Social Question

ucme's avatar

When you meet & greet someone you know well, other than family, how do you do this?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 28th, 2010

I mean there are a variety of ways to do this most of which are tactile.Depending on intimacy & who the person is of course,best friend, colleague, maybe even a stranger introduced by a mutual friend.How do you do? If you catch my drift.

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15 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

I’m a hugger. If they are a friend- a real one- then I’ll open my arms and hug’em. Acquaintences get a hearty hello and a wave with a big smile.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I hump their show dominance of course

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille The resulting stain will be a bitch to clean.Woof.

Facade's avatar

However they want to

andreaxjean's avatar

Well… if it’s my friend and I know what ethnicity they are, I always say “Hello” in their native language ‘cause I’m cool like that. Bonjour! Ni-hao! Konnichi wa! Hola! Buon giorno! Hallo! Olá!... And those are really the only languages I know. I also follow the greeting with a bear hug or a tackle. =]

mariatk's avatar

a hug, maybe a kiss on the check.

jfos's avatar

For my guy friends, usually a handshake, but not the typical shake up and down… The same goes for parting. For my girl friends (not to be confused with girlfriends…), usually a hug. If I’m meeting someone new, usually the same as dear friends, only different words. Unless she’s wearing a powersuit… then she gets a hard handshake.

janbb's avatar

Interestingly enough, many of my couple friends seem to have gotten into a routine of a quick hug and kiss when we get together within the past few years. I’m fine with it and reciprocate except for one friend’s SO who has aimed for my lips a few times. That almost felt like a Seinfeld incident. Another friend always says, “Hello, little lady” which tickles me no end.

When introduced to a stranger, I will usually extend my hand for a shake and withdraw it quickly if it isn’t reciprocated.

Silhouette's avatar

Some I hug and kiss, some I hug, some I decided if I’m in the mood for before they make it to my front door and either open it or not depending on which way the wind blows.

partyparty's avatar

A huge smile, a great big hug and a kiss on both cheeks.

faye's avatar

I’m a hugger, too. Not a kisser except family. One of my boyfriends’ mother years ago welcomed me to a family dinner with a kiss on the lips-just a peck- but freaked me out a little!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Good friends – gentle hug, kiss on each cheek
Business colleague – Handshake “It’s good to see you. What have you been up to?”
Acquaintance I don’t know well – Nod, “Howzitgoin’, [name]?”
Someone I’m just meeting for the first time – Handshake, “How do you do?”

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Hugs. Either the face to face kind or the one arm around a shoulder kind. Sometimes it’s a reaching out of both hands, grasping them and then a mutual move where we grip each other’s wrists and then break. I’m not one for “air kisses”.

Berserker's avatar

I’m all just like, waaazzaaaaaaaaaaaaa foo!


((((Hugs)))) Most people like it when I hug them.

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