Social Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

Why do we shiver when listening to music?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) May 20th, 2010

I can understand shivering because of the cold or a chill, but why do we shiver during a piece of music?

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8 Answers

iwillwearyouasahat's avatar

I was just wondering this the other day, It also happens during other things too though (a touching scene in a movie, listening to a passionate speech, etc)
I don’t have any answers though. I’ll just sit back and await some good answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Because it touches your soul and that’s all you’ll get out of me ;)

john65pennington's avatar

Emotions with the music. it all plays on our emotions.

The connection may be with a song that has a memory. everytime i hear Theme From A Summer Place, i think of the days when my wife and i were first dating. this was our song. ever heard of the phrase “sending a shiver down your spine”? this is what this song does for us. emotions tied to good and bad memories=the chilling effect.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Music has the ability to reach into our soul and touch us in ways nothing else does. Look across all the different cultures, societies, etc and what is the one common thing they all have? Music. Go back in history and it’s music that is always there. We all got rhythm. I have no idea why, but it’s something in all of us. If you ever find the answer to this question let me know.

ucme's avatar

Ice ice baby…..yeah I see what you mean, kind of.

CMaz's avatar

When I “shiver” to music or fire. I am there, I become part of it, letting the intensity of it take over.

mattbrowne's avatar

Neurotransmitters. Endorphines.

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