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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Is there a breath odor caused by food that you just can't stand?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37782points) May 26th, 2010

Garlic and onions are the first things that come to mind, but I don’t find those smells to be really awful.

I can’t stand the smell of coffee on a person’s breath for some reason. It just makes me sick. I drink the stuff myself in the morning but have a breath mint as soon as I’m done.

What common food or beverage odor on someone’s breath do you particularly dislike?

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14 Answers

MissAnthrope's avatar

I personally cannot stand the smell of garlic on people. It’s an altered garlic smell and I find it really disgusting. I think everyone processes it differently; one of my exes would smell of garlic for like two days after eating it.. ugh.

partyparty's avatar

I cannot stand the smell of fish on someone’s breath, and also smell of beer on is awful.

Primobabe's avatar

All fish
Shrimp and most seafood
Any strong-smelling liquor, such as whiskey

erichw1504's avatar

I second coffee.

Primobabe's avatar

@erichw1504 Have you ever kissed anyone with coffee-breath or cigarette-breath? Yuck! Kissing a smoker has all the charm of licking a dirty ashtray.

poofandmook's avatar

I work with a guy who has a cigarette and coffee breath that somehow combine to smell like farts. Really sucks that he’s a good friend though, because he talks to me a lot. :x

Also, my sister’s breath specifically after shrimp cocktail. Oh… my… LANDS. I am not sure I have ever smelled something so foul.

Cruiser's avatar

Rotten teeth…that has to be the worst! Smells like death!

GrumpyGram's avatar

Raw onions. Bad teeth, as Cruiser mentioned, or food particles stuck between their teeth. Floss!!

poofandmook's avatar

@Cruiser: Listerine, really? That’s a fresh, minty smell. Unless of course, you mean Listerine in place of brushing, but even then it’s usually strong enough to zap out icky smelling breath.

Cruiser's avatar

@poofandmook No the original yellow version that smells like tar remover! Actually I recall it worked quite well for removing road tar!

poofandmook's avatar

@Cruiser: So you don’t mean the typical green stuff that we use today?

erichw1504's avatar

@Primobabe Luckily, no. But there was this guy that I worked with who drank coffee every morning and his breath was horrid.

Cruiser's avatar

@poofandmook I don’t know as I have avoided the Listerine brand since ever just because of the Gold Death Breath. But I have a new boat and the stuff might remove the black tire marks from pier bumpers real well. Just may have to get me a bottle.

stardust's avatar

Cheese & Onion crisps – yuck. I’m not a fan of coffee breath either. There’s lots, but at the moment, those two come to mind

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