Social Question

Draconess25's avatar

Are you a perfectionist?

Asked by Draconess25 (4464points) May 16th, 2010

When you notice a mistake in a post, do you leave it, point out said mistake in a new post & laugh about it….?

Or are you like me: You try to fix it before anyone notices?

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11 Answers

bob_'s avatar

Yes. Yes, I am.

AmWiser's avatar

Being a new-b I don’t dare overstep by boundries. But if I notice a mistake and its not mine, I would leave it even though it would bother me.

marinelife's avatar

I am a recovering perfectionist.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Yes. I dope-slap myself regularly for such things.

gailcalled's avatar

I swear daily that I will no longer react to the “Him and me went to this concert,” or curiously, “This is between you and I,” or the bizarre overuse of misspelled “definitely.” I do really well until about 10:45. Then it’s a struggle. Sometimes the dark side wins.

@marinelife; Would you, perhaps, be my sponsor and person to contact when temptation rears its (or is it it’s) ugly head?

tranquilsea's avatar

I’m a perfectionist in many things. I just corrected myself in another post.

I wish I could let more go because, too often, it just doesn’t matter that much and the stress isn’t worth it.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m an imperfectionist.

marinelife's avatar

@gailcalled Sure, and it’s its.

gailcalled's avatar

@marinelife: Is it? Check PMs.

marinelife's avatar

@gailcalled I was pointing out that I am recovering, but not there yet.

mattbrowne's avatar

For things that really matter I’m a 98% perfectionist. Otherwise I stick to the 80/20 rule, which means that 20% of my effort already accomplishes 80% of the result. A good example for the latter is answering this very Fluther question. I did not spend more than 60 seconds which included thinking, writing and a very quick spell and grammar check.

I hope my answer is good enough.

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