Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Why do some people seemingly not care about their health at all?

Asked by Blackberry (34285points) May 19th, 2010

When this sandwich came out, I was thinking and assumed many others would be thinking: “Ok this has gone to far, I would not eat this”, “It’s about time many of us start eating healthier and watching our weight..” etc. But this freaking sandwich is more popular than expected, so of course KFC is going to keep selling it. It has over 1,000 calories!!!

How can people not care at all about what they eat? How can one not appreciate the delicious fruits and vegetables and natural foods that we already have?

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23 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I wonder the same thing.It’s all about moderation. I am not above having some chocolate but do try to keep all that in check simply because I feel better when I eat healthier.

Blackberry's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Me too, when I was in my teens, I would eat pizza three times a week, but now that I started caring about what I eat, I am more athletic, I hav eless stress from exercising efficiently etc. These people must feel like total crap.

Coloma's avatar

I wouldn’t touch that disgusting bucket of arterial plaque if someone paid me to eat it. lol

But…I’ll never give up my weekly rocky road with extra walnuts! haha

It’s all about balance, and the healthier you eat the more junk loses it’s draw.

Right now the local strawberries are in and they are whats really to ‘die’ for!

Fresh strawberries with lite coolwhip or strawberry yogurt…ooooh, my heart be still. ( But not from KFC’s abomination! lol )

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Alot of people are too lazy to budget their dietary intake. I’d eat one of those maybe once in a great while. The salt is insane, so I’d have to watch that for a few days after, but if you stay in the guidelines and what works for you you’re ok.

deni's avatar

because a lot of people dont realize how negatively eating so poorly can affect you. not only does it affect you physically but eating shit constantly doesn’t make you feel the best in any other way either. also i think its a matter of time….people dont want to spend time cooking. it’s easier to buy some huge monster of a sandwich like this because it takes about 5 minutes rather than spending money and making a whole meal. bummer.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Blackberry -I know I don’t like to miss a workout.I never thought I’d be saying that but I have been doing that steadily for 16 years (except for a setback or two)and it is more than a habit for me.
As for junk food junkies,maybe they are used to feeling a certain way?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Most of them can’t hardly move, and they complain all the time about how bad they feel. Great way to feel.

Silhouette's avatar

Many people don’t realize the habits of youth can become set in stone fairly easily. They think they have time to get on track. Before they know it they are in their 30s and their beer bellys are much harder to get rid of. Suddenly they can’t eat all the cake they want and keep their girlish figures.

GrumpyGram's avatar

They may ‘care’ about their bodies but many people do not feel like vegetables and fruits will fill them up . When they’re hungry they want something substantial for a meal. When I’m starved I don’t want a salad and soup either.

Coloma's avatar

Okay, I confess..( bought some yesterday for later ) I AM a Jalapeno and artichoke dip junkie…with a fresh baguette, not the worst thing ever, but damn..that dip warmed up with french bread is sooo freakin’ good!

reverie's avatar

I think people do care about what they eat, which is exactly why some people with weight problems are drawn to unhealthier foods like the example you give, because they prefer the taste of those sorts of foods over healthier choices. I think what people don’t immediately care about is the consequences of their food choices. I think that if people didn’t care about what they ate, then unhealthier foods wouldn’t really have such a draw. For many people that seem to be “hooked” on junk food, the idea of healthy things like fruit and vegetables is not something they enjoy or are accustomed to. If those people are just thinking about what satisfies them in the short term, then I can see why they would choose to eat unhealthy things that they like the taste of.

I think the answer to this question lies in the choice between immediate versus delayed gratification. Someone might find an unhealthy food item instantly gratifying, immediately providing them with pleasurable sensations and satisfaction. The immediacy of the pleasures of junk food, for some, may override the delayed gratification you get from eating well, and thus experiencing better physical and mental health in the long term. If people don’t think about the future, in the often very brief decisions they make in what food items to choose, then it’s understandable how people are drawn to items that might give them immediate pleasure, even if another item would give them a greater benefit in the long term.

Coloma's avatar


Well said, and I agree…always gotta watch the judgement monkey, we all have our wekanesses!

reverie's avatar

@Coloma Mm yes, that’s true! I think it can be easy to make quick, impulsive choices about food that may not always be the healthiest choices, and I guess it’s easy to make too many choices like this sometimes, which isn’t good!

Your artichoke and jalapeno dip sounds YUM. ;)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’ve seen the weirdest food behavior ever since I went into public schools where kids were allowed to bring “junk” foods, buy snack foods or eat out. Those who bring lunches are looked down on for being poor or neglected over kids who eat from the cafeteria or eat out. I saw a lot of the same behavior in adults too once I started going to work. Those of us who ate fruits as snacks or ate lightly were queried if we were “okay”, like we were on hard times if we didn’t pig out on the same foods or in the sme quantitites. It’s stupid but I see it all the time. Peer pressure and the want of comaraderie just keeps going with age and waistlines.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Neizvestnaya That is a bit odd b/c don’t the “poor” get free cafeteria lunch. I always thought the kids who brought their own food were the rich kids.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I don’t remember poor kids getting anything free but I do remember other kids making fun of those who brown bagged it or had foods that weren’t name branded. An example is bringing sliced cheese instead of the fake cheese slices wrapped in celophane, that kind of thing. At work, the guys who bring lunch from home are dogged by the others who order out but it’s not so much about money as trying to eat better and keep the big round belly down.

perspicacious's avatar

Just be concerned with what you eat. I can’t imagine even asking this question. What people eat is their personal business.

YARNLADY's avatar

I sometimes purchase foods that I will separate into several meals. A 1,000 calorie meal would actually be at least two 500 calorie meals for me, if not three 300+ meals.

Blackberry's avatar

@perspicacious O.o? Really? If someone you cared for went away and came back into your life and had 100 more pounds on them and diabetes you wouldn’t be concerned at all?

I’m not challenging you, I understand your answer and agree somewhat

perspicacious's avatar

@Blackberry You may be able to see the difference in your most recent post and your question. I’m not sure.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Very different from where/how I grew up. Interesting.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I went to a private school where the only way was the brown bag way and rules in place against junk snack foods or drinks. One of the reasons for this was nutrition and the other was definitely because our school had kids who couldn’t afford bagged chips, cookies, juice drinks, etc. At school then we were all kind of equalled out and food was just food. Once I hit public schools with their cafeterias, concession stands and kids bringing in outside snacks then it was so different, no one wanted to brown bag. Kids made fun of my “gerbil food” and I discovered I could survive an entire day on ice cream sandwiches and Tahaitian Treat soda. blech

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Very interesting. I went to public school as well. Where I go to school there is obviously the possibility of brown bagging, you can also go off campus and buy food, you can buy food from the cafeteria, or you can get a free lunch. All the low-income kids get the free lunch. It is usually like chicken nuggets and tater tots, crap. They aren’t supposed to be in a separate line than the kids who buy their lunch but often are. I always was jealous of those who could bring a tasty lunch from home or go buy lunch. Lucky kids. I was forced to eat free crap (and sometimes, even though against the law, they ran out of the free lunches). This is true for every grade level from K-12.

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