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CMaz's avatar

Should we Nuke the oil leak in the gulf?

Asked by CMaz (26323points) May 28th, 2010

Russia has plugged a few runaway under sea oil leaks with a nuclear explosive.

Why not just cut to the chase and push the button?

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9 Answers

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Gadzooks! Someone who had the same line of thought I had. However many Americans could never stomach that even if they can’t stand the oil. Now if they had an aqua version of GBU-43/B MOAB or in this case a MOSB that should do the trick. But pundits will think it could make it worse and no one would be willing to take the blame if it failed, or pay for the damage.

laureth's avatar

Because if it screws up, we could end up with a hole that’s a quarter-mile wide, spewing oil and methane into the atmosphere. (Link)

ucme's avatar

Crude, although sounds fun. But hey what the fuck do I know about it?

Seek's avatar

Probably because some of us relish the idea of not eating glow-in-the-dark oysters for the next 50 years.

DocteurAville's avatar

I am content that BP will have to pay a whole lot. I have never seen oilman that instead of cashing in, will have to cash out for years. BP can bring back Merlin to work this one out.

MissA's avatar

I am going to keep living and pretend that you didn’t really ask that.

CMaz's avatar

So using a Nuke would end life as we know it? Large explosive does not mean “nuclear destruction”.
We have bomb called a MOAB. We can use that.

It has been used before for stopping an oil leak. Successfully.
I don’t think it will do more damage then is already happening and continuing to happen exponentially every day.

mattbrowne's avatar

Radioactivity makes people sick and kills slowly but steadily. Ask survivors of Chernobyl.

josie's avatar

All you need is to seal the top of the outlet. The actual oil is two miles below so no problem springing a bigger leak. All you need is enough heat to seal a reasonably small diameter tube. Doesn’t have to be the Doomsday device. About a kiloton ought to do the trick. I vote yes.

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