You guest host a chat/talk show for one time only, who are your guests & what questions would you ask them?
Asked by
ucme (
May 20th, 2010
Someone famous or someone that you know? Hypothetical rambling I know but nevertheless interesting to hear your thoughts/options.Have fun with it if you can. Your selections may be genuine or made up for s&g, whatever the floor is yours.
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10 Answers
Jesus, Muhammad, Richard Dawkins.
One question.
“Which one of you three has it right?”
Ayami Kojima, who’s a total kick ass artist. I already read totally everything about her and saw interviews and all, but I’d still invite her to talk about it all some more.
Her, or Michael Myers. He’d just be a boring bastard though, but if he started offing peeps that would be kinda cool.
Aw, three of my favorite people all in the same spot. * smiles *
I would interview you, @ucme and I’d ask you to tell me some of your favorite jokes. Then, I’d want to know how you come up with some of the most interesting and creative questions on Fluther. I’d also ask what it’s like to live in England. Oh, and I’d want to know when I can come over to watch scary movies and play video games.
I’d ask @FutureMemory how he got to be so sweet and caring of other people. Seriously. He blows me away sometimes.
I’d ask @Symbeline to give me a list of her top 10 favorite horror movies and explain why. Then I’d give her a pet zombie and ask what she’s gunna name it. Then I’d ask for her phone number, address and cross streets to stalk her with keep on file.
Last, but not least, I’d ask @lucillelucillelucille to give me her favorite meatloaf recipe. Then, I’d give her a pet bear and ask what she’s gunna name it. Then, I’d ask her what she was doing that one night when it was just her and that spatula. I’ve been wondering that for a while now. 0.o
@Vunessuh Is your show for ages 18 and over by any chance? :D
@Vunessuh-I’d name my bear PMS and the spatula is for flipping the meatcake right?
I’d have the leprechaun from the box o’ Lucky Charms on and ask him why he doesn’t wear underpants.
I’d have Lincoln, Jefferson, Dr. King and Ida Wells on, and I’d ask questions about their deepest values. It’d be like Firing Line, except I’d be a the witty, erudite liberal counterpoint to the late William F. Buckley.
the Dalai Lama was interviewed by Ann Curry today. I love the way he sits cross legged. I do that.
But i have a thing for Jerry Garcia.
@Vunessuh The pleasure would be all mine.On your final point, any time you feel up for it gorgeous.
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