General Question

axfi's avatar

Is it possible to tone up without losing weight?

Asked by axfi (16points) May 21st, 2010

I’m 5“8, 117 lbs, started working with a personal trainer because I want to tone up, but I’m paranoid I will get too skinny. I am strength training twice/week and doing HIIT for 25 minutes twice/week, yoga once a week. I am eating the same as always.

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7 Answers

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

At your weight and height you probably don’t have much fat to burn, so you’ll probably just gain muscle mass (which will actually add pounds to your total weight). Even if you did lose some fat, the muscle mass would hopefully make up for it and make you look perfectly healthy.

Edit: This is also a question you should be asking your personal trainer, you know.

BoBo1946's avatar

Sure, get on a good lifting program. then work hard at it and don’t give into not being dedicated…your self-esteem will go off the charts!

BTW, welcome to Fluther!

Bobby42's avatar

Yeah but you would have to have virtually no fat on your body for you not to lose atleast a little. Chances are you will lose maybe a little weight in the begining and then start putting muscle on. It depends on how active you have been in the past, if this is your first time working out ever you will lose some weight. Your BMI is 20.1 so you are at a healthy weight now, you would have to lose 10 lbs to be at an unhealthy weight so keep that in mind. You seem to be quite thin now so don’t cut calories just add more protein, and keep the fat content down. For some one like you, you probably don’t have to do as much cardio as you would strength training to put on muscle, which lucky for you, you avoid pain. :) But do a little of course for heart health. Have fun!

Bobby42's avatar

Shit I read your height wrong, your underweight, don’t cut calories, infact add quite a bit more protein, and good fats.

Facade's avatar

If you don’t want to lose weight, eat more good food of course to offset the calories you’ll be losing.

axfi's avatar

Yeah, lol, technically I’m underweight but I do have a small frame. I’ve always been skinny but never truly fit. I just want to be strong and healthy and tighten up some areas that are flabby. I’m going to have to load up on protein and increase my calories a little, I think you are right. Maybe I should cut down on the cardio a little….

palbertq's avatar

“Toning up” is a vague goal. Your goal should be muscular hypertrophy, adding muscular mass and inevitably strength. If your goal is health, keep the HIIT.. just up the calories.

Again, these are all questions you should be asking your personal trainer.

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