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Have you or has anybody that you known had chemo and what were the experience and side effects like for them (or you)?
someone in my family was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and she will probably have surgery and chemo. i know there are different chemo medications and meds can effect people in various ways. i am wondering if you have any experience with chemo, or know someone that has had it. what was it like for them? what side effects did it have? how long a period did they take chemo for? months? longer? did they recover from the effects of the chemo?
someone i work with had it and she said it just made her not want to get out of bed at all. she said that they gave her something to not make her nauseous. she also said she cut her hair off beforehand so she would not be upset seeing her hair fall out.
a guy i used to work with had a mom with breast cancer, and the chemo did something to her lungs and she died, not from the cancer but from the effects of the chemo.
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