What's a game you excel at or at least whoop ass in?
Asked by
ucme (
May 21st, 2010
Any game whatever springs to mind really from cards to chess, monopoly to hide & seek there must be one conventional or random “game” that you regularly do well in or at.Maybe when you were a child or now even.
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46 Answers
Trivial Pursuit.
I am a fountain of useless knowledge about where who did what when.
Zoo Keeper. And I don’t even like it.
Darts. But I have to have exactly two pints of Bass IPA under my belt.
Crazy Eights. And if we’re going to talk video games, Ms. PacMan.
Just a note: I think excel would come after whooping ass. But that’s just me. To answer the question: I can’t say that I really excel at any one game… I’m just an overall well-rounded individual with enough skills in every area to get by and enjoy the games I play. Kind of boring, I know.
Jumbo stuffed animal every time.
Battlefield 2.
Super Mariokart (SNES)
Mariokart 64 (N64)
Mariokart Double Dash (Gamecube)
Mariokart Wii (Wii: with nunchuk controller)
Streetfighter 2 Champion Edition (well, I did excel at it when I was 15)
You might think I like Mariokart. I do. My record is 13 hours of straight victories in Super Mariokart Battle Mode.
Oh, and languages, namely French, Latin and Japanese.
@silverfly Oooooohhh, well aren’t we the precise one then. Harumph.
Golf, checkers and thumb wrestling.
Golf,target practice,and making boys cry after they get beat at golf and target practice…and shopping.I’m pretty good at that.
Arm wrestling, & Kingdom Hearts.
Spoons, Twister, Clue, Sharades.
i am fucking awesome at badminton. i’m trying to find a league to play in.
@mrentropy Zookeeper kicks ass. :D
Do video games count? I pick Castlevania Symphony of the Night Not that being good at this is all that hard and Silent Hill. (1 and 2)
@Symbeline If it’s a game then it’s in as far as i’m concerned.
@cprevite You obviously haven’t seen her thumb wrestle…BIG TIME sore loser!
@lucillelucillelucille up for popping a few shells?? I brought the extra large Frisbees we can put on a post at 10 yards for you and my checker launcher for me.
@Cruiser -I brought some garbage can lids for you to duct tape to the end of that pea shooter ..hit that!...meannwhile I will fire at an M&M tossed into the air in Bolivia.
@lucillelucillelucille I see you list golf as your specialty and when you are finally ready to play on real grass without spinning windmills and cotton candy in your hand meet me at the country club. KYA!
@Cruiser- Just to make it fair,I will use a hotdogs as clubs…you can use the rocket launcher you require to reach the green ;)
@Cruiser=What taking you so long to respond…get lost in the rough again??lol
@lucillelucillelucille No I have been laughing so hard it has been nearly impossible to type! Use your hot dogs and I will make it fair and use licorice twists for my clubs and spot you 100 strokes and still KYA!
Last time there was an alcoholparty at my house, I did pretty well at King’s Cup. Though, I was the only sober one in the house so I guess I had an unfair advantage. On the other they chose to be drunk, so it’s not really “unfair”.
Otherwise, pretty much any RTS.
@Cruiser-I’ll use your licorice twists to tie my hands behind my back,hold the club with my left foot and still KYA! LOL! Here’s a cannon,Sugarplum.Think you can get to the green with that?
Seems to me @lucillelucillelucille is looking for her ball in that pesky tree while @Cruiser aims pot shots at the assembled spectators for laughing at his puny attempts with a sand wedge. I’m going to say you’d probably struggle to hit a cow’s arse with a banjo.I may of course be wide of the mark though.
@ucme-I’m in the tree taking a nap after solving world hunger…had to do something while Cruiser looks for his ball…
@lucillelucillelucille You will need a nap after your struggle on the course. I will tee off in Chicago and you can tee off on the fringe of the green in MI and I will still KYA!
@Cruiser-I think you should tee off 2 feet from the cup to make it fair…I even hired a gopher to dig a trench directly to the hole to “help you out” alittle more…Now, gopher it! lol
LOL Well, he’ll have that going for him. Which is nice.
Trivial Pursuit, Name that Tune and pun wars
I have yet to find someone my age who I haven’t met via the internet that is any good at racing sims.
Pretty much any type of word games.
Cryptic crosswords in Harper’s and The Atlantic Monthly; now, sadly, a dying breed.
Emily Cox and Henry Rathven, the gurus, have finally retired. Richard Maltby is still trucking on in Harper’s.
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