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kelly's avatar

What do we feel are the top ten car chase sequences in movies or TV?

Asked by kelly (1926points) May 26th, 2010

I’m attempting to put together a loop video to play in my garage and at cruise nights of car chases. OK, community let’s list the top ten car chases. I’ll start with “Bullet” with Steve McQueen, and “The Blues Brothers”. How about more.

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10 Answers

Ivan's avatar


aprilsimnel's avatar

The French Connection, 1971.


This one with Dabney Coleman‘s not bad either.

rebbel's avatar

The French Connection car chase.
Edit: I see i agree with @aprilsimnel.

SeventhSense's avatar

Ronin hands down one of the top three.

filmfann's avatar

My dad was a consultant on the driving stunts in Bullitt, so thanks to everyone for that mention.

Road Warrior
French Connection
Diamonds are Forever
Terminator 2
The Dead Pool (the toy car chasing Clint Eastwood)

xxii's avatar

I really enjoyed the one at the start of Quantum of Solace.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@aprilsimnel Wow! I’d forgotten all about that movie! The car chase even channeled The French Connection. I’ve got to see if I can get a copy of the movie.

Blackberry's avatar

Ronin and one of the ones on the Bourne movies, I forgot which one.

jaytkay's avatar

Another Steve McQueen flick is Chicago favorite The Hunter

majorrich's avatar

I think the chase scene from ‘Vanishing Point’ was pretty excellent.

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