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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Would you please help me think of a name for my blog about being bipolar?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37809points) May 25th, 2010

I currently write a totally anonymous blog about being bipolar. It’s come to the attention of a medical web site who has invited me to write one for them, too.

The name should be short. It should be catchy. It should include such feelings as successfully living with bipolar disorder, triumph, winning, etc.

I’ve thought of “Bipolar Strategies,” “Bipolar Stargazing,” “Time Out for Bipolar,” and “Bipolar Ballad.”

Any ideas?

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30 Answers

marinelife's avatar

What about North and South?

MrItty's avatar

Two sides of the coin.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@marinelife : I’ve been told by the web site people it will get more hits if “bipolar” is in the title.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@rebbel : “To bi or not to bi”? lol.

eden2eve's avatar

Bipolar Express?

rebbel's avatar

I thought about that one, but i am pretty sure i saw some porn with that same title…

How about Bipolarischimo.

mrentropy's avatar

Bipolar, Bare

JLeslie's avatar

Congrats on being invited by the med website!

Bipolar Moment, Living Bipolar, Bipolar Today, Bipolar Blog, My Bipolar Blog, Bipolar Banter.

SamIAm's avatar

bipolar: the other side

jaytkay's avatar

I got nothin’ so here are a bunch of words to spark ideas.

arctic, antarctic

ragingloli's avatar

Depressive Happiness

aprilsimnel's avatar

In Through the Out Door
(Led Zep fans and Prince fans will mos def get it.)

judochop's avatar

Pin cushion.
7th Sense.
The Matador.
25th Hour.
Running Faucet.
Square Round.

janbb's avatar

Bipolar Rollarcoaster

anartist's avatar

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?
Day and Night?

missingbite's avatar

Bipolar patrol.

lloydbird's avatar

“Bipolar Strategies” sounds good to me.
Says it all, really. Run with it.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Thank you, ALL. There are many great suggestions. I’ll filter out the ones that are already in use and run the rest by the blog coordinator at the medical web site. I’ve also got some great suggestions by friends.

JLeslie's avatar

Let us know what you choose. If you are comfortable give us the link. :) Good luck.

filmfann's avatar

Both Sides Now.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Thanks again. I’ll post the link to this question when it’s up and running.

Silhouette's avatar

The Bipolar Bowler….Got a little tilt to you hat?

perplexism's avatar

I have no helpful suggestions, but I once came across a blog of a bipolar woman called Bipolar Meow. Thought it was kind of catchy.

jaytkay's avatar

@filmfann Both Sides Now

That comes with a beautiful theme song

twosides123's avatar

bipoler through the eyes of the beholder

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My first post is up. You can view it here

Again, thank you all for your great suggestions. Unfortunately, many of them were already in use.

I decided to use the title “Biploar P.O.V.” since it seems broad enough to give me some leeway in what I write about.

rebbel's avatar

Good choice!
I will read your post.

Silhouette's avatar

@hawaii_jake Good post. I look forward to reading your blog.

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