the way whacked would be excessive but then again, I guess it comes to how close you want to live to the grit everyday.
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