Do you have any family members with whom you do not talk to at all?
What would it take to get you talking again?
I always thought it strange that we can be kind to perfect strangers, patient with people we barely know, yet reach a point where we completely cut out family… blood…
Well, I’m guilty of it, too.
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38 Answers
I have never known my younger brother very well, and when I began to get to know him I found I disliked him. I have nothing to do with him, and I am quite content.
Pretty much all of them except for my parents and my grandmother.
I don’t speak with anyone on my mom’s side of the family. I’ve only met my uncle once and I’ve only spoken to and seen one of my great aunts several times my entire life. That was a while ago. I don’t care for my dad’s sister or his nieces. They’re garbage and I’m happier not being in contact with them. I have some friends who I’m closer with and consider to be more family than them.
I rarely talk to my younger brother and it makes me sad. I don’t know where his head is at lately but I love him always.
You can choose your friends, family your stuck with! :-/ sad huh!!
I don’t base family on blood. I base it on trust & respect. As for my brother, I don’t consider him family. I only deal with him on holidays for my mom. Nothing could make me stop hating him. I would revel in his demise.
I’m sorry for you. Hatred is always damaging to self more than other. It’s like cancer.
I didn’t have much contact with one family member after a confrontation for a few years but we have resumed a workable, if not intimate, relationship. But don’t get me started about Cousin Gladys…...
No, but my mother and her older sister had a fight in the 70s and never spoke again. When my mother was in the last stages of her life, I tried, as did several of my sibs, to get them to speak. Her older sister was the only surviving family member of her generation. Each of them said “I won’t call her —- she can call me.” Well, that never happened. One of my mother’s last requests to her children was “love one another.”
oh yes…my mother’s sister! She sued mother after a car wreck (mother was driving and her sister was a passenger). Mom’s sister was not hurt and told mom, she was suing the insurance company for $$$! Really upset mother. And the crazy thing here, mom’s sister has plenty of money.
@SeventhSense He deserves every once of hatred I can muster. He’s extremely abusive, & has tried to kill me multiple times. Now, he’s weak compared to me. If I wanted to finish him (not that I don’t), I easily could. But my mom still loves him. In a way, I thank him. He forced me to become stronger than I ever imagined possible for me. He served his purpose, at least.
Hatred as resentment is like peeing on your own leg to get back at your enemies.
@SeventhSense I’ll eat some asparagus! I can take a shower, but they’ll be stuck with the smell in their minds forever! XD
Yes.My stepmother.I have no regrets about it.Life is too short to waste on people like her)
I literally only talk to my immediate family anymore. There are too many huge differences for me to bother talking with my extended family.
Almost all of my relatives on both sides live in the New England area. So just by living in SoCal, contact is a bit limited with the family. I’m in regular contact with my parents, sister, and brother (+wife +baby).
Personally I haven’t talked to any of my cousins, aunts, or uncles in years (Last time I recall was when I actually visited family back East in the summer of ‘06).
As far as contact between my immediate family and extended family is concerned:
My father is one of 4, and his older brother cut himself out of the family about 14 years ago, in a rage.
My mother is one of 8, and one of her brothers moved to the Northwest US and slowly dropped most contact with the family.
Otherwise, my parents seem to have weekly chats with their siblings.
Oh, & I don’t know my biological father or his son. I don’t want to, either.
I talk to everyone in my immediate family regularly and have no issues with them. There are some cousins I never talk to, but it’s only because I never really got to know them that well in the first place. The interesting thing is that I’m closer to my cousin who lives in Russia than I am to the ones who live closer to home.
There’s a couple of immediate family members I don’t talk to. It is what it is. While I don’t want them in my life, I wish them the best.
My younger brother has always been distant from the rest of the family.
My sister has 2 sons who do not speak with her, so I don’t speak with them. It’s a shame. My sister has 3 grandchildren she has rarely met. Without going into it, her sons are clearly in the wrong in this.
So I’m in “good company” but I agree with @SeventhSense on both posts.
For some things like resentment life is way too short. Live and let live. Everyone has their karma.
The only sibling I am not talking to right now is my older sister. She has become someone I don’t recognize anymore and the hurt she pours out on the children she adopted is appalling. Her biological son can do no wrong, although he just finished off a juvenile stint for something he did to the oldest adopted child, he is still an angel.
So much of me wants to call her and find out how those kids are but I can’t handle the vitriol that comes out of her mouth. I’ve called child welfare on her 3 times and they get involved and then close their files. That process is extremely frustrating.
I could out faith that she has turned a leaf and is treating them with love, dignity and respect.
I have three other sisters and a brother. I’m in contact with all of them. Well, my baby sister lives with me due to her head injury, so I’m in contact with her every 5 minutes.
grrr, that should have been “I hold out faith” not “could”.
Wonderin’ about that. Thanks for the clarification.
I didn’t talk to my grandma much because my mom didn’t have a good relationship with her (my mom has a step mom whom I’m closer to).
So when she died a couple weeks ago, I felt bad not for her death, but for the fact that I couldn’t mourn the loss of a family member who you’d think I would be close to.
That’s about it, though. There are some family members I see more than others, but we’ll talk when we see on another, kinda.
I have one relative that I was not talking to because of things that had happened when I was little. I decided to forgive what had happened and attempt a relationship with that person. It lasted about a year, then they said some really nasty things about me behind my back. When I confronted them about it, their response was to delete me from Facebook and no longer talk to me. It would take a major apology for me to forgive this person a second time. It was really hard to forgive them the first time.
Yep. All of them, except for my little sister.
I endured a lifetime of abuse, and the one time I fought back (by calling the police on my mother for assaulting me over literally nothing – I was 21 and married at the time) she, her family, my stepfather, his entire extended family, and the members of our church turned it around that I had done something wrong. How dare I call the police on my mother. After that event, my brother came to stay with me for a while. Turned out he was spying on myself and my husband and reporting back to the family. One day, he stole a bunch of valuable collectibles from our house, broke a window, and “ran away” (he was paying rent. He could have just left).
I haven’t spoken to any of them since, and I have no desire to. I still keep in contact with my sister online, and just the pictures of my parents I see are enough to let me know the poison is still in their veins.
What would it take to get us talking again? I don’t think there is anything. My pain is over now, and I’m finally starting to recover from the damage they did. It would be irresponsible of me to expose my family to them again.
I have no relatives that I am deliberately not speaking to. We are separated by distance and do not communicate very often, but only because of apathy, not intentionally.
Yes my sister-in-law. Too long a story to explain why.
I haven’t spoken to my oldest brother in 12 years and don’t expect I ever will again. I don’t like him. Blood isn’t a tie that binds, respect, decency, trust, civility, those bind you to another and without them blood is just blood.
There are two people with whom I want nothing to do and that is a conscious choice. I have other family members that are very dysfunctional that I don’t have contact with anymore (which is fine with me), but if we ran into one another at a family gathering, I would be polite.
I haven’t spoken to my bio-dad in like 12 years, despite certain family trying to pressure/guilt me into doing so. I cut him out of my life when I was a teenager, old enough to recognize the abusive, immature, manipulative behavior, the lying, alcoholism, and that he would likely drink himself to death. The two things that precipitated this decision were that he stopped speaking to me for over a year after I made the wise decision to move back with my mom (very bad living conditions at my dad’s) and after I cried myself to sleep at night during a cancer scare that turned out to be a cyst caused by his drinking, I basically said never again.
The other one is my mom’s cousin, what a See You Next Tuesday. She invited (insisted) my mom and sister to live with her for their year here and then a few months later, evicted them via email while we were out of town on vacation, with no warning or explanation other than “I just really want my house back.” She packed up all of their belongings and moved them out of her house. My 10-year-old sister was really hurt and confused because she thought they were buds. We tried to get some closure for my sister, at least, but my ice queen cousin was heartless and refused to see her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.. I’ve moved on,” is what she said.
One of the uncles of my wife. He doesn’t like educated people.
I have a large family. 3 sisters, 4 brothers, and the ones that live near each other get together for all holidays and birthdays…etc. But, then I whom lives out of state hears all the gossip of how this one did that or said that. I use to go home more, but my life has taken a turn in finances and I cannot aford it. Not one has called me to say, hope you are okay, praying for you, love you miss you. But, they have given me grief for not coming home for my sister’s 70th and wedding…etc. I am not sure how to handle them, so I stay away, ...some I do not like and that is okay…as long as I don’t degrade them to others and just deal with it on a superfical level. I mean what can one do?
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