Who's up for a game? I was thinking of trying a Fluther variant on the old Animal, Vegetable or Mineral.
Asked by
janbb (
May 15th, 2010
Here’s how it works:
1. The poster – I’ll start – thinks of something in one of the above categories and announces the category.
2. People post questions that can be answered with a yes or no answer.
3. Poster responds to each one so wait your turn.
4. Whoever guesses the answer correctly, goes next.
5. Item can also be in the category “Famous Person” in which case that is announced.
6. Poster can give hints if no-one is getting close.
7. Similar to the game Twenty Questions but we won’t count questions or guesses.
8. This is Social, but try to keep Meta or chit-chat to a minimum.
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388 Answers
The category is: Famous Person
Golly. Oh, why not.
Is it an American person?
@shit Yes or no answers can only be given.
@janbb Sorry, my apologies. Is it David Cameron?
I’m just going to try every continent one by one. >:D
It is a European person?
It’s David Cameron, it’s David Ccameron. She never answered that one!!!!
Was he in Monty Python’s Flying Circus?
No, no and no. Ask more questions before guessing.
Is he somewhere in the entertainment business?
Do these pants make my ass look fat?
One at a time is better. Yes, to he’s English, not to all the other guesses.
Oh, dead guy, eh? Did he ever make a silent movie?
Was he alive in any of our lifetimes? For example, in dpworkin’s extraordinarily long lifetime?
Did he ever appear in cinema at all?
You are now aware that in this thread there are three dogs interrogating one penguin.
@susanc Hard to believe e but not even that!
A lying, cheating penguin.
@susanc Yes! Yes! Your turn and good luck with it!
That guy didn’t even write his own plays. And I’m getting back at you @susanc.
O god. I have to go though. I’m proud and happy to be the dog who defeated the penguin, liar and cheater though she is. You guys go. Good luck with it!!!!
Oh hey, dopwerookfy, don’t even try it. I’ll beat you to the punchnext time too.
I’ll do it.
I’m thinking of a vegetable.
Does it have Alzheimer’s?
It most certainly does not.
(that’s what I was thinking)
Is it generally eaten by human beings in Western culture?
Ahh! James Arness! The carrot!
Bit obvious, huh?
Your turn.
Give us a hard one, doggyworkin.
Does it have other componet parts?
Is there one on your avatar?
@janbb That question cannot be answered yes or no.
@Fyrius It is much, much more subtle than that.
Is there one on @janbb‘s avatar?
(Jan, I should have said, that answer has not yet been answered satisfactorily.)
Well he is fond of this animal.
Does it live on dry land?
Hardy-har-har. If you don’t pay attention to the clues, you will never guess the answer.
Is it a single-celled animal?
@Fyrius that question cannot be answered yes or no.
Is it still extant in the world today?
@CW that question cannot be answered yes or no.
Jan, yes, if “extant” is loosely defined.
Does it exist in the real world?
@Fyrius There is currently a debate on that issue.
@dpworkin Does it exist now not in its prior form?
Is it metaphysical in nature?
@janbb that question cannot be answered yes or no.
@janbb that question can’t even be parsed.
@Fyrius that question cannot be answered yes or no.
BRB I have to get something out of the microwave.
Are there extensive discussions on Fluther about its existence, where I keep saying there’s no reason to even consider the possibility and @mattbrowne insists the question is outside the scope of science?
@Fyrius You are getting warmer, but no.
Yes, very, very big, or extraordinarily trivial.
It it an act rather than an entity?
Is it a being featured mostly in ancient mythology?
Are its origins on the planet Earth?
Are you thinking of “the beast with two backs”?
@janbb no, and your previous question, that question cannot be answered yes or no.
For this exercise we will restrict the answer to this planet in the absence of empirical, although not inferential evidence to the contrary.
Has it been claimed to be sited in outdoor areas?
Sited? that question cannot be answered yes or no.
Is there only one of it in the world?
dpworkin is having a technical problem and will be right back.
@dpworkin is still having problems with his computer. The answer was “an idea.”
Want to do one, @Fyrius or should we wait for more people/ Are you still around @CyanoticWasp?
Ok i’ll give it a whirl, famous person.
Let’s just see if @Fyrius has one first since it’s his go.
Nah, that’s okay.
I didn’t guess it, either. I just repeated what you said.
Does he now or did he ever eat carrots?
Does he play for Manchester United?
Did he pitch a perfect game for the Oakland Athletics?
Has he walked on the Moon?
Is he living in Antarctica?
Is he married to Angelina Jolie?
Ahh my dear sweet beloved Angie…ahem sorry distracted for a mo, err no he’s not.
@TogoldorMandar Yes,you changed your question.In the interests of fairness I therefore must amend my answer to no.He has one son.
is he often in the spotlight?
you should give a hint now
Well seeing as you asked nicely,erm he’s from California.
Sorry but the answer has to be in the negative.
Ok, the answer is no not Arnie
Is he a humanitarian as well as a movie star?
@janbb No he’s not. Anyone ready for a fairly loud hint or you still good to go?
I got to go to RL soon so I’ll take a hint.
Okey dokey, he turned down the lead roles for Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jaws & Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Now that’s a very big hint right there.
i meant George Lucas srry
You mean Indy in Raiders? That’ll be a no then.
Ah of course,still no i’m afraid.
No. I could of course end this with the biggest hint of all.
yes end it or you could pass me the magic word and ill take the honer what ya say?
Although American, he has a connection with the French. Oh my god, the quarterback is toast!!! It’s a gimme I tell ya…...& the winner is?
G..e ..ck..n is his name.I give up too, i’m offline soon.
Waiting for positive confirmation before proceeding
Thank fuck for that.Congradulashuns!!
Okay, I am thinking of an animal. Also a famous person.
Are they an animal & a famous person at the same time?
Well, you know what I mean!
Are they Asian?
No, though he has been mildly active in political stances, as the famous are want to do.
Also, I should say I believe he currently lives in the US, though I am unsure, but he definitly has in the past.
Has he been involved in a scandal of any kind in the recent past?
Yes, but in such a small story, it’s not worth considering. I am sure you are unaware of it.
You’re supposed to only give yes or no answers.
Is he in the film industry?
@janbb yes but with this group we could do this all night
@ucme He has worked in the film industry, but is not famous because of it
@ucme he has written 2 books, but he is not famous because of it
@ucme he has written other things, I should note.
@ucme no
btw, don’t trust anyone with three names
@filmfann Well I thought it fit, haha.
Is he considered good looking? :P
He is 69. You need a hint?
That number is following me everywhere! Is he overweight?
@Draconess25 Once again, a personal call. I would say no. Others might say he could skip a few meals.
We have established
He is an Animal
He is a famous man
He his British, but lives in California
He is not grossly overweight, or staggeringly attractive.
He has written 2 books, but is not famous for that. He has written other things.
He has worked in the film industry, but is not famous for that.
He is 69 years old
He has had very mild political involvement, and isn’t known for it
He was involved in a minor scandal, but you probably don’t remember it. It wasn’t big news.
The hint is: He sang about War, and he is an Animal.
No, and I have no idea who that is
can you tell I don’t know my actors very well? haha, i’m having fun playing though :)
well, at least someone is…
It’s funny. I was sure the hint was a giveaway. I am guessing you guys are just fucking with me by not answering this correctly.
see i don’t even know who that is, haha
@ucme Your turn! What category?
Eric Burdon was the lead singer with War and with Eric Burdon and the Animals.
He acted in the film The Doors, and wrote two books on his music career.
He currently lives near Palm Springs, California.
He has spoken out against war, and was involved in a minor scandal when his ex-wife burned down his house.
Err i’ll have to be quick as it’s after midnight here in England town. Sporting event is my category.
@filmfann Thanx, now I know :)
@ucme Is it a basketball event? wow that’s late
No,not sure if i’m allowed this category but if everyone is happy to continue then what the hell.
No, let’s cheat a little here.Think faster than swimming, much faster.
@ucme if you need to go to bed we can pick it up when your awake, no problemo, no need to stay awake for a fluther game, lol
I got it. It’s the INde 500
More specific & still way faster than that.Good god i’m not going to bed, the night is yet young.I do however need to go offline for the night, more interesting games to play ;¬}
Yay well done, quick & simple.
Yep good guess,you must have read my mind.Ah well fun while it lasted, outta here.
@ucme Have fun playing your other games ;P
Make it easy, ‘cause I want a turn!
uh sorry my computer overheated
Not round
Okay I don’t know what shape that is. If it means oval like in longer than round then the answer is No.
Is it long like a carrot?
Nope it’s harder than that to guess
Is it in the family Brassicaceae?
Kale? Brussel Sprouts? Turnips? Radish? Mustard?
horseradish is kind of funny . . .
well, I know rapeseed isn’t funny . . .
A vegetable in the Brassicaceae family that is funny . . . wasabi?
So far we know it’s:
Green and in the Brassicaceae Family
It’s Funny and Not Easy to Guess
It’s not round and not oval and not ovaloid
Hairy bittercress? now that’s funny
@Kayak8 Very funny but that’s not it.
if you guys get frustrated and need a hint let me know
woad is me . . . will we ever get this?
It is possible b/c one of the things we know makes it very easy (to look up)
Hint is if you wikipedia brassicacae family you can get some help ;)
I noticed it when I looked up what the heck that was, lol
huh? not that whatever that is
I can give another hint if you need it.
collard greens
Woad is Isatis tinctoria
What’s funny about vegetation?
Is it every child’s favorite veggie, brussels sprouts?
Okay I have to get ready to go somewhere so I have to give a hint if we don’t get it. Sorry.
Hint: It’s a hybrid. That is why it’s funny.
You win :)
I’ve seen the stuff in real life, it is funny stuff, trust me :)
I have to say that I think kohlrabi is pretty funny!
No way, I didn’t say I cooked it, haha.
Okay have fun!!! Sorry I have to go :)
@Draconess25 You said you had one if you want to go ahead, I am late in coming to the game . . . I get the general rules but not the particulars . . .
335 responses and not one GQ? Just sayin’
Is it bigger than a chicken?
In that case, I’d want to say “Lizard”, instead of delving further and naming a more specific animal.
Wait, there’s legless lizards?
The Glass Lizard is legless. Though, it’s smaller than a chicken.
Okay, a non-mammal, non-bird animal, bigger than a chicken, and comes with and without feet.
Is this animal currently extinct?
A reptile, larger than a chicken, that may or may not be extinct, and may or may not have feet.
“Zeffie”? The Lake Zephyr monster that some drunken hillbillies near me swear they’ve seen?
Let’s not deny the obvious:
Dang, I really thought I had it.
Some don’t have feet (flippers); larger than a chicken; some species are extinct; reptile.
A normal dragon? The kind that flies around breathing fire and all that.
If I may suggest, this game might be better in a chat room or a different string, since it has gotten so long, and takes time to load.
Dragon, but not all fly or breathe fire. Knuckers don’t.
@Seek_Kolinahr @FutureMemory If you’re willing to break the rules/not interested in coming up with something, I want a go. I have one that you guys will never ever guess. But I don’t think you’ll give up that position, though it never hurts to ask.
Famous (In A Sense) Person
((Thanks for carrying on without me. I had to put the youngling to bed))
Fluther won’t let me say no. But I need to say no.
Haha, lol. When I was answering I had to make longer answers too.
Is he infamous?
Yes. And I’m sorry that you’re the only one playing. That was a disappointment for me, too.
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