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timtrueman's avatar

Surefire LED flashlight…which one?

Asked by timtrueman (5768points) May 30th, 2010

I just realized I don’t own a flashlight. I need one. I started browsing around and Surefires seem the way to go but I get lost on deciding which one to get. What are the important things I should consider and what kind of experiences have you had with Surefire flashlights?

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8 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

I have a LED lenser P7 which is a damn fine flashlight and would highly recomend it. It’s small enough to mean you can carry it all the time and keeps going for quite a long time. It’s also bloody bright.

Otto_King's avatar

Led lenser it is! I have that too in 3 different sizes. Powerful as hell. They sell from the size of a AAA battery or little bigger, up to MagLite police torch size. With that you can light the moon man. :) I love them. Ps.: I usecthe smallest one on my keychain, that’s what I use the most, and I didn’t have to change battery since I bought it. (approx. 2 years already)

zophu's avatar

“Surefire” flashlights are so expensive. I’ve used one and it’s just a normal metal flashlight but with a “lens guard” that’s really just there for the purpose of caving someone’s nasal cavity in. Anyway, if you just need a flashlight and aren’t planning any intensely violent tactical missions any time soon, get a couple of a less expensive brand. LED’s are pretty durable, you don’t have to spend big bucks to get one that will last you a long time.

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majorrich's avatar

One thing I did learn about LED flashlights is you gotta check the batteries occasionally. They last so long sometimes the batteries go bad and start to leak. I use Maglights and had to send one in for repairs. Horrah for lifetime warranty!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I upgraded my old Maglight to LED. It works perfectly.
Also I got a few free ones at Harbor Freight. I keep one in each car.

jerv's avatar

I am fond of the Coast LED Lensers but while looking for a replacement for my old Tac-light, I found a two pack of Techlite Lumen Master lights at Costco for cheap. (That link is to Amazon and is almost double what I paid, but it’s the same light. I have to say that it’s far and away the brightest light I’ve ever had, and was a decent deal.

I have broken more Maglites than I care to admit. They average about 3–4 months with me. The only reason I ever use them now is if Iam not the one paying for them. I’ve only had two Coast lights in the last four years, and that’s only because they got lost. A little pricey, but worth it.

As for the Lumen Masters… I jsut got them a couple of months ago, but I’ve dropped them on concrete often enough and they still work, so I think it safe to assume that they are durable.

@majorrich I use mine often enough that it’s never an issue, but you are correct. While I can burn through batteries in only a couple of months, some people will still have half a charge in the batteries when they rust through.

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