Will you tell me something great that happened to you today, Part VI?
Asked by
janbb (
May 26th, 2010
This is a continuation of an ongoing thread whose fifth incarnation was here. It was taking too long to load. Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!
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429 Answers
The kids didn’t wake up until 8 am! This is a miracle, a miracle, I tell you.
I had an amazing dream last night, so that put my whole day in a little ray of sunlight.
I bought strawberry plants and am going to start a strawberry patch.
Today I received my brand new Sky hd box. I can now look forward to watching the forthcoming World Cup in glorious High Definition, yay. Come on England!!!
I had a surprise conversation at the local library. I feel better equipped to take the next steps with my children’s education.
I got up and walked to Starbucks. The novelty of living within walking distance will never wear off.
I woke up a little sore from starting a new workout routine. I feel hopeful that I will be “younger” in my 40’s than I was in my 30’s.
Well, last night my grandmother got let out of the hospital. Whoo! She’s doing much better now.
And so far today, I got to talk to two amazing friends over the phone.
I’ll be taking my dog to the park later on. :)
Funny you should ask. Does yesterday count? After we learned that my mother will have to spend 6 more weeks in rehab rather than 4, that my bro-in-law has to have gall bladder surgery on June 10 and that my sister’s sweet older dog is probably on her way to the big dog house in the sky, I was really disheartened.
Then, driving by one of our many pastures, I spotted a doe and next to her, a dappled fawn the size of a peanut. It couldn’t have been more than 8 hours old.
And at dusk, after I had brought Milo inside, much to his irritation, I saw a healthy male grey fox trot by within ten feet of the house.
My early peonies, bearded irises and red poppies are all, suddenly, open this morning. The hummingbird is visiting the columbines and the Baltimore oriole is singing high in the canopy of the maple tree at the post office.
A cozy rainy morning here, still thrilled at this late spring rain, nature taking care of my garden water needs for at least 3–4 more days. Hear it’ll spike up into the 80’s by mid-weekend, a growth spurt coming for sure!
My sunflowers and Cosmos are already about 6 inches tall!
Going to meet my daughter at 4 to see the new Shrek flick and then maybe go out to dinner! :-)
I shed a tear with a dear fellow Flutherer
One of my roommates made a german chocolate cake and I gladly devoured a piece of a few minutes ago.
It’s my birthday, and the nice people where I’m working today (it can change daily) bought me a cake! And one of the women gave me a coupon for a free salad at Quiznos!
We close on our house today! Pizza-party-on-the-floor to commence at 6pm eastern time, although my husband insists that we can provide a folding table and chairs. I think a few pillows on the floor is more authentically “we just closed on our house so come eat some pizza with us”.
We’ll finally live in a neighborhood where we can get pizza delivered!
Moving on Friday! :)
This morning I awoke to my cat rubbing his face to mine, purring madly. Not because he wanted food, but because he just wanted to cuddle with me. It made me smile… and then sneeze, because I’m allergic to him.
I got some sleep!! 6 hrs to be exact… which is like winning the lottery when you’ve been running on 3–4 hrs and/or pulling all nighters.
@janbb Asked a question about dogs, cats, etc. and received some very good comments.
also, great to wake up again! Any day above ground is a good day!
Nothing. This week has been pretty shitty so far.
Um, last night I got to leave work after 10 hours instead of staying 12 like some of the non-union guys did.
This morning I got my sunflower seedlings into the garden, where they will hopefully grow up big and cheerful. My son, who missed two days of school with a stomach bug, was able to go back to school today. I got to take a nap, and now I’m making up for skipping lunch by munching on PB crackers washed down with a cup of coffee!
I got a floor painted and it looks beautiful. (I’m not going to complain about how the walls now look grubby and will have to be painted too, because I love painting.)
@aprilsimnel holly cow, as the guy in the Staples’ commerical would say, “THAT IS A LOW PRICE!”
Is there anything better than mucking about in dirt and then taking a nice hot shower? I got my strawberry bed planted!
I watched my tiny 4 year old kick some major butt in gymnastics! And I just found out my 9 year old passed her TAKS test!!!
I got to have lunch with a friend here at Ft. Lewis and see her baby girl for the first time.
got some decent excercise hauling firewood around.. also walked good distances today
Went to the beach and it was gorgeous! And now I’m about to see a couple of friends from high school that I haven’t seen in about a year :)
Hah, some great sharings everyone…new houses and kids and seeing old friends and strawberry fields forever!...Coolness for everyone!
I just got home from the new Shrek movie with daughter and bf…great!
I love those films!
Can’t wait for the new Toy Story next month!
Having a couple of Blue Moons, I keep thinking it is Friday! What the…? lol
Heating up the hot tub, woke up with a pain in my ass, literally…what did I do? haha
Today was all about my youngest daughter, who is 12. I picked her up from school after an afternoon rehearsal for a musical she’s in, and gave a male friend of hers a ride home, too. He was a riot! So funny. Then I took her to pick up her new glasses (her first pair ever). She looks so cute in them! She picked them out herself last week, and really chose well. Dashed over to her house so she could change clothes, scarf down some food, and pick up her clarinet. I put her hair up in a ponytail (which she never wears) so it would be out of the way while she played. Then it was back to the car… bought her an Orange Fanta soda from Burger King, and we debated which BK commercials are the funniest, getting them confused with Dairy Queen commercials. She suggested that perhaps the King and the Queen should marry. :) Between the ponytail and the new glasses, she spent a good amount of time admiring her reflection in the car mirror as we drove right back to school for her spring band concert. Which I then got to enjoy. :)
Even though these end-of-school-year events often have me running around like a chicken with its head cut off, it was nice to focus on her. As the youngest (and least needy) of three kids, she probably doesn’t get as much alone time with me as she should.
Gorgeous sunny rain fresh morning.
Tromped up the hill through our adjoining pastures to collect my vacationing neighbors eggs.
One hen is on her nest and when I felt beneath her I felt a hatching chick!
I will check on them again this afternoon.
They have the coolest chicken house, the chicken Ritz Carlton!
Forgot to disarm the fence and while I was surrounded by begging donkeys I accidently got zapped and it passed from me to Lukes head that I had my hand on….we both jumped!
Thats one way to wake up at 7 a.m. lololol
Then escorted down the hill with little Luke the mini-donkey who is super people oriented as he was raised in the house and bottle fed during his early months…and his pals Jake and Liberty. The donkey mob had me so boxed in clamoring for bread and apples I could hardly get back through my gate. Then, everyone got their morning goodies.
Can’t forget to pick up more apples today….would hate to get caught empty handed when crossing the jackass gangs turf again tonight. lol
I finished another 3,000 words on my novel and I had another giant piece of german chocolate cake! “Simplicity is the nature of great souls.”
I’m in Quebec right now, about to watch my niece graduate from high school. Valedictorian yet. Her father is in jail again. I couldn’t let her “big moment” happen without a family member present. Now I just have to convince her that she needs to go to college.
I’m home alone for the weekend. I am happy about this because I needed some alone time.
@boots Hope your alone time is refreshing for you, and that it turns your run of bad days around. :)
My son and I just made S’mores Cookie Bars and they smell fantastic! I just might have to try one when they’re cool. If they’re half as good as the raw cookie dough was, they’re going to be incredible.
I sent an e-mail to my aunt this morning asking if she’d be willing to sign an Affidavit of Support (which we need for the marriage/visa paperwork) and she said she sees no problem in doing so. YAY!
Fully recovered from the plague (Strep). :)
Happy belated birthday, @tedibear!
@janbb I’ve been eating fresh strawberries from my garden for weeks – they really are like a tiny piece of heaven. Mine are still growing in the pot I bought them in last summer – I’m planning on planting them in the front garden this weekend!
I spent all day printing yesterday, helping the friend who’s teaching me letterpress with a big job. I hurt all over this morning (printing is hard work!), but in a really good, accomplished a lot of stuff sort of way.
Also, @augustlan recommended my letterpress business to someone here on fluther – that totally made my day!
Cat integration complete and a raging success.
2 weeks today and ‘Mia’ knows her name, runs to ‘her’ room at bedtime, has blended perfectly with Gad, and…just now…after breakfast on the garage landing with Gad, came back inside for the 1st time via the kitty door!
Damn..can I pick em’ or what! lol
Had my 3rd hypnotherapy appt. yesterday, the deepest trance yet, still floating along and slept like a baby….no desire to smoke, not even with my morning coffee which I will NEVER give up!
I love this therapist, he is 71, looks 50, told him he was the Jack La Lane of metaphysic guru’s! lololol
4 more sessions to go….and, he told me I was an inspiration for his new website in the works, how fortuitious that I somehow discovered him as a semi-retired therapist that doesn’t advertise. I can’t say enough about this man, truly in a league of his own!
I just had an amazing orgasm And now time to take a long walk with the boys to the playground…pray that we make it! It’s .7miles away, and with two little ones, I’m wary of actually getting there. lol.
Well..that certainly qualifies as something great. lol
@casheroo Good for you!! (I haven’t had one in over 6 months) :^(
My daughter just told me I am the best mom ever. I hope she still thinks this when she’s a teenager. ;)
Making pot brownies with my daughter and her room mate and bf tomorrow. lol
Wow…how things change…never imagined I’d ever be doing something like this with my child, but hey…she’s 22 and now we are peers. Of course I’ll lend the country house for this endeavor, apartment life is not conducive to this sort of baking adventure. lolol
The plan is baking the brownies and then hot tubbing in the woods while enjoying the fruits of our labors.
I love being on an equal basis with my girl these days, she’s a delight!
@Coloma Wish my mom would have made pot brownies with me
It’s a right of passage I think. ;-)
Harmless bonding and lots of laughs….I havn’t done this since about 1978 sooo, I will be the student. lol
@Coloma My great moment today was getting totally stoned in the comforts of my home. Always nice when the party is brought to you. =)
In during huge nerdgasm:
1) I went to a huge (150 people) party for watching/celebrating the MSL finals (Huge Starcraft competition in Korea). The party lasted from 10pm till about 4am. I got home and have yet to sleep.
2) I finally made it into Diamond league in Starcraft 2, which is the top ~20% of all players. 3 months ago I was in Bronze league (Which is the second-to-bottom ~20%)
I fully expect that fewer than 5 Jellies understand what I just said. I’m fine with that.
Today is the fourth day I have spent primarily with my friends at my ISP tech support center. Today I worked with my first women helper. She got her supervisor to listen in and they spent an hour with me. She solved the problem and I learned about Net Utility and Ping. Then we cancelled the ticket to have the phone repairman show up on Tues. That was the advice of the third male techie.
(You ask, I hope, where I have been since Wed. afternoon? Is that a modem in your pocket, or did you miss me?)
My kids and I walked to a local park this morning. We found a lot of bugs for my son’s collection and brought home a bucket of tadpoles to raise. We also found this amazing bird nest constructed like a basket, hanging from a tree branch with the opening in the top of the nest. It was low enough that we could gently pull the branch down to get a peek at the eggs inside. There were four or five white eggs with black swirls. When we got home, we looked it up and discovered it was a baltimore oriel nest.
Then, my husband and I set up our volleyball/badminton net and proceeded to make fools of ourselves. Actually, my husband is pretty decent at athletic-type things, but the kids and I are such dorks. If there was a contest for Worst Volleyball Players Ever, we’d win by a landslide. We had so much fun and laughed our butts off.
@MissAusten: If you pay attention, you and your kids will soon be able to identify the male Baltimore oriole’s loud and beautiful clear song.
And you are lucky. Usually they nest high in the canopy of a deciduous tree, such as a maple.
I got a new Star Wars action figure.
Yes, this is something great.
Why, oh why would I even think of filling a flower vase with beans and place it within reach of a three year old? Thank goodness, my vacuum was up to the task. It was sitting on a set of wire shelving, and the tinkling of the beans working their way through all three shelves was a sound to behold.
@gailcalled I had a dream last night that I was looking into the oriole’s nest again, but I let go of the branch and it whipped up so hard that all of the eggs flew out and broke! I felt so bad, and my kids were mad at me.
I learnt 6-point blocking yesterday! w00t! I wish there were a link to show you what it looks like.
I just arrived home with a nice evening out with some friends.
And on Friday, we were told we were having a 3 day weekend! That wasn’t specifically today, but it’s a great, great, great thing.
My 7-month-old niece Avia is visiting for the weekend and arrived today. She is a total joy—it’s amazing to see how much she’s grown since I last saw her a few weeks ago!
My beloved Gadwicke, passed away yesterday afternoon.
Poor old man, in the midst of the festivities of the day noticed he was breathing very hard, lying under a tree in the yard.
I immediately knew he was experiencing heart failure.
Thank god I have the best house call doctors ever.
Sure enough, his heart was failing, knew he has been declining the last few months but still hoped he might have another 6 mos. to a year.
The vet assured me that I was right on in calling and there was nothing that could be done.
Held him while he was sedated and then the final crossover moment. :-(
He had an awesome life and was very well loved, really couldn’t have been any more perfect, breakfast at 9 gone by 5, and was fortunate to not have experienced this during the night where he might have suffered undetected.
I will be burying him this morning.
Gadwicke July 1995 – May 2010
@Coloma So so sorry for your loss :( <3 I’m glad that you were able to spend his last moments with him.
@Coloma: A good death but still, heartbreaking for you. I’d like to go that way; breakfast at 9:00, gone by 5:00. Will you plant a flowering shrub or small tree over him? Or a rosemary (for remembrance) plant? It should be a perennial in your zone.
We mourn with you, and we celebrate his life with you and the geese.
@Coloma I’m so sorry for you, ((hugs)). He passed in a loving environment. I have two 18 year old Persians and I’m dreading the same; they’re inseparable, when one goes the other will soon follow. @gailcalled has an excellent idea, it’s what I plan to do for Angel and Simba when their times come. My heartfelt sympathy.
Making breakfast potatoes (asparagus, cilantro, taters, onion, garlic, seasoning (spicy)), plus, eggs, over easy, and freshly ground/brewed java (my girl is helping me). Listening to some Al Green. Just came back from the beach – beautimous =)
I’m cooking whilst in my cupcake pj bottoms and asthmatic kitty records t.. with a bit of bed-head.
Thanks everyone…yes, sad, quite.
Just finished burying him, down the hill under a big Oak tree where he liked resting and contemplating his kingdom, and where he was when his heart began to fail yesterday.
I will be putting down a stepping stone as I cannot really plant anything on his grave that requires care, and, the deer would eat it anyway.
Nature always provides something, and there is already a beautiful purple thistle blooming in the cemetary of departed pals.
A bit of irony….thought the gravesite was opposite old Babby goose, but….uncovered part of her burial shroud…jeez…so, Gad is literally right on top of another old farmy pal that he hung out with for 12 of his years.
R.I.P. old friend. :-(
I had a look at this place, yesterday. I might take her…
Coloma; A thistle is a nice gift from above; the goldfinches love thistle seeds.
Went to King’s Dominion with my cousin who doubles as one of my best friends.
We hit just about every coaster, and I didn’t need him to hold my hand on the newest coaster. I was proud.
We had a fantastic time with minimum sunburnage.
Great day :D
I had the most amazing birthday month. I received a letter every other day during the month of May from one of my closest friends or family telling me what a lovely person I am. I had a brilliant birthday party on Saturday night. I was taken out into Manchester for a Brazilian (Churrascaria) meal and went to the theatre the weekend before last and the weekend before that My family threw a Spainsh day for me where we did everything Spanish and had a party in the evening. I feel very loved and although anticlimactic…incredibly grateful.
I had an actual lie-in! I slept from midnight until 11am. I don’t think I have ever slept for that long in the morning as I usually feel guilty but I have had some very late nights over the past few days (I finally crawled to bed at 3am on Saturday morning after seeing Lady Gaga on Friday night and then on Sunday morning I didn’t go to bed until 1.30am and had to be up at 7.30am to go to work) and so my body obviously needed the sleep. I did have a freaky dream about an old lady beating me up though!
Yes, I love the purple thistles and know the finches like the seed and use the thistle down for nesting material. I always have my gardener leave the thistles alone. :-)
@Coloma Sorry for your loss. What kind of animal was Gadwicke?
@Coloma: Have you tried hanging a mesh bag (the kind that oranges come in) filled with dryer lint? The little birds love it for their nests.
My double peonies, purple and plum bearded iris, scarlet poppies with navy eyes, Thérèse Bougnet roses and catnip are blooming simultaneously.
My mother can take five unaided steps and also has remembered how to play checkers. I had forgotten that it is a game with no end.
Aaaah, a bittersweet morning without old Gad hanging around, the new kitty is racing about full of energy, she is going to be a great new friend as we continue to bond.
Contemplating the circle of life as I watch the Titmice carrying off goose feathers for their nests, the turkeys engaging in another spring courtship ritual, the birds singing and all of life carrying on as Gad falls into his eternal rest.
I have heard about the dryer lint but over this way nature provides, most all the nests on this hill are lined with my goose feathers and horse hair from the herd across the field, and, every bird has very strong eggshells from pilfering the lay formula feed.
Purina Egg Maker makes all the baby birds on this mountain. lol
Watering my flowerbeds this morning, I saw a horizontal spider web glistening like Charlotte’s.
Gadwicke ( silent ‘e’ ) was my beautiful himalayan mix kitty that I rescued from under an outbuilding at a local ranch as a sickly 4 week old kitten.
He was extraoridnary in his beauty, inside and out.
My avatar speaks for itself. He was one of a kind and I will miss him forever.
@Coloma It is so unfair that our dear companions don’t live longer!
Yes, truer words could not be spoken. :-)
I got an entire load of laundry done (washed and dried) AND got a shower, while my baby boy slept. He naps so great in this heat! lol
We had such a great day! This morning we went to our town’s Memorial Day parade, where my daughter marched along with her Girl Scout troop. My boys each saw some of their friends at the parade, and they posed for pictures in front of a fire truck. We had some extra white t-shirts around the house, which we decorated with red and blue stars (cookie cutters dipped in paint) so all three kids matched and looked patriotic. Not as patriotic as some of the dogs we saw at the parade, but still rather festive.
After the parade, we went to my in-law’s house. They’d invited other relatives as well, and we had such a nice afternoon enjoying the pool and playing horseshoes and badminton (I suck at both). My mother-in-law put together quite a feast, with stuffed lobsters, steak, antipasto salad, and an apple spice cake that was just incredible. The weather, food, and company were all perfect, and the kids wore themselves out so much they were actually asking to go to bed early. :)
The universe is raining cats down upon me…just discovered a 10 month old Lilac Himmy that is Mr. lovey, needy….freaking amazing how life shows up…new kitty in, old friend gone and now…another Gadwicke appears within 48 hours…I’m doomed I tell you, doomed. lol
I am going to meet ‘Gizmo’ tomorrow night…the next generation of farmy mountain cats is commencing.
Too much love to be squandered….make room for the next dynamic duo methinks. :-)
Seeing that all of our hard work paid off.
My girl and I were gardening fools over the weekend. =)
I just watched a squirrel spend 20 minutes trying to get the food from my birdfeeder. The metal baffle my husband built clearly baffled him but it was fun watchng his various attempts while the cardinals, finches and sparrows happily fed.
I watched the sun rise over the ocean today with great company.
The peonies are full-blown but not yet blowsy. I have just duplicated the picture in my avatar. save for the Peace rose, using, again, the blue vase from my grandmother. Arrangement is sitting on the dining room table. The entire first floor is aromatic.
After feeling like the whole world was against me yes, feeling sorry for myself this morning, I recieved a sweet text from my boyfriend that cheered me up. He didn’t know I was down in the dumps so the text was completely random but it made me smile and helped me get over the little things that were bothering me this AM.
I’m getting my leaky tire fixed as I type this.
My car does not need new brakes.
My dear friend and neighbor said she will drive us to the SPCA on Saturday where our nearly 15 year old dog, Tilly, is being euthanized. I’m so grateful I don’t have to go alone!!
@mcbealer I’m so sorry that you have to go through that (and that we’ll miss you at breakfast.)
@mcbealer: I’m very sorry, but I bet that Tillie had a happy life, full of love and fun and companionship.
I spoke too soon. My automatic garage door broke this morning.
Loving thoughts to you and your beloved Tilly.
I am still recovering from losing my Gadwicke last Saturday.
They are so missed. :-(
I was able to sleep on my side for the first time since my surgery, so I got a really good nights sleep last night. Today my friend brought me a pan of baked spaghetti over so I wouldn’t have to cook. She is so awesome. So for dinner, my son and I had baked spaghetti and milk shakes. :)
I’m having my first Mudslide of the year from Dairy Queen and the girl put extra chocolate and caramel on top. Oh, happy day! =)
I figured out how to tether my phone’s 3G internet access to my PC.
This means that I’ll have something other than dino dial-up!
I ate an entire bag of my favorite chips salt & vinegar and I don’t feel guilty about it.
I LOVE the S&V chips too! Oooh, temptations, temptations.
We’re almost done putting together all the paperwork and evidence for the K-1!
@Coloma Best in the world! Indulge!
A rugged week over this way…whew!
BUT….she rocks on…can’t keep a good woman down, ( for long anyway )
Missing my Gad, a huge hole in my heart, still catching myself looking for him.
Miss the sound of his little feet coming down the long gravel driveway. :-(
New cat Mia is just delightful, it’s like she’s been here forever already.
My old high school love is getting out of the hospital tomorrow after suffering a mysterious blood clot, he is 54 and his folks are 89 and 90.
God I love that family!
Picking him up and to the folks house and cooking for everyone.
No wild sex or Ancient age on the rocks for him just yet.
Just us grownups. lol
My son woke up in great mood… he’s full of energy, cheekiness and being a big tease…which might have something to do with his granddad taking him swimming this afternoon and copious amounts of excitement about the prospect!
I have been feeling like an outsider at work for a long time now. I don’t quite fit in with my work colleagues in the office I currently am in and this feeling has been getting worse and worse over the past few weeks due to certain events. Not only has this encouraged me to apply for a promotion (which I think I mentioned previously in this thead) but today I came to realise that, I don’t care. Actually, I am ok with not being part of their “gang” and, seeing as I haven’t done anything (that I know of) to upset or offend anybody, if they don’t like me enough to include me in certain events then I am not going to get upset about it. It was a nice feeling this morning when I thought to myself “It’s ok. I’m not one of them and that’s fine.”
I was able to talk to a friend who whom? I haven’t spoken to in a long time.
I am sneaking some internet from our new neighbor.
The new house is great. We love it. I’m out of work on disability (stomach ulcer, migraines, anxiety, PTSD, hormone/mood fluctuations…) and enjoying the quiet and peaceful time alone in the new house.
I’m going to take a bubble bath.
Heading up to Traverse City (Northern, Mich) for the weekend. The girlfriend and I have the cabin all to ourselves.
Going down to D.C. to spend the weekend hangin’ out with my younger son and his girl. @marinelife and I are going to meet for breakfast. I’m excited.
@janbb pictures (of you two lovelies)?
We’ll see if we’re “ready for our close-ups, Mr. DeMille.”
Just came back from the Humane Society and saw the most handsome Doberman. He had an adorable face and was a real gentle sweetheart. If only I could take in one more..
“Remi has some physical problems, we think due to some old injuries, but he gets around just fine. He such a lovely dog, very sweet and gentle. He absolutely loves to play with toys, and loves to roll in the grass. Please go to the ‘Special Needs’ section to see a photo of Remi.”
Went down to visit my cousin Wednesday.
Her parents are on a cruise, so she had a few people over to hang out.
Woke up Thursday morning with a lock on my belt and a missing key, the living room and kitchen were covered in water, there were supersoakers everywhere and the counter was filled with empty bottles.
No clue what actually happened, but my camera seems to think that we had fun.
Thursday I hung out with someone I haven’t seen for a few months until my cousin got off work. Then we did it all over again.
It was great.
We’ve put mostly everything together. All we need are a few photos of us and I’ll be sending off the binder when I go back to Jersey (the 9th). I’m so excited. I hope we don’t have to wait too long to get married but.. we’ll see! I’m gonna be going back to Jersey for a bit (it’s easier to save money that way) but we both know that being apart will be better for things in the future. jfsjkdfjksdhf I’m so excited.
The second new cat on the block is home!
‘Gizmo’ is a MONSTER! lol
Will turn one year old on July 12th, already 16 lbs. of huge, fluffy, blue point Ragdoll/Himmy/siamese (ish) guy.
He is 3 x the size of petite little Mia.
His tail is amazing, like 6 inches wide and his coat is like bunny fur.
He’s a real nut…watches Mia and when she gets up to walk away follows with the biggest blue moony eyes ever, diva cat has cast her seductive spell clearly. lol
I was trying to eat a bite in my theatre room and he was all over me, giant plumey tail swishing across my plate….oh boy…ushering in the next era of crazy country cats.
Asking myself why I bought black velvet courderoy chairs last year and now have 2 new mostly white cats? haha
My old mother walked 50 steps today… a sign that, at the halfway mark, her fractured pelvis is healing. 3 more weeks to go before rehab will spring her, g*d willing and the creek don’t rise.
@chels Do you guys have a date set at all???
@casheroo No because it all depends on paperwork! :O
@janbb that’s monumental!!! must have details!!! xxx
It’s a beautiful morning, I tried a new recipe and made pina colada pancakes with a rum syrup. Delicious!
I just waved goodbye to the bus that is taking my son and 19 other students to Chicago to catch a plane to Germany. I’m so excited for them. Now if the rain and storms would just stop, I’ll feel a little bit better. Forecast is calling for an inch of rain and severe storms. Please no flight delays!
@jonsblond That is so exciting for him! Safe travel vibes :)
@marinelife and I had a lovey time at breakfast together. As we suspected, we had a lot to talk about and the visit was too short.
@janbb: We want more details; we want impressions; we want photos; we want to say how said that @jeruba and I weren’t there also.
@gailcalled As my mother used to say much to my chagrin, “You can want but just do it quietly!” (Suffice it to say, frm my perspective, @marinelife was the wonderful and perceptive person I had come to know and enjoy on Fluther.) However, it certainly would have been dandy to have many more of the wise women of Fluther there.
@janbb thats all thats folks I’m not good \at this… :-(
The heat is one over here.
Got the cool tub going and fire in the kiva, put up about a dozen solar torches on and around my deck, garden and flanking several gates. My space looks really cool on a hot summers night right now.
And…bonus….all the buff, tan, young hippie river rafters are out in throngs…almost drove off the bridge today watching this magnificent blonde dude with dreadlocks as he was walking by. lol
It’s gonna be a good summer.
My Grandson had his friends over for the first pool party of the year. They had a lot of fun, which gives me pleasure, and we had our first ‘walk through the closed screen’ incident of the year. The poor screen really gave in this time, so we finally bought a new one.
I’m pinning a large picture on the screen this time, so they won’t miss it – the Yarn strings I used before just didn’t do the trick.
<<< has absolutely no idea what she was talking about last night… love love love you all though and hope I can be forgiven my drunken fluthering!!
I’m moving around more like normal and back to baking goodies to send to my husband. It feels so nice to be moving around again without a bunch of pain.
What a great weekend! Got to meet Jan. Got in two naps (one each day)! Had a great summer dinner last night with grilled steak, very fresh green beans and tender corn. Also got in a swim.
@lynneblundell pfft….you haven’t witnessed my drunk fluthering, have you?
Great weekend – got to meet @marinelife and spent some sweet time with my son in his new digs.
@rangerr We have the file and Redacted by the CIA
Just rolled in from the North. Tired, but, a great weekend.
Took in the awesome sunset from my friends deck overlooking the lake and complemented with a couple of Blue Moons.
The new cats are blending just great…starting to ambush each other and pretending they really don’t like each other.
The games cats play. lol
Tomorrow is appointment day from hell, numerous goings on…it’ll happen. haha
@jjmah Great photos. A beautiful, peaceful part of the world. Reminds me of the Glenn Gould documentary “The Idea of North”.
@janbb Penguin, we need to see pics. :)
To all the askers for pictures. We didn’t take any. My husband left his Blackberry at home, and we were too busy talking and forgot about it.
I’m glad that you had a wonderful time. I’d love to meet to you both…someday!
Great fun this morning!
Out watering with the crew milling around, new cats running up and down a huge sprawling Oak in my yard with a perfect staircase effect that allows easy climbing and many cool vantage points. Geese wandering around and Sonora doing her limbo goose thing and squeezing under the pasture gate to go visit her favorite sheep pal. lol
Out of here soon, but nothing like a outdoorsey morning to start off the day right. :-)
Nikki with her club and ball. And, me with my crazy camera skillz.
@jjmah Lovely.Was she looking for her ball in the lake?
I’m a grandma again! My step-son and his girlfriend had a beautiful baby girl at 12:26 AM, June 7th. No name, yet, but all are doing well. :)
@augustlan Mazel Tov!!!! Knew you could do it, Auggie!
Awww….jeez, nothing like the mention of a baby to get all the women in a fluther. lol
Off to pick up some cold beer for my gardener buddy and me…I will watch the mow and blow and weed eat and rake and window washing and corral and barn cleaning…then…..I will reward my right hand man handsomely! lol
@augustlan Congratulations! There’s nothing like a new baby to spoil rotten!
This evening while I watered my garden, I watched my husband playing badminton with the kids. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, with him and our daughter dominating the game, while our younger sons tried to keep up. Each team won two games, and by the time they were finished each of the kids was convinced they’d single-handedly ensured victory. No ego shortages in this family, let me tell you. My husband and our middle son then entertained themselves by playing the game in slow motion, complete with sound effects. It was hysterical!
Then, our neighbor came outside to let his chickens out of their enclosure for a while. He asked our kids to help round them up and herd them back into the coop, which was even funnier to watch than the badminton game. I really started to feel bad for the poor chickens, who only wanted to wander around and peck in peace. When the last chicken finally escaped back into the chicken coop, you could almost hear the whole flock sigh with relief.
I have a cat tumor on my right hip (we call him “Frankie”) and that’s okay.
I put a lot of work into a powerpoint project, made it so that I wouldn’t have to read from it, found out I could read from it, and am the first one in line next class because we ran out of time. That was pretty rad. :)
I’m eating maple walnut fudge.
Well, I’m holding my breath on this one – I’m exactly one point from the 20K mansion. hehehehe
and there you go lovely lady!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Someone send her over the edge!
oh bollocks…I couldn’t do it!!!
mwah mwah mwah… congratulations sweetie… you soooo deserve it too… you are a true dedicated jelly x
Wow 20k!
You’re the queen fluther….hahaha
My son called from Germany. He’s having a great time, but he says the families are trying to kill the American students by feeding them so much food. ;)
I found my little dream home (not far from where I live). It has tons of character, is along the beach and is so me. =)
I like this.
click on photos to increase the size.
@jjmah That house looks awesome. If you buy it, please invite me to visit! :D
I got to meet my new granddaughter today! She’s so freaking beautiful. Dad is a blond haired, blue eyed, all American boy and Mom is half Chinese, half American. The baby has dark hair, dark almond-shaped eyes, and beautiful olive skin. Holding her warm, tiny self was like heaven. :)
@Auggie There’s nothing like holding a newborn is there?
@janbb I’m grinning from ear to ear!
My youngest son graduated from preschool today. All of the kids in his class looked adorable in their little red graduation caps, and I managed not to cry. His girlfriends will really miss him, since they either aren’t going to kindergarten yet or will be at a different school.
He’s adorable. And apparently bewildered! :D
Flew into Jersey today after a night out and one hour of sleep. I’m happy I’m here but I miss my man.
@chels Welcome back to the Garden State!
@janbb Thanks. Looks like I brought the English weather with me. Oops!
@chels: You brought it to CT too. :P
Well, I think things are okay with my boyfriend. I’m still going to try and work on things and try to avoid unnecessary arguments.
@chels: And to rural upstate NY.
Sorry guys :D. I kinda like it. It’s comforting.
and New Hampshire…the crops need rain, but this is ridiculous. Feels more like northern Scotland.
West Virginia, too! We’re happy you’re back, anyway, chels. :)
Awesome day, went a bit crazy and bought a new set patio furniture .
New cats are rockin’.....hilarious the two of them, Gizmo is 2x the size of Mia and he takes her down in one half hearted pounce. lol
Kids….always starts off fun until someone gets hurt. haha
Here they are in my avatar for you cat people. ;-)
This actually happened yesterday, but this is the first chance I’ve had to post it.
I climbed to just below the summit of Mt. Marathon, where I watched bald eagles flying below me, and looked out over Seward, and Resurrection Bay. Pics. It was an amazing (and exhausting) day.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities: That is special, and the bald eagles make it unique. Astonishing. Lucky, lucky you.
I’ve seen one bald eagle only, and it was perched briefly at the top of a tall maple tree at our library….either migrating or wanting something new to read.
We have a nesting pair in a park near our place in Florida and I have seen the fledglings (fledgelings?).
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Seems like you are having the trip of a lifetime. So glad you are posting.
I have managed to reconnect with fluther having not been able to “get in” for an age!
Not sure what happened there, all other sites were working fine. Some kind of weird ISP thing, maybe. It came back, then went away again. Maybe it will happen again, dunno!
Yey to all the greatness posted above in my absence!
we got the keys to our new crib, yo!
I was feeling a bit down yesterday and a work colleague sent me a really nice Facebook message (which I read this morning) inviting me to go on a dog walk with her because she was worried about me. My sad mood didn’t last long yesterday but it is very nice to know that someone cared.
My head’s on a little less crooked this morning.
The heat is on up this way, going into the 90’s today, have a big job in the city…but first…gotta prep the zone with mass watering and set up the farm sitter for tonights bedtime rountine.
Aaaah…..it will be even hotter down in the valley…..ugh, but…..my work is exploding this month, I am willing to sweat a bit for the big bucks. Packing about a dozen bottles of water, bottoms up! lol
I just noticed that I stopped biting my nails, and they are longer than my fingertips for the first time ever. without being fake.
I made these little suckers today.
@Coloma What kind of work do you do (besides goose-raising)? Glad it’s exploding for you!
@chels Cute!
@tragiclikebowie is on her way here.
From her record last week of being able to take 50 steps on her walker, my mother walked over 600 steps today. How do I know? I walked behind her and counted. Granted, we broke the walk into two exercise units, but still. This is encouraging.
She remembered, with a little initial coaching, how to play Solitaire. I gave her the choice of cheating or no cheating. True to her character, she chose to be moral.
@rangerr So jealous!
@gailcalled That’s fantastic. So glad to hear she’s doing well!
@Coloma Ooh. I wish you lived near me. I love that stuff, and would happily pick your brain for a re-design in my house.
My father and step-mother are visiting for the weekend… and we had a fabulous breakfast together! I made strawberry-banana pancakes with strawberry-raspberry compote and thick bacon with whipped cream, slices of cantaloupe and orange juice. It was amazing.
I completed a task that I was given at work which may help persuade certain people at work that I am worthy of promotion. I just have to hope and pray that I have risen to the challenge in a way that will please the person that will be my boss if I get the promotion. I am proud of the result because this mornming I didn’t have a clue where to start and I honestly thought that maybe I was a little out of my depth.
I got to see some of the beauty of my state, which isn’t something I can do often.
I bought a book of Charles Bukowski’s poetry and a live White Stripes cd.
A long weekend of work, but, as always, the final product is quite noteworthy.
Got back up the hill by dusk, beautiful sunset glowing orange against the black backdrop of the mountains, windows down in the car enjoying the awesome drop in temp from the heat of the city.
Basking under my ceiling fan now, cool shower, skimpy nighty, and all the doors and windows wide open for the night. Aaaah…always so great to get back home! :-)
Oh, and, just gave my favorite Raccoon a slice of bread…so funny, he/she reaches up from the garage floor hooks a claw and snags the slice off the landing….cracks me up! lol
Took a four mile hike along a bay on Saturday and a five mile hike in a gorge on Sunday. I should be sleeping like a baby but I’m not; s’okay.
My momma dyed my hair a beautiful, vibrant red! And I’m starting work today! YAAAAAAY!!!
Experiencing an explosion of minute baby tree frogs. They are EVERYWHERE!
In my washing machine, all over the garage, the deck the patio.
I had to rescue 3 from the washer this morning before they fell into the bleach. Yikes! :-(
It is amazing how they manage to travel from the creek below me in what would be about a 50 mile journey for a human sized creature, life is so cool!
Took a leisurely cruise to the grocery store and to parrot the famous words of Steve Martin on this hot afternoon….‘all I need is my Corona and Watermelon.’ lol
Picked up my girlies for a week-long visit. They’re all sleeping peacefully under my roof. :)
I have a day to work in the garden, read, play with Milo, and just do nothing. No chores or visits to and for close relatives. It rained last night so I don’t even have to water.
I’m doing “Spring cleaning” for the best of reasons. My son, his wife and wee Jake will be coming here from Paris in a week on the way to their next move which will be only two hour away!
A beautiful morning, cooling down today, excited to plant my heirloom Pineapple tomato’s!
Not so great:
Forgot to lock the kitty door and the Raccoons got into my ginger cookies on the island. Ate one anyway this morning..oh well…if I get rabies it will be a novel way to die. lol
House is clean and the new Scotch ’ fur fighter’ thingy works great on my black chairs.
Not so great:
Cats have mastered the kitty door, but, still run back in to poo in the litter box…have I not provided 5 acres of bathroom bliss? Little pussies! lol
I know I have money.
Not so great:
BUT..have about 40 receipts to record, soooo, while I know I have money, I don’t know how MUCH of it I have spent this week. haha
I shall await other ‘greats’ and ‘not so greats’ as the day continues to unfold!
I was in a local book store today and had one of the best intellectually stimulating conversations I’ve ever had with a stranger. We exchanged phone numbers.
On my way home from the local transfer station I saw Mrs. and Master Woodchucks, who were ambling across my dirt road. Given my recent sightings of a red fox, raccoon, male wild turkey and many does with dappled fawns, this does not bode well for the garden. There is also a bumper crop of slugs.
Yesterday our praying mantis egg case hatched! The egg case has about 150–200 baby mantises that will hopefully survive and keep my garden free of pests.
They’re so cute!
I pretty cleaned most of my mom’s house today so she’ll be pretty happy when she gets home from work. Gosh I am such a good house guest :). I also didn’t wake up toooo late (11?) after being up ‘til like 4am. Oh also I am just in an overall good mood which is always a good thing :D! Everyone have a good weeeeeek <3!
I invited my mom over and made her dinner she brought the ice cream :) and we watched some Farscape. I saw my favorite manager at work today. I won’t be working with her for a little while, but it was nice to see her.
Also, my hair is still really bright and awesome and I get the most hilarious responses from my friends and family who didn’t know I was dyeing it. :)
I managed to get my Vonage phone thingy hooked up, after two freakin’ hours on my hands and knees under my desk, and switching phones a number of times. Not as easy as it seemed it would be, but it’s done! It’ll save us a ton of money. My husband accepted a new job, and gave notice at his old one. Even though it’s a pay cut, it’s a huge relief. He’s been terribly unhappy with his job and looking for a new one for a year and a half. So happy for him! Had some nice cuddle time with my girls, too. :)
@MissAusten Those things are equal parts creepy and adorable. Now I want some!
I’m getting my poop into group for the Fall. Taking a few more courses then that will give this chica a bit of a raise. Woot!
I got some malted milk powder for an ice cream recipe I plan to make this weekend, and couldn’t resist the recipe on the bag for Malted Milk Brownies. They are sinfully yummy, and will make a nice treat for the kids when they get home from their last day of school today! We might just have to make some malted milk shakes soon, too!
Oooh…do share the recipe, collectively or privately.
That would be great!
Taiwanese friends are in town, hostessed by my pals up the hill and we are getting together for a big BBQ tonight. I am making Strawberry Shortcake with the amazing local Strawberries! :-)
Not so great:
I have a leak in my AC compressor…Oh…whats another $800 bucks? I can live on Watermelon and Corona for the rest of the month! Pffft! :-/
Woke up to some awesome mysterious flowers blooming in a big urn on my patio, look like tall 3 leaf Clovers with fuzzy red cone flowers…am clueless as to what they are and where they came from, but, they are really cool!
Not so great:
My little goose Sonora sprained her leg somehow, maybe doing the goose limbo under the pasture gate, or the sheep stepped on her. She is able to put some weight on the leg so not too serious. Keeping an eye on her and have the worlds greatest farm doc if needed.
@Coloma Malted Milk Brownies. I had to order the malt powder from the King Arthur website, since it isn’t available in the store here. I also left out the nuts and didn’t have caramels to melt on top. Talk about overkill! These are actually blondies, but you can replace 1 cup of the flour with cocoa powder to make true brownies. Yum!
I woke up on my own.
As in… my mom didn’t wake me up by yelling at me for something random.
Do you know how awesome that is? Waking up without a person or alarm screaming at you? Yeahhh.
I am so behind on my Fluthering :( But I’m slowly getting through it :)
@Coloma : I am very curious about your mysterious flowers. Could you send a more detailed description or perhaps a photo. Height etc? What do you mean by “fuzzy red cone flowers”? Daisy-like, scarlet, fire-engine red, petals decurved, size?
On my way out to work, but..quickie description.
About 16 inches tall, three leaf cluster of clover like leaves and a single bright reddish maroon type bloom about 2 inches long and just fuzzy red like a catapillar. lol
Looks like the center of a Coneflower, but no other petals surrounding the stamin.
They were part of some sort of mixed flower seeds I tossed out in the spring..don’t have the seed packet any more.
I’m making my first ever batch of cookies and so far they’re not too bad. They taste pretty good but they’re a little bit doughier than I had anticipated but that’s okay for the first time. :) When the last batch comes out, I’m taking them to my book discussion group. This time we’re talking about Eclipse. Last time I went, I thought it was going to be all middle school girls we discussed New Moon but there was some very intelligent discussion we mostly focused on werewolf and vampire mythology and how Meyers incorporated them into her books and I’m very excited to go back tonight.
Nope, none of those..but, I love Daves garden site!
They resemble the Celosia, but with clover leaves, not the thin leaves of the Celosia.
It’s a mystery! lol
Great afternoon at the river store, all sorts of fun new stuff coming in!
Taiwanese friends running late, my friends husband took them up to LakeTahoe, about an hour from us, and then… some real wild west target shooting on the way home in the mountains.
Wild, wild west style for our eastern friends! lol
My Strawberry shortcake is premiere, can’t wait to share.
Dinner at 8 ! :-)
@KatawaGrey Good luck with your baking dear! Remember, better slightly underbaked than overbaked. :^)
I won a $100 gift card for an online store just by going to a meetup with my editor friend. And I saw a very cool short called Ten For Grandpa.
I had a great visit with my brother whom I don’t see very often.
My work colleagues gave me a couple of really nice birthday presents one being a book called Rescue Me which is about the life of someone who works at Battersea Dogs Home. As I got my Zara from Battersea and, if I lived near by, working at Battersea would be a dream job for me, I am very excited to read it.
Awww…save our fuzzy friends!
I went shopping for a bassinet pad for my goose yesterday. lol
Something waterproof that she can use to get in and out of her pool with her sprained foot, which is improving nicely.
It’s just a matter of time and I will have elderly house geese wearing duck diapers.
@Coloma Indeed, and my Zara dog is fuzzy in body and in brain!!!!
1:54 pm Pacific time.
I am still lounging around in my nighty. lol
Wiped out from this last weekend and work and running amok.
I think I m-i-g-h-t make it to Home Depot for a couple o’ odds-n-ends later…maaaybe wash my car on the lawn, make a fire on the deck tonight…but for now…I am still relaxing even after sleeping for 9.5 hours last night! Unheard of! lol
@augustlan Thank you, it is actually my birthday on Saturday but I won’t be going back to work now until Wednesday. Woohoo!
I emailed my mom about the details of getting married. She’s not really for it, but it felt good just telling her and getting it out there so she knows. /sigh
I’m going out to dinner with my parents.
This will be the first time we have eaten together in about 9 years.
We live together. We just don’t speak. This should be interesting.
The past few weeks, I’ve spent pretty much every moment (other than when I was sleeping) outside. Today, and the next couple days, I get to be inside, doing nothing but sleeping and watching TV. I’m excited.
This evening I went to my daughter’s bridging ceremony for Girl Scouts. She’s now a “Cadet.” After the ceremony, the girls and their families had a potluck dinner at the beach. It was a beautiful day, the food was great, and the kids all had a wonderful time playing in the water while the moms sat around and visited.
And, I ate a cupcake. Mmmm mmmm!
I had a date with the person I met in the bookstore. The date was slightly awkward but packed with the things I enjoy most.
My favorite yoga teacher is getting married, and the happy couple asked my girlfriend and me to be the witnesses!
Looked at some new cars….everything I like and research is rated 2 lemons down! :-/
Sooo….now I am slightly high and making veggie tacos with the works, avacados and sour cream and fresh tomatos and, and, and….then a wandering around the zone with the pets…it’s a wrap! lol
@Coloma That Nash Metropolitan on your avatar is a cute little car. My aunt used to own one; her students would lift it up and leave it in strange places.
I have the weekend off and am possibly picking up my first laptop tomorrow!
We’re going on the boat today, it’s gonna be around 90 degrees. We’ll probably have dinner on the lake as well :) My sisters birthday and Fathers Day is tomorrow which is exciting—but even more exciting is that my sister is getting her birthday present early.. A wakeboard!
I’m making Graham Cracker Ice Cream today to take to a family Father’s Day lunch tomorrow. If the finished ice cream tastes even half as good as the custard base, it’ll be fantastic!
Yesterday I took my kids to a nearby park, which used to be an old farm. The park consists of many acres of fields, woods, and ponds. The kids caught some cool bugs and a garter snake. We also accidentally scared a baby baltimore oriole out of its nest, but were able to put it back. Mom and Dad didn’t seem to appreciate our rescue efforts and chastised us loudly.
I took my old Harley out for a run this morning, started on the second kick after an 8 month sleep. Late wake-up call this year.
I finished cleaning out the room for my niece; I’ll be hanging the new curtains and bedding this afternoon. Jacqueline’s moving in next weekend.
I love the Nash’s..if I had the garage space I’d buy one, my fav. classic!
I dig the orange paint job on that ‘56. ;-)
@Coloma My aunt’s was red and white.
Lucky girl! ;-)
Gorgeous morning up here, new cats racing around and geese are so happy with their giant new pool!
Aaah, nothing to do today…well, aside from the usual house chores. Could go test driving cars but..I still have no idea what I might want…being the spontanious person I am it is hard to stuff an idea and sit with the practical side of things for me. lol
Once I get the bug to have or do something it takes flight quickly…but…must be p-a-t-i-e-n-t!
I can do it! haha
It’s a beautiful day here and I actually got a lot done – making pastry, walk to the ocean, and some course prep – before coming on Fluther to waste time!
It’s my birthday today and my boyfriend, who I thought I wouldn’t be able to see today due to his work commitments managed to escape and come and see me :)
Second date tonight! I’m excited!!!!!
Just drove to the local resort market for a cup of coffee and a couple of things…as luck would have it a local river rafting companies bus loaded with vacationing rafters pulled up alongside me, with about 8 men staring down into my car.
Yep..classic country moment, going to the store in my nighty with a sweat jacket, hair slicked back, wacky sunglasses….but hey….I got some flirtatious smiles inspite of my raw glory! lol
Spoke to each of my sons on the phone today and both were happy. Doesn’t get any better than that!
I saw Karate Kid with my mom today and it was pretty good. :) Now I’m sitting in my living room starting Avatar: The Last Airbender I’m more excited about this than I care to admit. ;).
My mother came home with all healthy stuff from the store. Almost bought me corn dogs, but didn’t. Which means that our plan of losing weight together is working. :)
Sooooooo.. The boat was a lot of fun but… I didn’t know that my stupid BC pills make me extremely sensitive to sunlight and I am as red as a cherry. This is coming from someone who has gotten sunburn three times in almost 21 years. F-M-L.
@KatawaGrey Avatar (not the blue people) is one of the greatest shows ever!! My husband and I were more into it than our kids. We can’t wait to see the movie this summer, and I only hope it does justice to the original cartoon. Have fun!
This evening we had dinner with my in-laws, then played with the new baseball gear my father-in-law bought for the boys. It’s pretty sad when the kids get bored and go inside, but the adults are still goofing around. I took a baseball to the shin, so will have a nice fat bruise to show for my poor efforts. I also found out I am still scared to pitch, even though it’s been two and a half decades since I got hit in the face with a line drive and ended up in the ER. However, when I call my dad to tell him “Happy Father’s Day!” I plan on reminding him of it and laughing about it with him!
@KatawaGrey I too love Avatar: The Last Airbender. A lot. I wish my little brother was around so I’d have an excuse to go see it. But, I’ll go see it anyways. :)
Second date rescheduled due to apparent food poisoning I received today. The only great thing now is that I finally stopped puking.
I got to hang out with some old friends from high school today.
And I got to school them in video games.
I, um, went for a bra fitting. Are you ready for this? Apparently, I am a 40G. Ho-ly shit.
I bought a new laptop. I’m happy with the purchase so far.
Thanks to some wonderfully helpful fellow jellies, I’ve got a ton of new bands to discover.
I’m having some coffee with Nikki on a beautiful Father’s Day morning. In a few minutes, we’re heading out to do our first sailing race of the year. :)
@augustlan: 40G? Goodness You’re gonna need a couple Nubians to carry those around. ;)
Have you checked the Guinness book to find out if you qualify for any world records? lolol
Oh, those poor Nubians; they always get stuck having to do the heavy lifting!
Beautiful morning…..another awesome day of low 80’s, til the heat starts cranking up again tomorrow.
Working at the river thrift store this afternoon, having fun setting up the camping & rafting section….hanging life jackets and setting out cool pots & pans on the woodstove, ice chests, camping stoves and hanging out with my buddy ‘Crackers’ the shop dog.
She is in a cast from severing an artery in her leg somehow a few weeks ago on one of her river excursions.
2.5 hours of surgery and she almost bled to death.
The owners boyfriend is a vet…..so one lucky dog to have her very own private doc living with her.
Still has that happy dog smile going on and is lovin’ all the extra attention and her canister of dog treats on the counter.
I love this thread, and all the people in it. Just sayin’.
@augustlan : I second that!
We had a lovely Father’s Day today. Big, artery-clogging breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, corn beef hash, and English muffins, followed by a Nerf dart war featuring the big-ass gun we gave my husband as a gift. For lunch, we went to my sister-in-law’s with other relatives. We had a wonderful feast, and the kids had a ball goofing around. That was followed by swimming at my in-law’s house.
By the way, I invented a new pool game that the kids love. I float in an innertube and pretend to be the Queen of the Nile. The kids are my slaves, and they have to take turns pulling me around the pool by my feet. If they slack off, I threaten to flog them and feed them to the alligators. It keeps them from attacking me and splashing me, at least until they decide to mount a rebellion and then I have to get out of the pool.
Finally, we ended the day by experiencing our Second Ever Wild Animal Bite. My daughter, who certainly should have known better, saw a shrew in my in-law’s yard. It was running around, probably scared of the kids chasing it, and my silly girl put her hand out to stop the shrew. Instead, it bit her. She took it pretty well until I got off the phone with the doctor and told her she gets to have a tetanus shot tomorrow. I don’t want my kids to be timid, but just a little more “think before you act” would be so nice.
We had a great visit with Andy’s Mom in Tennessee. Took the dogs along, and they were great. Picked squash right out of the garden and sauteed with leeks (from the garden). Just delicious.East Tennessee is so beautiful.
Now, we are taking a night on the way back just for us, and driving up the Skyline Drive tomorrow.
My friend and I just went out to celebrate being fatherless mongrels on Father’s Day. We had a great time and chatted up our waitress and had some good chats. Unfortunately, she’s moving to Miami in August but we’ve decided that whenever we’re in the same state for Father’s Day, we’re going to go out and be fatherless mongrels together. :)
@KatawaGrey I know what you feel like. I’m not a father and mine has been dead almost 30 years.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land: You should have come out with us! The bar was almost deserted so you wouldn’t have been to uncomfortable. :)
@KatawaGrey I’m allergic to bars now. People assume that a single middle-aged guy is on the prowl. I’d rather do my imbibing at home anyway, no risk of a DUI charge.
I got her back and she’s nicely framed.
I am under seige over here.
Came home yesterday to a huge container of chicken scratch and lay crumbles half empty and flipped upside down on garage floor. The deer broke in and pawed the container off a low shelf and had a party. Grrrrrr….
Then, last night the resident huge Raccoon, ( not sure if it’s a he or a she ) was standing on my Persian rug in the middle of the living room sitting up begging!
Came around the corner into the living room and there it was! :-/
God only knows what goes on while I sleep!
Clearly it had already found the new cat food zone in the furthest far corner of the house and had cleaned out the cat food and played in the water bowl.
( Dead givaway…cats don’t eat their entire bowl down to the last crumb and mix their food in the water. lol )
Cats lounging around just watching the home invasion then escorting their friend out the cat door to say goodbye.
Woke to the new cats ricocheting off my bed in their wild morning wrestling match and a kitchen full of ants.
Look out the window and see 2 mama Turkeys and their combined brood of about 30 chicks feasting in the goose corral as the geese enjoy a leasurely swim.
Sometimes this country scene is outta control! lol
I have nowhere obligatory to go, can put off chores until tomorrow, and will be able to sit outside with a book, iced tea with fresh mint and Milo. The birds are caroling, the late June gardens are at their peak, and I have a quart of fresh, local strawberries.
Madam woodchuck and little chuckie have finally crossed the road and now have a better chance at not ending up as road kill.
The opossum (outside) who drove Milo (inside) berserk last night has disappeared.
Like @Coloma; I learn every summer how to co-exist with the animals, birds and insects. I have given up on the slugs; let ‘em eat cake zinnias.
Yep….I’ll never forget the middle of the night raccoon party, 4 of them on my dining room table eating lemon bundt cake.
Let them eat cake….indeed! Haha
@Coloma Wow…just, wow! And I thought we had it bad, with the cheeky chipmunk that squeezes under the back screen door and has to be chased out of our kitchen a couple of times each day. You should catch those critters on video and sent it to Planet’s Funniest Animals. You could win $100 and a t-shirt! Woot!
@Coloma: Our summer raccoon in Lake Placid learned how to unlatch the door on screened-in porch, open and leave open the stand-up freezer, open and toss contents of cupboards and refrigerator, mix oils and dry cereal and frozen peas on kitchen floor.
The one thing he did enjoy was the homemake chocolate birthday cake in fridge.
Haha…yes, it’s quite the wonderland over this way. I have an unused ’ cat cam’ gotta collar the cat and see what they see. lol
Oil & peas…nice mess! :-/
Once the raccoons put a bunch of weird trash inside my washing machine, lid was up and they stuffed it with banana peels and various odds and ends.
It’s a crazy life. lol
@jjmah That’s a beautiful painting. Did you paint it or know the subject in it?
@free_fallin Thanks! The woman that my g/f works with, her (late) sister painted it. She passed away from cancer a few years ago. The family found out after she passed that she was gay. The woman in the painting was a friend of hers. I feel as though she captured the beauty of a woman with this painting. Don’t you?
@Coloma: Does your house have any doors that shut? Or is everyone and everything welcome?
All the doors shut…but…if I forget to put the slider in the cat door it’s a free for all.
@Coloma: Between you and me, Milo presented me with a small chipping sparrow who, apparently, had a heart attack or stroke. We planted him in the garden.
And this evening, a raccoon wandered by outside my sliders; Milo had a Rac attack and went berserk for several minutes. Luckily they were on opposite sides of the glass doors.—
My little and only sister graduated 8th grade today. I held myself together better than I thought. I was a mess at my little brothers high school graduation last year. I seriously can’t believe she’s going to high school, it’s so insane to me. We had fun, but it was sooo hot and they only had 2 fans going. Bleh. We went to dinner and just got back home (thank god) because I’m beat. Also, I found out my little little brother graduates high school in 2021.. What! When he graduates I’ll be like.. in my thirties. Fuck.
9:21 PST, a faint dusky glow hanging on and the crickets are just starting up, any time now the visitors will begin arriving!—I found the giant lizard from last week, tailess and dead under my bed when I was vacuuming this morning. Glad it’s accounted for. lol—
@Coloma: Since we’re counting, where’s that tail?
I’ve made two blueberry pies, chili and a lasagna in the past two days. Got them in the freezer waiting for my kids (and the Jakester) who are coming home from Paris on Friday! I am psyched!
@janbb: Wee Jake has enough teeth now to eat those delicious dishes? Does wee Jake speak yet? If so, in both French and English?
I think it came in tail less…probably dropped the tail but to no avail! lol
A GREAT morning…house is immaculate , for now, yard is in tip top shape, those great moments of congruence…sooo, no work til Thurs. Just might have to go shopping! haha
Oooh…Can I come to dinner too?
Blueberry pie and Lasagne…I am STARVING over here, need to go grocery shopping, down to frozen fish fillets and oatmeal and mushy watermelon.
@Coloma The door is always open to you. I even have an animal arriving to make you feel at home.
A lazy summer day so far here at our house. My husband is off painting a fantastic 40-foot mural for a new restaurant, so the kids and I are entertaining ourselves. We picked raspberries and used them, along with some blueberries, to make a berry crisp. At lunchtime we set up a blanket in the shade and had a backyard picnic, then they put their bathing suits on so I could spray them with the hose. A bit of bug catching, some watermelon slushies (basically just pureed frozen watermelon), and now I’m ready for a nap!
I turned all 8s today, yo!
and since 8 is one of my favorite numbers, well… that is great!
@mcbealer: Do you mean lurve score or birthday?
@Coloma: When I got home from putting out the usual brush fires with my mother (one hearing aid is broken and has to go back to factory, both knee and ankle braces are too complicated for her to put on, to mention just a few), I passed the mother woodchuck, squashed in the middle of the dirt road. RIP.
But the rain means I don’t have to water the gardens. That is nice.
@MissAusten: Lucky you with fresh berries. Have you ever made a Pavlova with them? That is simply making a meringue pie shell and mixing the berries with mildly sweetened whipped cream for the filling. (It’s the national dessert in New Zealand.)
@gailcalled I want a Pavlova NOW! They are delicious. (My raspberries are nearly ripe. We put up netting to stop the birds from eating them; now I just have to figure out how to get in to pick!)
Re:Wee Jake. Unfortunately, although the bairn has teeth he is still on babyfood so the adults will be eating the lasagna and pie. He is not bilingual yet, but I imagine comprehends much of each. (I will be reading him Proust for his bedtime story.)
Last of day of school (teaching the kiddies) for me, jellies. Hell-o summer! :)
@gailcalled No, I haven’t tried Pavlova but it sounds wonderful. I’ll add it to my list of things to try out soon! Thanks!
@jjmah enjoy! :D
My oldest son will be visiting Neuschwanstein Castle by the time I wake up in the morning. I wish I was with him, but I know this is a wonderful experience for him. I can’t wait to see the pictures he takes!
@jonsblond: Sadly, link doesn’t work. Try this. Was it built by Mad Ludwig of Bavaria (a name I savor, tied with Vlad the Impaler and Pepin the Short)?
@janbb: In French, I presume? If he’s bored with that, try Stendhal.
Stendhal would make a great bedtime story!
The great thing is the second date finally happened tonight but it was uneventful. I’m going to give him one more chance. Maybe sparks will fly then.
@uberbatman gave me permission to make out with his girlfriend.
Now I just wait until we go camping with Pete.
I thought uberbatman was a girl…
@KatawaGrey Nope, uberbatman is a guy. Ubersiren however, is a girl.
@chels: Whoa… Mind blown… Don’t tell him!
@gailcalled Thank you for posting a new picture for me. Yes, King Ludwig built the castle to withdraw from public life. It was open to the public just 7 weeks after his death in 1886. Now 1.3 million people visit it each year.
@jonsblond: Think of the bill for maid service.
@free_fallin: It’s like having the shoe fit before you buy it. No amount of fiddling after-the-fact will make it anything but uncomfortable.
If the sparks haven’t flown yet, there are no embers, no fire waiting to burst into flames. Throw some water on it and find a better site.
England won their footy match! =) I was watching it whilst drinking an early day Bloody Mary. :) Now, on to beat this American boys. ;-)
Will you lose lurve for me if I tell you that I want anyone, but, the Yanks to win the world cup?
Dammit @jjmah I GA’d your last answer. I take it back! :P
@gailcalled Good point. I’m always in the market for fun people to spend time with and he is at least that.
@jjmah I just did! C’mon you had the hockey, why can’t we have the World Cup?
O.K, – let’s kiss and make up.
I got my chipped tooth fixed and officially sent out the main part of the fiancé visa paperwork! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY
I got one of the cd’s I bought on line in the mail today.
It’s kind of depressing that it’s the only good news I’ve had in a little while :(((((
My daughter and I were trying to figure out what happens to egg shells when wild baby birds hatch from the eggs. They’re not in the nest or on the ground around the nest. After we each came up with a couple of possibilities, my daughter said, “Why don’t you put it on Flooth-er?” Now whenever I see the word Fluther, I think Flooth-er.
In case anyone is curious, I Googled and learned that the adults carry the egg shells away and drop them far from the nest so as not to attract predators. This was one of my theories, thank you very much.
I fluthered the day away (and drank Jim Beam).
I’m a lazy bum.
@boots {hugs}
I feel better today than I’ve felt in ages. :)
I drove my Daughter In Law to a doctor appointment, and discovered a park across the street from the office. She was in for a Disability Evaluation
The boys and I spent a fun hour there instead of the waiting room. We walked around the pond. There were crumbs on the ground which we picked up and threw at the ducks and geese. Just as we finished walking, their Mom walked out of the office, and we all went home.
I went for a swim today, which was very refreshing. I also went to a coffee shop and read for a while.
I was getting dinner for tonight and I thought hot dogs. After I left the store I called home to say what we’re having for dinner. Apparently, while I was out, my sister called my mother to tell her to pick up hot dogs for dinner. So that was weird. But the real kicker was that when I called my mother to check, her work van had just broken down in a very busy 6 lane intersection. She was happy not to have to go to the store today after that.
I’m back on Fluther after a few days away!
I just wrestled the canoe onto the car roof for the trip to Quebec tomorrow. I’m going up to retrieve my niece, who will be living with me while attending college. Taking a long weekend to tour Trois-Rivieres from the river perspective; a 17’ Old Town canoe with a 2 hp Honda kicker.
My work has been put off til Saturday now…always the last minute issues with contractors and remods before we can get in and decorate without tripping over buckets of paint and other such hinderences. Soooo…went to see Karate Kid yesterday..awesome little movie! I love Jackie Chan..but, I have a thing for asian men! lol
It was also really cool since I traveled to asia in March, made we want to go back.
Today I am going to see the new Toy Story with my daughter and then….must figure out the cat/raccoon dilemma since I will be working in the city very late over the weekend.
What to do, what to do…lock cats in and raccoon out, or cats and raccoon out, but then…raccoon will eat any food I leave out..but, but…if I leave the cats locked in the house will be too hot as I don’t leave the AC on when I am gone.
Sheesh…animal management 101.
Have also noticed that my lizard haven has been extremely disturbed by the newcomers…where once dozens of lizards were basking in the zen mode of my zone, now, thay are all tail less and in hiding. lol
Aaah well…things change! haha
@Coloma: How about several floor fans and windows cracked open with cats inside along with food and water. (Raccoons don’t consider the cats a tasty morsel?)
Yes, may do that..but..then, the cats will be ready for an all nighter outdoors when I get home. lol
I am trying to keep them out more during the day so they are ready for bed at the same time I am. haha
I swear..it’s like having two toddlers in the house.
I think I will do that..and can leave the doors open with locked screens and ceiling fan and other fans on.
Last night the back door was open to the garage a wee bit and Mia the girl cat actually charged the raccoon when it poked it’s head in.
No aggression from the coon it just looks inquisitive and gives me the sad eyed begging routine.
Mia is the diva and charged him out of the doorway, Gizmo wants to be buddies..but yeah…don’t want to take any chances with food, it could get ugly. lol
I managed to get back on Fluther after exhausting amounts of work…studying, life drama, chores and changing Theo’s room around so that he has a big boys bed (incidentally I single handedly disassembled and reassembled 2 beds in one afternoon amongst other things). I miss you all so much and feel like it’s been an age since I was able to get on here and read properly… :-(
My gf and I helped our friend pick out a ring for my favorite yoga teacher. They’re getting married on Monday.
My gf’s new yoga studio is opening in a couple weeks. They put up the walls last week and started painting a few days ago. All we need now is lighting, a floor, and sound system for the “soft” opening!
I got a letter from Pete today :D
He sent me Polaroids of the farm. It’s gorgeous up there. I’m a bit jealous.. it’s the perfect place to spend alone time.
He comes back around the 30th, and I can’t wait. :)
I met up with mcbealer and her boyfriend (who she met on Fluther!), forestGeek tonight. She’s moving across the country to be with him, and this was her going away party. Had a great time, met some interesting people (invited several to visit Fluther), and drank a Red Headed Slut (I’m a redhead… I had to!). I already knew mcbealer is a sweetie, and now I know that forestGeek is, too. What a great couple! :)
@augustlan Both beauties! (Oh, and even forestgeek!).
Sorry I wasn’t around for the party! They are so cute – and you too, Auggie! (Maybe I’ll make the next one.)
I just ordered a platinum ring to propose to my gf in two weeks.
@ru2bz46 Mazel Tov! Wow – that’s great news!
I’m eating mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, drinking Guinness and watching the World Cup.
@jjmah That is a winning combo.
I’m going to the airport in about 45 minutes!!
That would be fine and dandy, but even better is that I’m picking up my son, daughter-in-law and Jake who are coming home from two years in Paris. (If you read your FB newsfeed, you’d know that!)
@penguin. Oh, right!! Yay! :)
Yesterday our power went out after a quick, but nasty, storm. We were told it wouldn’t be back on until this morning, and the thought of 90 degrees with no AC (not to mention hanging around half the night with no lights) was too depressing so my husband and I took the kids to a nearby hotel with an indoor pool. We stashed all our perishable food in my in-law’s fridge and headed off to our hotel. The clerk felt bad for us, having a room with only one bed and one sleeper-sofa, so he upgraded us to a room with two king beds at the same price. We were the only people using the pool all evening, then played board games until waaayyyy past the kids’ bedtimes. After a horrible continental breakfast we went back to the pool until check-out time and once again had it all to ourselves.
When we got home, the power was back on! I kind of wish it would go out more often, because we had a great time at that rather crappy hotel. Now I’m thinking about dinner, and it’s too hot to cook inside so I’m going to make pizza on the grill!
Thanks @janbb! I’m going to propose at the opening of her new yoga studio. After all, we had coffee to talk about the possibility of me teaching there, which led to our relationship…
Sorry that my last few great things have been about getting married, it’s exciting SO DEAL.
The app reached USCIS in Vermont today. I’ve been doing a bit of research and a lot of people who have submitted apps in June have gotten their stuff back fairly fast. So we’ll see how it goes. Right now we’re preparing for the next big step which is his interview at the London consulate. It should go fine as far as I’m concerned. I still have to get with my aunt and have her fill out the Affidavit of Support, but that should be easy.
Also, last night my mom actually acknowledged the fact I’m getting married. It was kind of nice.
I’m in Trois-Rivieres PQ to free the Princess from a drunken troll.
I arrived at my dads house this morning to find that his dog had stolen all of his clothes off the washing line and there was underwear all over the garden!!!! Made me chuckle!
The sun came out and I’m sat in the garden reading about Wittgenstein and loving my philosophy course…it’s not like hard work at all…that’s when you know you’re doing the right thing :-)
Aside from my best friend telling me he’s going to propose to his lady love, I had a wonderful brunch with another friend and my partner. Nothing makes me so happy as when friends and friends of friends meet and click well.
Got a cast on my arm and some nice pain pills. Turns out I broke my wrist as well as two bones in my hand. Have to type with two fingers. Driving my manual shift car home will be…interesting. I guess the good part of this is that my arm is no longer screaming at me.
I spent last evening with family and friends, celebrating my daughter’s (Fly on Fluther) 16th birthday (which is today). Great food, great company, great cake (it had a vanilla mousse center filling!) all in honor of a great kid. I painted her a picture of her avatar for her birthday, and she loved it. :)
Having a great time with the formerly Parisien folk and just got to sing Jake to sleep.
@marinelife Confrontation with a drunk trying to hit a lady.
(Is there anything better than having a sleeping baby in the house?)
I wasn’t really awake yet this morning and felt this hand rubbing my hip. I was dreaming about something, and thought it was one of our kids poking me. I grumpily shoved the hand away, then heard my husband, all miffed, say, “OK, fine!” It struck both of us as really funny, and we’ve been giggling about it all morning.
I’m looking forward to the day because the kids are going to be forced asked to clean their rooms, and then we are going to see Karate Kid. :)
England plays this afternoon and the family are getting to together to watch it, sink a few wines and have a BBQ after, the weather is beautiful again and I’m so excited it’s like being on holiday!!
@stranger_in_a_strange_land sorry to hear about that sweetie but well done you!! xx
Jake slept through the night.
I met Ronnie Spector on Friday night while I was up in Woodstock helping a friend of mine on a doc she’s doing. Very sweet lady. She said I reminded her of one of her cousins!
Milo loved his new Felidae salmon food. I didn’t have to disguise it or mix half of it with the other stuff.
I have some wonderful accidental flowers in the garden. Do I thank the birds, the wind, the great Gardener in the Sky?
@aprilsimnel That is SO cool! I’m very jealous.
I spent the day enjoying the beautiful sunshine that we are currently having here in England it’s great here down south too @lynneblundell with my favourite person.
I am in a great mood.
My birthday is tomorrow, Pete comes home Wednesday, I leave Saturday for PA I’ll be there for about 5 days, I’ve got the 311/Offspring/Pepper concert on the 16th, I leave the 17th for Colorado, I leave August 1st for Jamaica, then I leave August 11th for Florida for the Star Wars convention.
THEN I come back and it’s three weeks of camp :D
:D :D :D :D
I am in such a great mood right now. Everything is so exciting.
Just hung out in the paddling pool with a naked little boy. It’s been a long time since I done that!
We made it home in one piece. Took all of 15 minutes for Jacqueline to figure out a manual shift. Good thing, since the pain meds make me unfit to drive. J is settling in to her new and peaceful surroundings. No more attacks by a drunken father.
More than one sweet person commented that Green is my complimentary color (Green dress today). I’m a sucker for compliments I deem as genuine.
I spotted twin fawns, still dappled, before they spotted me. I was in the car and downwind so I got to watch them eat grass for several minutes. Then we had a magnificent thunderstorm that left the power working.
Watching La Vie En Rose and drinking gin and tonic with lime.
^^ That’s the saddest story. Man, what a life..
@jjmah Are you androgynously watching La Vie En Rose and drinking gin and tonic with lime?
@jjmah: Ah, yes, but what a voice.
@janbb Not tonight. We ended up doing a little shopping. Soon…
@gailcalled yes, a lovely voice. My Mom used to play her quite a bit. But, wow, she lost so many people her in life.
And she treated herself extremely badly also.
A great but exhausting weekend!
Holy mother of creativity…finished yet another house in the city!
Rolled in at 12:45 a.m. last night and back today from about noon til 6 p.m.
Hotter than HELL…haha
About 103 in the city…a bearable 91 on my my mountain!
Last night my partner and I finally decided to call it a day about 10 p.m.
Opened a nice bottle of wine, stripped to down to our undies and dove in the pool at the home we were decorating. hahaha
Owners live in San Francisco most of the time…showed up at 5 p.m. today and were quite pleased with our transformations. :-)
Came home to a hot house of my own and all the critters shreiking with happiness at my homecoming. lol
Daughter forgot I was out of town and left me about 7 messages….’ Muuuuuutheeeeer…where ARE you!’ haha
Damn…I am in deep doggie doo doo…not checking in and missing my curfew! lol
Now…a couple o’ ‘Honeymoons’ ( Blue Moons summerfest, and, my ice cold hot tub runneth over!’
Thank you God…I live to work again! hahaha
@jjmah Such a beautiful film (and sound track). Edith’s life circumstances were so tragic; I don’t normally like this type of film, but her story attracts me like a moth to a flame. “Non, Je ne Regrette Rien” is what I must listen to at my pity-paties.
@Coloma Yeah, and I’m in the city, arrrrrrrgh
My Daughter In Law was here for over three hours and managed to stay civil the entire time. We had a pizza/pool party with us, them and the kids. The 3 year old is beginning the LOOK AT ME GRANDMA stage, and I really hate that part, but he’s actually walking on the bottom of the pool in the shallow end now.
A s-l-i-g-h-t breeze in Sactown!
Had the AC at about 50 wjile I was working. I just can’t take that kind of heat anymore. lol
I feel truly happy for the first time in almost eight months. I woke up this morning to the sound of my niece singing. I asked her why. J told me “I feel safe…and I have my own bathroom”. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
My husband got his new computer this morning and we were able to video chat again for the first time in weeks. It was so nice to see his smiling face again.
My bf gave up a $600. a month payment car in order to take back from his ex a paid for very nice SUV he’d been letting her use awhile. I foresee a bit less of stress for him which will mean better times for us.
Well..so much for my relaxing day after my exhausting weekend. lol
Running on about 5 hours sleep for the last 3 days in a row and now…off to the vet with my goose Sonora, think she broke her toe. :-(
Goose in a wicker laundry basket belted into the front seat for a trip to the bird doc and an Xray. I hope it’s not too serious….a splinted foot and 24/7 goose side care….I’ll manage somehow, always do! :-/
Maybe I can hire a life gaurd to take her for supervised swims….I swear…I need a veritable HAREM of good help! Preferably studly young men!
Hey…you can sleep in my barn for free if you’ll be my goosehand! haha
This was taking too long to load so per requests, seventh installation starts here.
Jeez…still launching through the universe over here…I guess I am not meant to get any rest right now! lol
My goose has a sprained hock..on meds for 2 weeks a.m./p.m. syringes of anti-inflamatory drugs. Leaving in a few minutes to take my car in for a coolant leak, trying to line up a grooming appt. for my cat, up to my eyeballs in housework, bills to pay, friends wanting to plan the weekend, on standby for the green light on another house slated to start right after the 4th….owners of the store I work at on call are leaving for a month for the East coast and need me to run the show…F—K!
Yep…just like this post…my life is one giant run on sentence….oh…what the hell…we can rest when we are dead right? hahaha
This zone here is like an online diary…
‘Dear diary, today I have only 12 more hours to complete about 40 hours of ‘stuff ’....gimme strength, and…damn…only 7 hours til cocktail time! ;-)
I’m having homemade chicken/veg soup. Made by my dear old Dad.
Just came back from the dog park with Rudy. There were 30 dogs there and when the new guy came running in and started charging at another dog, his owner yelled at him to back off. Her words “Bruce Willis, gentle”. I kid you not.
Psst… you guys are in the wrong thread. Look up ^^ about 8 posts for a link to the new installment of this question!
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