It’s obvious that you still have strong feelings for your boyfriend, but it’s not clear what those feelings are.
It’s so difficult to be objective about your own romantic relationship. You and your boyfriend are a couple. Short of a breakup and the passage of time, it’s a real challenge to “step outside” of a relationship and base your decisions on facts and reality rather than personal hopes, emotions, bias, and history.
Despite all of that, maybe you could try to consider the following:
Do you still love his man yet no longer like him? Your lives have been interwined for many years, and love is something that’s deep-rooted and struggles to endure. You wrote about how he isn’t achieving in college, which you don’t respect or condone. Is it possible that you have residual feelings of love for him, but that the two of you have simply changed and become incompatible?
Alternatively, do you love and like him, but as a best friend or brother rather than a romantic partner? You’ve already stated that you don’t desire him; you find him unattractive, you don’t want to be physically intimate with him, and you’re tempted to cheat on him. But, do you continue to enjoy his company and have fun spending time with him? Sometimes, people really are better suited to be friends rather than lovers.
Draw a vertical line down the middle of a blank piece of paper. On one side, write everything that’s good about your relationship and the reasons why you’d want to fight for it. Try to avoid looking back at all the good things you’ve shared in the past, which will only distract you. It’s better to focus on today and the future. On the other side of the paper, write the reasons why you might want to break up and move on. Is one list much longer than the other? Does one side have more compelling and convincing reasons? (Then, destroy the piece of paper. Tear it into a hundred little pieces. That sort of thing can be very damaging if anyone else reads it.)
Flip a coin—heads, we stay together; tails, we break up. No, I’m not suggesting that you base a major life choice on a coin toss!!! But, flipping a coin can often get to the bottom of how you really feel. If the result makes you relieved or disappointed, you’ve found some guidance.