Are there times, usually when you're alone in a quiet house, when you hear the familiar voice of someone you know saying something?
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Val123 (
May 19th, 2010
Just now. House is empty, quiet. I’m typing and I “heard” my grown son say “Mom?”
I said, “Chris?” No answer, so I knew it was one of those times.
There have been times when he was little, pretty much same situation, quiet house, no one home, kids visiting elsewhere, when I heard his little voice say “Mom?”
And my daughters, both their little voices and now their grown voices. And my Mom. And my Dad. Both passed. And everyone who ever meant anything to me. It’s like…you hear them say something and it gets your attention…..but they’re not there.
Does this ever happen to you?
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7 Answers
Not as you describe, but I can recall and “hear” the voices of deceased loved-ones much more clearly under those circumstances.
It does happen to me. But then I hear voices anyway.
The brain/mind is an interesting device! There is evidence that your brain “coerces” meaning from sounds (lots of experiments with blips and creaks made to sound like words), tricks of light (consider the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich), etc, that mobilize brain centers used in processing sound or visual data and then transforming them into something meaningful. This was first discovered upon the advent of so-called “Gestalt Psychology”. In any case, bits of information, patterns, speech sounds that you already know or have stored in your brain (a familiar voice) are activated and connected with a creaking in the house, a dripping of a faucet, another kind of stimuli or maybe nothing at all. There is also a phenomenon called synaesthesia, in which the brain “sees” sounds, or “hears” color, but I suspect that your situation is more one of your wonderful brain doing its job of making sense of the world for you.
@monovuelo That was great! Where did you come from, you Big 8?? :) Welcome to Fluther!
It happens every once in a while to me. I hear my mom telling my dad off, for something stupid. I always look around the room to see everything the same, and my mom not there. It makes me cry. :(
From the time I was about 7 until I was in my late teens then I’d often hear my mother’s voice calling my name and it was unnerving but it did stop, don’t think that’s happened ever again since my 20’s.
This happens to me when I’m on the verge of sleep, not quite asleep but not awake either. I might hear the voices of people I know, have known, sometimes it’s the voice of someone that was in a movie or a video game I may have watched/played that day.
Usually they never say anything I can understand, but sometimes I can pick stuff out, and it’s pretty irrelevant and random. Sometimes they talk to me, between one another, or at seemingly nothing at all. Sometimes they’re whole convos, sometimes just words, they can whisper or scream.
Seems normal to me and I like hearing these because it means and I’ll be sleeping soon. Until the voices show up I just toss and turn all night.
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