How many bones have you broken or fractured and was it your own fault?
Over my life I have been in some pretty hairy spills and such but have never broke a bone, the close I came was playing soccer in the rain on Astroturf, I went for a ball the same as another player and he got more of it sending me tumbling; I fractured a knuckle though I didn’t learn of it for some time after. When I was a kid and teen all the nasty bike spills, falling down hills hiking, jumping from roofs, trees and other high places it amazes me I never broke anything while others I knew broke stuff tripping on the stairs.
How many times have you broken something and what did you break? Was it a work accident, sports thing or something else you could not foresee or were you doing something kind of stupid like trying to launch your BMX bike over a parked VW or something where you knew there was the possibility it would not turn out well if you missed?
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24 Answers
I broke my right wrist roller skating when I was a kid (my fault I guess). I broke my right wrist again when I slipped in some spilled beer at a party (not my fault). That time I had to have it surgically repaired.
I had a 3,000 lb mixer tip over and fall on my foot….smashed a perfectly good foot bone and you could say it was my fault for riding on it as we moved it with the fork lift.
Got a pretty good spiral fracture and broken knuckle in my middle finger when a bolt I was giving it my all spun free in the vise. All at work and I have a desk job dammit!!
I broke my toe over a year ago. It’s the only bone I’ve ever broken.
I ran it into my dresser’s wooden leg and it broke in two places on the second knuckle.
I broke my arm and wrist (three separate places) when I fell on some clear ice in the street. So, even though I couldn’t see the ice, yes, I suppose it was my fault. I’ve since learned that the injury’s called a FOOSH: “fell on outstretched hand.” It’s instinctive to reach out and try to break a fall, and it’s usually the person’s dominant hand/wrist/arm that gets damaged.
I don’t know why I thought that said ‘boners’ when I glanced at it
I have only broken one bone, and it was partly my fault. The bone was actually cut in half and my finger was hanging by a piece of skin because it was smashed in the closing/locking mechanism of those huge gym doors at school.
One bone on one of my toes. I was jumping into a swimming poop and somehow managed to hit in on the bottom. When my head was under the water I heard it snap, so I didn’t even have to wait for it to turn black and blue before I knew it was broken. Weirdly, it didn’t hurt that much.
Edit: Swimming pool. That typo is so funny though, I have to leave it! :D
Right knee: Jumped at the same time as three of my cousins on a large trampoline…I got thrown into the air and fell onto the metal part of the trampoline. I apparently passed out from the pain momentarily, then awoke screaming like a banshee. (I was 15). My parents took me to a doctor a week later, and it was indeed shattered.
Left foot: While I was working as a nanny, the father was home taking a shower with all the kids, I ran upstairs to get the clothes prepared and was going back down the stairs when I missed a step and landed on the outside of my left foot. I held back tears and continued working. I debated going to the ER, then over a week later, I saw an Ortho and it was broken. I had to wear a boot on it for I think 8 weeks.
I’ve broken multiple fingers when I was younger, usually while playing sports such as basketball or field hockey.
@Primobabe Yes it is, I actually should have censored that. At the time it happened I was 9 or 10 and I remeber not being scared at all, I was just in shock I think though.
i have broken a toe a couple of times, because I don’t wear shoes, even when I go outside. In a car wreck, I cracked my arm near my shoulder, but it didn’t break.
@marinelife Unless you were being a reckless dare devil on those skates maybe not your fault. I must have fell dozens of time skating when I was a kid because I was not that balanced on skates; never broke anything in any of the falls though.
@Vunessuh See? I have stubbed my toes on many, many things, metal desks, metal file cabinets, head boards, foot boards, sofa ends, coffee tables etc never got more than a sprain.
@Primobabe My 1st time in snow (winter wise) I was visiting Tennessee the black ice, clear ice or what have you that was between the snow parches must have dumped me on my butt half a dozen times (until I wised up and realized just because there was no snow there don’t mean there was nothing there at all) but never broke anything even during the worse spill where I was really caught off
@Blackberry Holla’! Man I felt that ALL THE WAY out here in Cali, OUCH, OUCH, and more OUCH!! Just curious, did you lose the finger?
@DrasticDreamer Yes that did give me a good chuckle. Guess it gave new meaning of swimming neck deep in $hit Har har har
@Hypocrisy_Central Yeah I still have it, they put a temporary rod thing in the bone and sewed it back together and I just have a small scar there.
As an athlete and most importantly a gymnast, I have injured myself many many times, but I’ve never broken a bone. I have cracked my shins, but nothing further. I hit them attempting a move on the monkey bars when I was seven. My hand slipped.
My older sister squished my little finger between two rocks when I was 4. She crushed the bone and it was just barely attached. I broke my big toe when I was 8 or 9 by jumping off a shelf and landing on my toe. Didn’t tell anyone about it though. My sister broke my nose when I was 11 with a baseball bat. She was swinging the bat around her head and I kept telling her to put it down as she was going to hit someone. Next thing I knew I was on ground and no one was around (they had all freaked out and ran away). She also blew out the pupil in my eye (took months for it to go back to normal). Then I cracked 5 ribs while riding a dirt bike. I hit a tree root, the bike stopped but I didn’t. Didn’t tell anyone how hurt I was then either but crap did it hurt to breathe! I only found out that had actually broken those ribs after having an x-ray on my back four years ago.
I have broken the bone of my left big toe in collusion, or in a collision, rather, with a 9/10-hidden boulder.
This is what happens when you’re 19, go out drinking with your friends at Tietjen Beach at night and decided to play tag. One simply doesn’t notice the iceberg-like rock in the sand as one runs to keep from being tagged “IT” by that simply horrifically ugly boy who thinks you’re going to let him touch you after one more beer.
@tranquilsea I see you were takig some of my heavy lifting (broken bones wise) seems you needed Obama care or Aflac you needed mway more xrays. :-)
@Hypocrisy_Central I never went to any medical facility for any of those “accidents” with the exception of the crushed finger as it had to be sewn back on. Probably should have, but I seemed to heal just fine. Besides, I live in Canada and we have socialized medicine.
Many broken bones. Mostly in my toes and feet, because I don’t like to wear shoes. Hands too. Probably the most painful and slowest to heal was in the rotating surface in my wrist socket. That one required a cast from my hand to my shoulder. Doctor told me to expect arthritis in that place, but so far, so good on that.
I guess I’m a prime candidate for Osteoporosis, because this seems to be my most common injury.
I’ve broken many bones. I was in a car accident in my teens (wasn’t my fault) and broke my right leg and arm. Broken my fingers and toes from playing numerous sports.
Wincing at almost every answer.Not broken anything as of yet.Touch wood.
I fractured my wrist when I was about 10 years old after falling out of a tree! I used to climb trees a lot as a kid and this particular time I miss judged where a branch was, lost my footing and fell out! So yes, it was absolutely my own fault!!!
I am starting to feel like the Teflon man!
Fractured my leg as a child, I was too young to remember it.
As an adult, I fell on some steps and fractured a vertebra. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, it was pouring with rain and the steps were slippy.
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