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Jeruba's avatar

Are Manter Hall English workbooks still available?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) May 22nd, 2010

My high school English teacher, Mr. H., was an amazing man who taught me grammar as I know it and drove home the fundamentals of composition. He swore by the Century Handbook of English (now Hodges’ Harbrace College Handbook) and the workbooks from Manter Hall School, then an adjunct to Harvard, and now, alas, extinct, as I just learned from a Google search.

Does anyone know if those workbooks are available from another source, perhaps a publisher who took them up and renamed them?

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bongo's avatar

I have found this site on a search this one has a timeline and says Robert G. Hall establishes Educators Publishing Service (EPS). EPS begins printing materials used by the Manter Hall School’s summer program. The first titles released were A Vocabulary Builder Series and English Review Series. linking to this
which is a place where you can buy all of the books from A Vocabulary builder series. not sure if they are the right ones but they look like the ones you are talking about.

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