If you had to spend the rest of your life either 50 feet tall or 5 inches tall, which would you choose?
At 50 feet tall, you’d never again have a moment’s privacy, you’d never be able to blend into a crowd, and you’d have to work hard physical labour to make enough money to feed and clothe yourself. On the other hand, you’d never again need to worry about your physical safety, and you would be the strongest, toughest person on Earth.
At 5 inches tall, you’d either be in constant danger from animals or at the mercy of whomever was taking care of you, and could be pocketed and stolen like a doll or someone’s pet gerbil. On the other hand, you could drink the finest wines and liqueurs, eat only the finest foods, and pay next to nothing for it. And being “a fly on the wall” is suddenly a very real possibility—you’re the ultimate spy!
If you had to be one or the other for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
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72 Answers
I would definitely rather be 5 inches tall. I like my privacy… especially because I’m a girl. If I was 50 feet tall and had to go potty or something, I wouldn’t be able to do it unnoticed. That’s just weird… I don’t know, maybe I’m just rambling. Plus the thought of walking into a room and being so small that people won’t notice me unless I scream at them sounds fun… I could catch them in their most embarrassing moments… Mwuahahaha!
Great Question – very imaginative.
I’d go with the former – I’d be afraid of getting eaten by cats and run over and stuff.
50 feet tall for me. I’m picking up where Paul Bunyan left off.
I’d like to be the giant rather than the shrimp.
@MissA Who says I can’t be the world’s tallest nudist?
I’m not sure about companions, but that should at least get me some curious on-lookers. Hehehehe.
Not me! Especially if you’d look essentially the same…only more!
If @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities is going to be a nudist, I’ll provide him with companionship.
I’d pick 5 inches tall, so someone could just crush me and get it over with.
@zenele. Sounds like a plan. I like it. =)
Guess I didn’t consider all the options. Maybe there’ll be others…to weave your cloth and the myriad of tasks.
@zenele A trio worthy of the Guinness Book of World Records. I’m in.
I recall @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities being a edit: handsome dude who I am not in the least bit attracted to cuz we’re not Gay – not that there’s anything wrong with that?
@zenele. We’re going to need a few more than our trio to fill all the positions in that nursery rhyme. =)
Tinker, Tailor,
Soldier, Sailor,
Rich Man, Poor Man,
Beggar Man, Thief.
(Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy was the name of a good book though!)
@Bluefreedom We can fill up the rest of the positions with those funny little 5 inch people.
@zenele False, I’m a guy. Maybe we should recruit 3 tall Fluther ladies instead.
I had to say yes at first, it’s not everyday that you get asked to be part of a homosexual couple, which is also a part of a trio of 50 foot giants. There are some opportunities you just can’t say no to. ~
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities We spoke about a year ago or so – I recall our conversation and… oh my god… you mean you’re a guy!
Oh well.
Anyways, three giants need three babes (at least) – who’s up?
I would choose to be 5 inches but make friends with you 50 footers. You could protect me and I could rappel down your back and scratch it any time you had the slightest little itch. A nice symbiotic relationship.
Is this a sequel to Jurassic Park?
At 5 inches, @lillycoyote – you could rappel down my &$% and scratch my $%^&^.
@lillycoyote To a fellow five-incher…you have the idea right. We can live in a garden of peas and hominy.
@MissA JUst don’t piss us off – or your peas and harmony will be sleaze and sodomy.
Hey, I’m only five-inches @zenele…you can’t catch me!
Mini phasers on stun…. zap zap @MissA
Now don’t make me go all Richard Gere on you.
@zenele Who made your phasers? The little people?
@MissA Did you squeak something? I can’t hear you when you’re up my &*%.
Hmmm…so, were you phasing your assets?
The humor in these answers is turning out to be really good. This is fun. =)
@zenele rappelling down your down your &$% and scratching your $%^&^, well, it would take some time before our symbiotic relationship reached that degree of intimacy. Or I could just charge you for that service but that doesn’t seem very symbiotic.
@MissA and peace and homonyms and big strong 50 foot guys to protects us and really take us places.
@lillycoyote You know you love it. Stop teasing. What am I going to pay you in – cashews? Raisins? Lily
I like the idea of riding in their pockets…but, if they are, indeed, nude…well, we’d have to get creative.
@MissA. How about semi-nude? A little jaunt in the banana hammock perhaps?
Yeah and stop playing ping-pong with my balls, girls.
@zenele this is what I really look like so being only 5 inches tall has always been a dream of mine.
Then put them away. You know how girls are.
@lillycoyote. That’s hot! I mean, you’re hot! For someone who is 50 feet high, I mean.
@Bluefreedom Men are so predictable. They’re all running out of their cars just so they can look up my skirt.
@lillycoyote. You know it, babe! And since rappelling seems to be a hot topic of late, let’s do a little mountaineering in the valley of cleavage. When I’m in my 5 inch state. I can revert back and forth.
Honey, I Shrunk the Pervert
Well, this didn’t take long to get dirty. :)
I now envision a group of small 5 inch tall people running around a forest, protected by a few, tall nudists. In exchange for protection from predation by animals, the 5 inchers will scratch the giant’s privates from time to time (because let’s face it, if you’re a 50 foot tall nudist, your privates are likely to get tickled by every tree in the forest).
I smell a movie.
@MissA You know how women are, we’re never happy with our bodies, so yes, I am 50 feet tall but have really always wanted to be shorter. It’s hard to find clothes that fit, as you can see. And shoes? !?! Impossible.
When you look like that, who cares whether you’re wearing footwear!
@MissA My feet are just so big! ;-)
<<<Is quietly munching away on a pipsqueak sandwich.
Does that look work for you???
AND, at fifty-feet, no less.
Those are some pretty serious nips…and, large feet.
‘Night y’all…dream time.
Been fun.
I’m out too, folks. Thanks for all the laughs. =)
Five inches. If I were fifty feet tall I’d be crushed to death from my own weight.
I’ve always wished I was tiny enough to ride around in my husband’s pocket, so 5 inches it is! He’s already a giant, so I already scratch his balls. ;)
Is anyone else noticing an interesting trend that the men seem to prefer 50 feet, while the women seem to prefer 5 inches?
@SmashTheState Interesting! I wonder if it’s a power thing or a body-image thing…
I am too.
It seems to follow the general tendency for men to want to be or not mind being bigger, and women to prefer being petite.
I feel a lot of honesty in this question’s answers. Very interesting on several levels.
@MissA I’ve been totally honest about everything except that I’m not 50 feet tall, I’m only 5’4”.
I would be 5 inches so I could sneak into Lena’s bathroom and beat off when she’s undressing. Yes, that will be the life
@Brian1946 & @augustlan Well, my own preference would be for 5 inches—but I’m also 6’ 5” and the size and shape of a very hairy refrigerator (as you can see from my avatar—yes, that’s really me at a May Day rally in 2007). I know quite well the drawbacks of being oversized, like never being able to blend into a crowd, and having to get down on my hands and knees and crane my neck awkwardly to the side to get at the bottom shelf in the supermarket. Or getting off every long bus ride with bruised and aching knees. Or having to pay $200 for a pair of shoes because they just don’t sell size 15s off the shelf. Perhaps the men who want to be 50 feet tall are rather small themselves and don’t realize how inconvenient it would be. But that doesn’t explain why women would want to be even smaller, since I imagine being smaller on average than men already comes with its own set of challenges comparable to what I experience.
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