General Question

tedd's avatar

Whats a good place to meet singles?

Asked by tedd (14088points) May 30th, 2010

Be it an internet website, or a method you know… I’m not inept, and I’m sure I could find singles myself, but it never hurts to find new ways to do it.

Anyone have one?

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12 Answers

Anon_Jihad's avatar

Open mic poetry nights at coffee shops.

bolwerk's avatar

Networking events. Work your career and maybe your love life too!

YARNLADY's avatar

Volunteer work – college classes – social clubs (type social club and the name of where you live in your search. Also try your local Sierra Club and recreation department activities.

lillycoyote's avatar

As @yarnlady mentioned, take a class in something that interests you, in your community somewhere. A community college, the art museum, the Y, somewhere like that. Not everyone will be single but some will be and you will be meeting people with whom you share a common interest and with whom you have something to talk about.

lilikoi's avatar

My favorite way to meet people is at hobby-specific events like community service projects or hiking trips. I hate small talk so having one obvious thing in common with the other people at these events is an easy way to have interesting conversations about a shared passion. The events I attend seem to attract like-minded people whereas at a bar you are surrounded by a bunch of annoying shmucks with cheesy pick up lines, wandering hands, and perhaps nothing in common.

eden2eve's avatar

Some people say the grocery store. Everyone has to do it. Sometimes you can tell if a person is eating alone, and a little bit about their habits and personality based upon what they put into their carts. Usually they are sort of “at will” there, and have a little bit of time to make small talk. And besides, they may have some great suggestions or tips about foods and cooking. Win/win.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Depends on how old you are, if you’re in a new town, etc. Taking classes is a good way, as is volunteering. Habitat for Humanity, any run/walk event, outdoor music concerts, etc. The more you’re involved in the community, the more people you know, the more people you meet. It’s not an instant process, however. If you’re looking for instant, try or

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Someone on fluther suggested for finding people interested in just gathering for similar activities but most of the people I know who’ve used the site are in it because it’s more of a singles dating scene, at least locally. I think most cities have a chapter/affiliation. I joined in order to find more people to go to restaurants with a few gf’s of mine but got hit on a lot via e-mail so it might be something to check outl

perspicacious's avatar

divorce support groups—if you dare

Tenpinmaster's avatar

Well if you have a lot of patience and some cash for a monthly subscription e harmony is pretty decent. If you go internet, you get what you pay for. I personally met my live-in girlfriend on myspace by accident but i know some people who got married from meeting on e harmony.

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