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john65pennington's avatar

Are you familiar with the proposed new Radio Tax?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 22nd, 2010

Under pressure, Congress is considering passing a new law that would force commerical radio stations to pay for each song they air over their station. its like placing a quarter in a jukebox, in order to play a song. if this law passes, many radio stations will not be able to pay this “Radio Tax” and go bankrupct. since most of todays music is owned by foreign companies, this appears to be a power play, in order for greed to line their pockets. Question: what is your opinion, concerning the “Radio Tax’? if there is no more free radio listening, then what form of entertainment will take its place?

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5 Answers

Seek's avatar

Radio already pays for the music it plays. I think this law is bullshit and unconstitutional. On top of that, the two radio stations I listen to are listener-supported – they rely solely on charitable contributions to function. You can bet dollars to donuts they would be off the air if this passed. That, in my opinion, is suppressing free speech.

john65pennington's avatar

Seek. good answer. i agree that this tax would be a dagger in the heart for most radio stations. bottomline, like i said, is either greed or the foreign music owners want to take over Americas radio stations. this is not a law, yet. people can call their Congresman and ask them NOT to vote for the radio tax. since calling and demonstrations made no difference in the healthcare package, i doubt this will have any effect, either. i just feel sorry for the many radio stations that will go under, if this law is passed.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Very bad bill. It would put the two listener-supported stations I listen to in NH and VT off the air; they are barely scraping by as it is. Classical music would not be on the free airwaves outside major urban areas. Nothing but preachers, shock-jocks and top 40 from coast to coast. I wonder what’s really behind this, an attempt to force discriminating listeners onto satellite radio? Does this bill apply to non-commercial stations as well?

RedPowerLady's avatar

Seems a bit ridiculous to me. Not only will it put radio, which is a public service, out of business but the ones who stay in business will likely limit the amount of songs they play due to financial constraints. I see no legitimate reason they should have to do this and agree that this is fueled by simple greed.

Qingu's avatar

I wasn’t familiar with it, and aside from a smattering of obscure sources that pop up on Google, I’m not finding much legitimate info on it.

@john65pennington, do you have a source?

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