What do souls look like and where are they located in our bodies?
Just wondering. I mean, souls are located somewhere in our bodies. In our hearts? Or our minds? And what do they look like? Do our souls look like what we are on the outside? Freaky, huh?
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31 Answers
Good luck with this one here. :)
There have been many discussion about souls here recently. You might want to do a search for some of them.
They don’t look like anything, because they don’t have a physical existence. Likewise, they’re not located somewhere in your body, for the same reason. If I were to wax cozmik, I would say your soul is your spiritual existence, which is separate altogether from your physical one.
Here’s some brain candy for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoplatonism
No one knows either answer.
I don’t believe in soul. But I believe in a group of living cells working together to make and sustain a life. The ‘soul’ probably just another impression made by human to define the source of life.
Do you really think there is a soul? No one can even answer questions like this; this is like asking where heaven and hell are located. No one knows because it’s just made up to explain another unknown facet of life. Similar to what Doctor D said.
Our self-awareness is a product of electrical activity in the brain, thus having no physical attributes. I suppose this awareness lies in the brain, as that is where the electrical activity originates.
I would imagine souls looking like this. Kinda creepy haha. If you need to get rid of that, try this
Think of a soul like the internet.
When you visit a web site, does it reside within your computer? No, elements transfer (copy) to “you” for your viewing pleasure. Call that your sense of awareness to its existence, but it is part of a greater system. You, just a terminal allowing that information to get out.
They look like this, and are located in the cranium.
They are part of the foot, and it’s spelled sole.
I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three.
Unknown Source
They look exactly like little homunculi, and they are located in the pineal gland.
The soul is not a physical thing, so I’d say that it wouldn’t look like anything. Similarly, you can’t point to a spot on the body and say, “Here. My soul is here.”
Let’s sidestep religious issues and identify soul with consciousness. Consciousness does not reside in any particular place. It is what is referred to as an emergent property. To give an analogy, suppose you have a machine of some sort and you take it apart and sell off the components. Where did the machine go? It did not go anywhere. When it was disassembled it ceased to exist as a machine. The machine was an emergent property of all the pieces that went into it.
In this case, the machine-like properties came about because they were in the mind of a designer. It is possible in nature for emergent properties to come about through chance and natural selection. We can get into a whole other argument over which of these possibilities apply to human consciousness.
The soul bounces around inside your body and it looks like billions of fire flies.
It’s like asking “Where is the my web browser’s Back button located in my computer’s hard drive?”
The Back button doesn’t exist as an arrow-shaped structure in your hard drive. It’s a function of the web browser, which is simply a code, in the form of impulses of electrical energy. And those only exist when your machine is running.
In my dick, boy do they work hard.They do all the work & I have all the fun & take the credit.Life can be a bitch I suppose.Still, I win so what the hell.
they look like God because he created them.At men it’s located near ribs because God made the first women from a man’s rib(so soul gotta be near them) and at women it’s located near the uterus because baby need souls too.
I don’t believe these but I think this would be some of the best answers a religious official would give
It probably looks like those messed up pictures they showed me in school in the psychologist’s office. >_>
Very nice analogy, @ChazMaz. I was trying to come up with something similar. If I were inclined to believe in spiritual entities, I would suggest that the soul is something we partake of, as with a soul receiver—kind of like broadcast television or radio. I’d say: imagine that one big universal soul or Big Mind or Cosmic Consciousness is being received and actively entertained in each of us the way a radio receives a program. The program isn’t inside the radio, only the receiver. When you turn off the radio, the program doesn’t stop, but this receiving of it stops. It still goes on out there on the airwaves.
@Symbeline Those silly Rohrshach things? I’d tell them it looked like someone spilled ink on the paper. :^D
It is impossible for us to know absolutely. of course…but, I think our soul may simply be the energy behind our physical body. The body is a manifestation of that energy…and, exists after the body dies.
At the present, our soul is our ‘higher self”.
It’s not as much fun, but I think we may be a hunk of meat temporarily activated by electrochemical impulses until we die, and then we rot.
@dpworkin My rational side tells me that, probably, you’re right.
@dpworkin really? How can you believe that impulses is all it is? I mean, everything is just too complicated to be a result of random impulses. Our intelligence, our ability to love, our personality… it all has to trace back to a God, don’t you agree?
Why? It’s time for you to learn about the history of space-time, the history of the planet earth, and to do some serious factual reading on the theory of evolution. You don’t want to remain ignorant, do you? Read! Study! Free yourself from this dependency on soothing fairy-tales. There is nothing in the universe that requires the presence of a god, and the law of parsimony (Occam’s Razor) tells me that if something is not required it’s probably not there.
@xRIPxTHEREVx, evolution isn’t a random process, actually.
Also, which god are you talking about? Marduk? Zeus? Yahweh? Last I checked these were fictional characters; do you have a non-fictional god in mind?
@xRIPxTHEREVx The impulses that generate you are far from random. The adult brain has around 100 billion neurons, and unlike the dichotomous transistors of a computer, each neuron has a direct connection with multiple other neurons (20–30 if my memory serves me). That is a hell of a lot of processing power, and hence intelligence.
Our ability to love can be isolated to a particular part of the brain, which is also responsible for other emotions. Personalities are also neurological processes, shown by the myriads of stroke patients who have a marked change in personality when a stroke kills part of their brain.
Many people seem to think that a neurological source of consciousness, intelligence and emotion would remove the beauty from life. I contend that it brings the sense of wonder that we feel for the rest of the universe into the human realm, so that we feel an even greater respect for life.
I might add that religious experience seems to be a temporal lobe phenomenon which can be induced. It is no less awe inspiring that it doesn’t require a God for us to feel at one with the universe.
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