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Draconess25's avatar

What should I do with my brother's old room?

Asked by Draconess25 (4464points) May 24th, 2010

My mom said I can have my brother’s old room, if he doesn’t move back in. And even if he does, he can kiss my ass!

What should I do with it?

Here’s the layout of the room. There’s a spiral staircase at the bottom, & the ceiling slopes downward from the middle. The room is about 30’ horizontally. And there’s no door. There’s also a window leading to a balcony in the alcove to the left.

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6 Answers

xxii's avatar

What are your hobbies? Do you enjoy video games? Classic films? Making music? Sculpting, painting, or making other forms of art? Yoga/pilates? A spare room could be used for any of those things. Maybe buy some shelves and fill it with books, throw pillows and comfy reading chairs (my personal choice). A spare pull-out bed or futon if you foresee any practical use for it.

I couldn’t really understand the floor plan – where does the spiral staircase lead to? How much natural light does the room get?

Draconess25's avatar

@xxii The staircase leads downstairs. The only sunlight it gets is form the 5’ window. I was thinking of making it a gameroom/library, & lighting it with Chinese lamps (& blacklights during movies & video games). But I don’t want my expensive game systems up there, in case he does come back.

Dog's avatar

An art studio for sure.

chels's avatar

@Dog Hells to the yeah.

shego's avatar

Have fun, why are you asking us? Use your imagination, that’s why we have it.
Do whatever you want.

bellusfemina's avatar

You should make it like a cool hangout/lounge for you and your friends. Get some beanbag chairs, some colored christmas lights, lava lamps, some really cool fabrics, beads etc. Buy a little small fridge so you can store your drinks/snacks. Maybe put up some posters of things/people who inspire you. I would also pick out a couple of colors you like to decorate, or maybe even go with a theme. I have a spare room in my house, and it’s all decked out in zebra print, gold and hot pink! I also have pics of Marilyn on the wall, since I ♥ her. lol. Just some ideas….

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