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Jeruba's avatar

Will it be cold in the ice arena?

Asked by Jeruba (56231points) May 22nd, 2010

I know this must sound like a dumb question. How can it not be cold when you’re sitting in the same room with an immense ice cube? But I haven’t attended an ice skating event since I was a little girl, and now I’m going to see the Olympic skaters. I don’t know if it will be cold enough in the stands to warrant a coat because the room is cold, or if when you’re away from the ice itself and in a crowd you can just dress normally for indoors.

So do I dress as if for a cool indoor space, a warm indoor space, or a cold outdoor space?

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9 Answers

Jelly's avatar

I haven’t been to a ice rink before but I would intend to dress in layers (Shirts ,Sweaters, Coats, ect.), if it gets cold keep your layers on but if it tends to get quite warm shed some layers off.

laureth's avatar

I used to go watch the Red Wings at Joe Louis Arena a lot. Yeah, it’s cold. Wear a sweater. :) And have fun.

If it were winter, I’d say “wear a jacket,” but it’s not as cold as that. However, I “run hot,” so YMMV.

cfrydj's avatar

Being from Canada, I spend a lot of time in arenas. It’s slightly colder than room temperature, but not cold enough that you need a coat. It’s probably about 15 Celsius. I just checked, and that’s around 60 Fahrenheit.

judochop's avatar

If you have seats near the ice it will be cold. About 45 degrees. If you are higher up then you should be fine with sleeves.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

It can get pretty cold if you’re just sitting down the whole time, but if you’re walking to get a snack or something it will feel surprisingly un-cold. Definitely wear/bring a jacket, warm shoes, a hat, and some mittens. (Once you get there, you may decide you don’t need all that, but each person is different). To me, it doesn’t feel as cold as you would think though, considering there is an enormous block of ice in the room with you (as you said).

perspicacious's avatar

Dress normally but take a sweater with you just in case.

andreaxjean's avatar

I figure skated for 4 years and when you first walk in, it’s pretty chilly. However, you should be fine with a long-sleeved teeshirt and a sweatshirt. A heavy winter coat isn’t necessary. When I was on the rink, I’d end up stripping to just a short sleeved teeshirt, though. But still, if you’re just sitting in the bleachers, sweatshirt!

Make sure you bring tissues! I remember when I did my spins, snot would always fly out of my nose. Haha! My nose would run even if I was sitting, too.

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Jeruba's avatar

Thanks, all! Good advice. I wore a lightweight sweater with a knit scarf and took along a warm, thick corduroy overshirt, which I wound up putting on about halfway through. That worked out just fine. Hat and mittens would have been way more than I needed. I wasn’t right next to the ice, though.

It was a great show, but Evan wasn’t there, even though he was in the program. He was the headliner I really wanted to see. What a treat to see stars from several Olympics and so many performance elements that would never appear in a competitive environment.

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