Social Question

bob_'s avatar

Why do so many people complain about illegal immigrants, but so few complain about the companies that employ them?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) May 31st, 2010

People on the news and on the press complain about illegal immigrants stealing Americans’ jobs, and demanding that something be done about it. Yet very few people say anything about the companies that employ said immigrants. Do you think that’s the case? If so, why do you think that happens?

This is not to say that illegal immigration is either “good” or “bad”. While I’d say that the vast majority of immigrants are honest, hard-working people, it’s impossible to deny that a few bad apples also find their way across the border. Also, if there are more people willing to work, wages will come down (simple supply and demand). But are immigrants the only ones to blame for that? What are your thoughts?

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18 Answers

Silhouette's avatar

I think you’re right. It’s been suggested but like every solution someone always shoots it down calling it racism.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I’ve suggested many, many times than a really stiff fine and some jail time would effectively end most illegal immigration.

john65pennington's avatar

I normally discuss only illegal immigrants in the U.S. you have asked an important question that has been ignored, again by the Feds. i am sure the Feds have received numerous complaints and information, concerning illegal immigrants working in private industry. i feel that nothing has been done, simply because the Feds are ignoring the illegal factory workers, just like they are ignoring the 20–30 million illegal immigrants in America. to my knowledge, only one factory was shut down and that was because the Feds could not overlook the huge amount of evidence of illegals at one factory. that was a flagrant violation of the immigration laws. it appears that the citizens are going to have to do the legwork for the Feds, since they are not, to gather proof and evidence in the form of photos and documents that prove the illegals are employed there. this is the job that INS is suppose to be doing, but they are not and i keep asking myself….......why?

CaptainHarley's avatar

Two words: unions and votes. Unions because they own democrats and want to organize the illegals. Votes because the democrats want the children of illegals to look with favor on the party for allowing their parents ( and other relatives ) to stay here.

john65pennington's avatar

Captain H, i wonder how long it will take before 20–30 illegal immigrants to take over America by having as many children as fast as they can, at our expense?

CaptainHarley's avatar

Several decades, I would suppose.

john65pennington's avatar

How can a law violator fit in the category of racism? thats just a coverup.

john65pennington's avatar

Not in my lifetime, but i am concerned about my grand and great grand children.

YARNLADY's avatar

Here in California there is at least lip service given to arresting some employers. For the most part, their excuse is that they are not allowed to ask for a social security card as identification, and there is no Federal I D card required for citizens of the U.S. so how are they supposed to know who is and who isn’t a legal resident?

SmashTheState's avatar

Simple. The people who employ them are white.

The objection to so-called “illegal immigrants” [sic] is racism, pure and simple. There is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant.” Human beings are not illegal. They can do illegal things, but they, themselves, are not illegal. Proclaiming a person to be illegal is the first step to Buchenwald. Arizona is well on its way.

Silhouette's avatar

@SmashTheState What if we just called them law breakers, would that make everybody feel better? What do you call a person who rapes? A rapist. How about someone who robs? A robber. How about someone who goes over the speed limit? Yep, that’s right they are called speeders. Immigrants who enter the country illegally…..drum roll…......Illegal immigrants.

john65pennington's avatar

Smash, sorry, but you are incorrect. when these people crossed the U.S.Border without proper papers, they are law violators. discrimination has nothing to do with it.

Have you tried to cross the Mexican Border, without papers? i promise you that you will go to jail there.

bob_'s avatar

@SmashTheState I don’t have a problem with the term “illegal immigrants”. I don’t believe in euphemisms (e.g., undocumented immigrants). But the wheels come off the wagon very quickly after that.

You guys are scared illegal immigrants are going to take over the country by reproducing as fast as they can?

I give up.

YARNLADY's avatar

@bob_—It’s pretty silly, really, the children who are born on U. S. soil are legals, so how would it even be possible?

mattbrowne's avatar

To some it seems easier blaming the outsiders.

Silhouette's avatar

@mattbrowne 82.4% or thereabouts, of us think the immigration laws should be revamped so those immigrants who want to come here can do it legally, quickly and inexpensively. Shy of that, we think those who jump the gun or the river as the case may be, should be held accountable to the laws of the country they just entered.

If you or I break a law in this country we call home, we are held accountable for it. Doesn’t matter if it’s an ignorant law, what matters is it’s the law of the land and we broke it. There is a double standard at play here and it’s wrong.

Many of us who oppose the illegal immigrations don’t blame the outsiders, we blame the insiders, namely our own ineffectual government. Obama’s pledge to grant citizenship to illegal immigrants already here is fine by me but it does nary a thing to solve the problem more will break the law to get here knowing they will be the next wave of law breakers granted amnesty for their crime.

Change the law, shit kill it, open the borders, let every muther fer who walks across that little invisible line be an instant citizen entitled to the bounty that is America. No people don’t like that idea, what happens if we let in criminals? We already are, that in a nutshell is the problem. We can’t tell the people who would follow the rules if they were reasonable from those who would just as soon poop all over the rules because they can and do.

This country issues expedited citizenship for those they feel are eligible, like Salma Hayek, Christian Bale, Alan Cumming, Chuy Bravo, Cesar Millan, can you see what these people all have in common?

Little money, a little celebrity is all it takes to grease the wheels of justice. Suddenly the slow moving cogs of the immigration process are spinning like a top. It’s crap and on behalf of those outsiders you think I am blaming for the problem I am outraged.

mattbrowne's avatar

@Silhouette – Don’t get me wrong. I’m not in favor of illegal immigration. All I’m saying is that in addition to immigration laws we should spend more time finding strategies to deal with the root cause. Just blaming the outsiders is cheap polemics and intellectually dishonest.

Silhouette's avatar

@mattbrowne Looks like we share the same views on this issue. :o)

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