Since you have not yet chosen the dog, this can also factor in.
Hopefully you’re going to adopt a dog and many shelters have a testing procedure for gauging a dogs attitude towards cats.
Some have even been raised with cats so it’s no big deal to them. You can specify this to the shelter or rescue group folks who can guide your selection to the least problematic dogs.
What Syz mentioned is VERY important. You can install a baby gate to the “cat’s room” since she can easily hop over it while the dog can’t.
The other important thing would be to keep them totally separated ( with a firmly closed door between them) whenever you are at work or elsewhere. I would do this for several months at least. Better safe than sorry.
As long as you don’t try to rush or force the process, they should be able to work things out.
Just be sure to give your established cat a little extra praise and attention so she doesn’t feel as if she’s been replaced by this interloper.
If she associates his presence with treats and extra attention for her, it will help the process.
After all, she was there first (that’s how she sees it :) and the new doggie will be happy to get whatever attention you give him. Just don’t go so overboard with the new pet that the old one feels displaced.
If you get a dog who is not aggressive or a breed with a very strong prey drive, things should work out ok in time.
One of the best groups for testing compatibility with cats is those who rescue former racing greyhounds. These dogs make lovely pets because the aggression has been bred out of them by necessity ( can’t have dogs trying to fight instead of race) and as long as they don’t see your cat similar to the rabbit lure they chase, it’s cool.
But folks who rescue these dogs want the adoption to work so they screen them carefully for cat compatibility.
I’m sure you can find a group in your area. Everyone I’ve ever spoken to who has adopted one has been delighted with them. They make great couch potatoes and are wonderful with kids.