General Question

Nullo's avatar

What kind of effects ought one to look for after consuming baking soda dissolved in water?

Asked by Nullo (22033points) May 19th, 2010

We’re talking something like a tablespoon’s worth over the course of 3–5 days.

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4 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

Loose stools would be the main one. Stomach upset is a close second.

john65pennington's avatar

The loudest BURPS heard around the world.

jaytkay's avatar

I do this all the time for indigestion, mixing ½ cup water with ½ teaspoon baking soda. It’s on the Arm & Hammer box. The only effect I notice is relief and maybe a satisfying burp.

For the price of a roll of Tums, I get a one or two-year supply of antacid.

gailcalled's avatar

Small dose engenders the burp. Larger dose creates the belch. Largest generates the magnificent greps.

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