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How can you determine who the best Survivor of all times?
The 20th year of Survivor is in the books, but who really is the best Survivor of them all? Is it really Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow or Russell Hantz? Sandra has a perfect record, twice in and twice a winner. But she is probably the weakest player to ever play the game. She sucked at challenges even worse than many of the old people. Never won individual immunity; but she manages to win. Is it skill in making the right moves at the right time or was she just lucky heavier hitters spent more time trying to take each other out leaving her to fly under the radar like when Sugar got to the finals? Or is it Russell? He is a fiend when it comes to finding idols. Twice in and twice a finalist, this time he even left with cash; though he didn’t need it. Then there is Parvati who has second all time individual immunity and one win; certainly beating Russell. She worked harder to win and played more days than Sandra, but still don’t have a perfect record. Maybe they were all lucky in a way that they got immunity at the right time or others diverted attention at the wrong time. Who is the best all time and can you go off just how many “W” you have under the belt?
And what does Survivor say about life over all? That them most slimy, manipulative, devious people win it all in the end, that playing it ethical and nice gets you the poor end of the stick? Sure seemed that way. The Villains played ruthless and cut throat and was the last standing at the end.
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