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john65pennington's avatar

Why wasn't BP prepared to deal with the oil spill?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 30th, 2010

Here we are, many days of oil freely gushing from beneath the ocean and no end in sight to control it. was BP not prepared for an incident like this? apparently not. it makes me wonder if the other oil producing platforms, out in the ocean, are as unprepared as BP? this is a serious situation. wildlife and animals are being suffocated and the southern shores are polluted with BP oil. its hard for me to understand why BP was not better prepared for any accident, involving oil, out in the ocean. it does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that everything is different down 5,000 feet below the surface of the ocean, compared to dry land. i hope the other oil companies are learning from BP’s mistake. what’s your opinion?

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7 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

@john65pennington I think they were prepared as they needed and were required to be. They were compliant with all safety requirements but what no one there or in the oil industry was prepared for is for all backups and normal response procedures to have failed. There will be massive and major repercussions from this event. I think the bigger question is why hasn’t the government stepped in much sooner. It is criminal that they have not allocated more resources and authority to the local governments along the coast. The whole response to this event is mind boggling.

john65pennington's avatar

I understand why the Feds have not taken over BP’s operations. the Feds would be violating their own law, if they did. remember the Exxon Valdez incident in 1989? after this occured, Congress passed a law that stated, if an incident of this type occured again, the oil company would be liable and responsible for stoppage, cleanup and money damages to the businesses involved that suffered direct and indirect damages from such spill. actually, its a good law, but it is hindering the Feds from actually taking over the BP accident. also, it would appear that the Feds are intervening in private enterprise and violates everything that America stands for. its a complicated situation and i believe the 1989 law is the reason the Feds have not taken over the situation from BP.

perspicacious's avatar

From what I’ve read, because the regulators allowed them to go forward without providing a plan for such a disaster.

Silhouette's avatar

It’s simple math. If they spent the money on safety nets their profits wouldn’t be so sweet. Greed.

ItsAHabit's avatar

Prohibitions against drilling in shallow water has forced drilling from safer areas to less safe areas.

ItsAHabit's avatar

BP had obtained a permit from Louisiana to drill in 500 feet of water. However, the feds would only issue a permit for 5,000 feet. That greatly increases the risk of an accident or other problem and greatly increases the difficulty o dealing with a gusher.

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