General Question

Nick's avatar

how to play the beatles "let it be" on a piano?

Asked by Nick (2points) March 14th, 2008 from iPhone

how to play the beatles let it be on a piano

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8 Answers

brownlemur's avatar

Just do a search for it on this thing called google.

Les's avatar

While Fluther is amazing, I don’t believe it is currently amazing enough to be able to teach you piano. I think lessons are still your best bet.

cwilbur's avatar

Step 1. Take piano lessons. (Warning: this may take several years to be fully effective.)

Step 2. Buy sheet music for “Let it Be.”

Step 3. Apply what you learned in Step 1 to what you purchased in Step 2.

boffin's avatar

Take what @cwilbur said…
Step 4. Drag your stereo over to your piano (if you need a piano rent one).
Step 5. Set up said stereo and or compatible Record/Tape/CD/ player on said owned/ rented piano.
Step 6. Insert Tape/CD/Record of “Let It Be” and hit the play button…
Step 7. Enjoy the soulful sounds of Let It Be on your (own or rented piano).

jazmina88's avatar

it’s more about the vocals

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