Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

Did you do anything the night of your high school graduation that your parents would not be proud of?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) May 23rd, 2010

I ask this because my son graduated today. He’s at home hanging out with his family instead of going to a party. When I graduated I didn’t come home until the next day. I spent a night partying and mudding along the Illinois River. My parents were not very happy with me when I strolled in around noon the day after graduation.

where did we go wrong~ ;)

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25 Answers

perspicacious's avatar

No. I went to a party with a group of girls but still had to be home by curfew which was 11PM.

janbb's avatar

Damn – it was good! (Or was that prom night? I can’t remember.)

Vunessuh's avatar

I teepeed a whole bunch of administrator/teacher homes.
Then, I think I smoked some weed. I can’t really remember.

chyna's avatar

Yeah, prom night and graduation are kind of a blur to me. I can’t remember if I did something my parents would not be proud of. Not to mention the beach trip the day after graduation.

Silhouette's avatar

Yes, after graduation I went home and cooked my husband dinner. I think we played quarters with a couple of friends that night. I know we dropped acid.

jeanmay's avatar

My parents took me to the pub! There was a pub not a stone’s throw from the school, where all the students and many parents and teachers convened. We can legally drink at 18 in the UK, don’t forget. After a meal and some drinks my parents left us to it, and we all went dancing in the local club. My memory of the occasion is really quite blurry.

shego's avatar

I went to several parties with my friends. But I didn’t do anything that my parents would be mad at me for. Though my bestfriend and I did go and have some drinks at her house.

Seaofclouds's avatar

We had a big family party after my graduation. It was also a going away party for me because I was heading to basic training a week afterwards. I missed all of the graduation parties.

Sarcasm's avatar

Well, perhaps my parents would’ve frowned upon it. But it certainly wasn’t anything frowned upon in the eyes of the law.
Being a 24-person graduating class in a 150-student school, it was easy for us to get the principal to let us have a lock-in.
Our school was very tech-centric and as such, most of us students were nerds. So most of us spent the night in our English classroom having a very exciting LAN.

Draconess25's avatar

1.) I woke up at noon.
2.) I skipped the graduation ceremony.
3.) Ellie (shitfaced on cheap wine) drove Rachel & I to my cousins’ house in the middle of nowhere.
4.) I helped Rachel steal some fireworks.
5.) We (including my cousins Ben & Andy) proceded to blow up a car.
6.) We got drunk.
7.) We passed out in a field.
8.) I woke up with my hands in Rachel & Ellie’s pants.
9.) We got lost on the way home.
10.) Rachel (a horrible driver) had to take over.
11.) We got home at 3pm the day after graduation.
12.) I drank my mom’s beer.
13.) I punched my brother in the eye.

DominicX's avatar

The night of graduation, I went to grad night, as did most of the students. There wasn’t any alcohol or drugs. It was a lot of fun, though. One doesn’t always need alcohol and drugs to have fun. :)

I saved all that for the party I had with my friends on the next day. :)

filmfann's avatar

After graduation, we had a small family party, then I went back to the high school and began running laps. I was not the jock type, and I didn’t enjoy running, but I was freaked out about life ahead of me, and had too much nervous energy, so I ran. I must have run for an hour.
Went home, and just tried to shake off the worry. I don’t remember doing anything else.

Chongalicious's avatar

Well, mine comes next month!! (June 10th), let’s hope I don’t get too stupid :P

…and Prom is this Friday!! :D

jonsblond's avatar

@Chongalicious Have fun! And don’t do anything I wouldn’t…..oh nevermind. Have a good time. :)

Chongalicious's avatar

@jonsblond Thanks!!! I can’t wait!!! Best time of my life! AND my 18th birthday is 4 days after I graduate :)

bob_'s avatar

I’m sorry, I don’t kiss and tell.


chyna's avatar

@bob_ I’m sure a sandwich was involved.

Silhouette's avatar

@bob_ you killz me. lol

MissA's avatar

Boring me. I went to dinner with, then spent the evening with…my family. My daughter did the same thing.

aprilsimnel's avatar

No. I wish. Went to (boring) school-sanctioned party at National Guard field house and was picked up promptly at 1am. Why I went, I don’t know. All my friends at that school had graduated the year before and all the cool kids in my class were already leaving by 11:30pm to go to the lakefront and do whatever it was they did, which I’m sure involved alcohol, drugs and being nakey. I was home by 1:15, was up by 8am and went to work by 9.

Whee. :/

Seek's avatar

Graduation day… hmm…

I only went to the ceremony because one of my teachers begged me to. My parents didn’t even take pictures, and they showed up late. Then, I picked up my diploma in the common room after the ceremony. Then I went home, and “went to bed”, which means I probably went into my writing corner, lit a candle, and disappeared into a fantasy world that was much more fascinating than my life.

My parents thought my writing was a sign the devil was working in me, so I guess the answer to your question is “yes”.

YARNLADY's avatar

No, I was with my parents, and the rest of my family. We had a big family get together, as we used to do for all important functions. I was the first of my generation to graduate, so it was a really big deal. Most of my graduation gifts were related to entering college three months later.

I still had the luggage I received (in 1961), up until about 5 years ago.

augustlan's avatar

I never graduated, but if I had… I’m sure I would have done many things my mother wouldn’t have appreciated! ;-)

iphigeneia's avatar

My parents picked me up, took me home, and I went straight to bed. I don’t think our grade had any big parties.

Or I probably just wasn’t invited.

GrumpyGram's avatar

My answer is: I certainly hope so! LOL

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