Meta Question

Lightlyseared's avatar

Can you suggest some alternatives to Removed by Fluther moderators?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35060points) June 1st, 2010

With the new guidelines there are a lot more threads that have quips removed by the mods for being off topic as well as for the usual trolling, flame bait, spam etc. Would it be helpful to if the Removed by Fluther moderators quip gave some clue as to why the quip was deleted?

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160 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Removed by Fluther moderators for being too witty

Dog's avatar

Andrew has mentioned that they are working on a way to reduce the space a removed quip makes and also (I am fairly certain) labeling off-topic quip removal as such.

I am not sure if there will be special labels for spam or trolling, but a good indicator of a spam removal would be the amount of lurve the user has. If it is under 50 chances are good that the remark was a sales pitch or a trolling attempt.

jrpowell's avatar

I believe they are planning on giving more info when something is removed.

richardhenry's avatar

Not only will removed responses take up less space on the page so that the discussion is less disrupted, but a reason will also be given for the removal. Stay tuned!

Dog's avatar

@richardhenry Yay! This will be wonderful!

marinelife's avatar

What about Taken up into word heaven.

NeroCorvo's avatar

Well as long as we are suggesting for fun:

“Removed because the user has obvioulsy not reached puberty.”
“Removed because user did not bother to read the details.”
“Removed because it would not enlarge your central appendage”
“Removed for being a total douche comment”

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Removed because user is a moron.

Cruiser's avatar

Taken out back and beaten with a rubber hose

CMaz's avatar

Pass the Ketchup.

chyna's avatar

Not fit for human consumption.

ucme's avatar

Garbage chute, coming through.

MissA's avatar

Just wondering…and, I know this may sound stupid…but, how does spam work on these posts and, what exactly is a troll?

Dog's avatar

@MissA That is not a stupid question at all!

Here is a sample of what a spammer might post:

“Yes- this is a great question. Removed by moderators is a huge problem but I fixed it though using They really helped me come up with some good replacements for removed by moderators.”

A troll on the other hand might say:

“U r a luzer- eat me”

MissA's avatar

@Dog Thanks. I think y’all do a great job of keeping it out of fluther.

rebbel's avatar

Remooved dyu to bed spellign,

augustlan's avatar

Ass-kicked by mods.

mrentropy's avatar

Destroyed by PMS

Dog's avatar


zenele's avatar

Removed by self.

Arisztid's avatar

Removed by Arisztid’s cat

Vunessuh's avatar

Removed by a duck with a spatula.

BoBo1946's avatar

sorry, this answer does not fit here! Good luck with your Fluthering!

Keysha's avatar

Reply eaten by computer. Please reformat.

Fred931's avatar

The Fluther Guidelines are very fun and educational!

CMaz's avatar

Removed, get over it.

Fred931's avatar

I have a sudden urge to reread the Fluther Guidelines, even though I already have, right?

zenele's avatar


Fred931's avatar

This user has been condemned to read the Fluther Guidelines 100 more times before making more posts.

BoBo1946's avatar

sorry, your answer is out of the field of play!

Fred931's avatar

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can be moderated.

Fred931's avatar

Please refrain from describing orgasms without indicating them with NSFW tags.

Fred931's avatar

I have just remembered that @augustlan has a shotgun and knows where I live. This response has been removed for the safety of the citizens of Earth.

Fred931's avatar

I’ll write a different post once I sober up.

BoBo1946's avatar

removed for further editing by you!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@richardhenry That’s a great idea. It would be nice to know if a troll is stalking or it’s just a coincidence that the same anonymous newbie is posting “removed” answers right after ones answers.

It would be nice to have a function that allows us to remove (rather than modify) our own responses after the time limit has expired. I’m sure it happens regularly that a user wants to take down something upon reconsideration (or sobering up).

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Removed due to users incomprehensable sense of humor

bob_'s avatar

Dude, where’s my quip?
Removed due to unwillingness to make sandwiches.
I’ve got your free speech right here, pal!
All your free speech are belong to us.
Removed due to user clearly needing to go to rehab.
We’re just gonna pretend you never said that.
Dude. Seriously?

jazmina88's avatar

removed because of sarcasm (sorry dude)

removed because of nastiness

Val123's avatar

Removed because u r a luzer- eat me

Silhouette's avatar

[This comment has self destructed]
[Nothing to see here folks, move along]

Val123's avatar

@jazmina88 That’s a GREAT one! Removed by God

Val123's avatar


Removed by moderators for no reason. They just don’t like you.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Removed to protect the English language from being perverted any further by TXT SPK (oh bugger…

Val123's avatar

Removed by moderators because they can. They have other super powers, too LAST WORD!!

Cruiser's avatar

So…what are you gonna do about it?

gailcalled's avatar

Taking the distaff position, I find that the phrase has worked its way into the general parlance. Let it stay.

Dog's avatar

Removed because of involuntarily twitch.

rebbel's avatar

Removed because you’re worth it.

Val123's avatar

Removed because this mod is bored

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Removed because Bill Gates’s system ate it.

Keysha's avatar

Removed just to confuse the issue

bob_'s avatar

LOL! But, um, this is General. Sorry.

Dog's avatar

You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

Keysha's avatar

Removed because the Dog peed on it

Dog's avatar

Hey! ^ Ha ha ha!

bob_'s avatar

Puppeh! Eww! XD

Dog's avatar

yeh- sorry about that ;)

shilolo's avatar

Removed for shits and giggles, or, in Dog parlance, Removed for poops and barks.

Berserker's avatar

All your base are belong to us!

bob_'s avatar

@Symbeline Beat you to it! Muhahaha!

Now go make me a sandwich.

janbb's avatar

Removed just to piss off @CyanoticWasp

janbb's avatar

Removed because someone is off his meds

Berserker's avatar

@bob_ Your sandwich has been removed by some fat dude with a hairy back.

nebule's avatar

Removed because it’s about time you said something mysterious

Berserker's avatar

This post has been PWND omg lulz

Kayak8's avatar

You answer is under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer we had a boy that was missing for 3 years somewhere around here.

bob_'s avatar

Yo momma so fat, she sat on this quip and it disappeared.

Val123's avatar

@bob_ dems fightin’ words!

Berserker's avatar

This post has been cockblocked.

HungryGuy's avatar

Yes. I would like to know specifically why a quip was removed. The guidelines should be index-numbered by paragraph and sentence (like the Bible), and each removal should reference a specific index number. That will end much of the quibbling because:

1.) The mods can defend their removal by pointing to a specific reason,

2.) We can challenge a removal if a mod stretched the rules to justify a removal.

And I think even after being flagged, a quip should remain for 24 hours (or click a link to see the quip after clicking through a disclaimer that says, Warning: this quip may be NSFW or offensive) so that we can see what it said and judge for ourselves whether the removal was justified, or if the mod was being heavy-handed. As it stands right now, we have to take the mod’s word that it was a fair removal, and I know from experience that the mods are a tad overzealous in removing quips.

Berserker's avatar

Bible bashed by Fluther Moderators.

Silhouette's avatar

[Replaced with a tall glass of shut the fu*k up]

Jude's avatar

Bending over, waiting for the rubber glove.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Your response have been assimilated. Resistance is futile.

rebbel's avatar

You just received the “Removed Jelly Award”.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

BOHICA (Bend over, here it comes again.)

DeanV's avatar

Removed via “Remove Random Quip” button.

With a special appearance by “Ban Random User” button.

PopLid's avatar

The Father Fluther Says “No Farther, Fluther”!

Jude's avatar

You’ll find your quip inbetween the former Daloon’s (mapped) butt cheeks. Go ahead and fish it out….if you wanna.

janbb's avatar

Don’t you have a fuckin’ off button?

FutureMemory's avatar

Removed because no one likes you.

—This thread deserves the temporary reinstatement of my ModCat avatar <——

MissA's avatar

Removed by moderators until all the black gooey stuff gets sucked up and recycled.

janbb's avatar

Removed because we can.

cookieman's avatar

There could be mod-specific removal quips such as:
Anihilated by Augustlan
Dessicated by Dog

chyna's avatar

^^ Smothered by Sarcasm…

Dog's avatar

@cprevite How about “Digested by Dog- you may collect it later”.. ;)

janbb's avatar

Surgically removed by shilolo?

jonsblond's avatar

Expunged by EmpressPixie

Removed just to fuck with ya

DeanV's avatar

Annihilated by Allie

chyna's avatar

Kicked by KatawaGrey

AstroChuck's avatar

Shitty posting removed.

Brian1946's avatar

Removed by Leno who will now post it as his own

Puffed away by pete

FutureMemory's avatar

Blown-up by Ben

zenele's avatar

I like @rebbel ‘s the most.

zenele's avatar

Attacked by Andrew ;Assassinated by Augie; Bombed by Ben; Redirected by Richard

augustlan's avatar

@FutureMemory I totally just stole your mod cat avatar. Tumblr, here it comes. :D

whatthefluther's avatar

wtf ?!
ok, so I like to see my name in print
See ya….Gary/wtf

janbb's avatar

@whatthefluther I like to see your name in print, too! Hi Gary.

NeroCorvo's avatar

Removed to observe the User’s reaction.

Abducted by alien life forms

syz's avatar

This made my brain hurt
Mod must now disinfect brain
Trolls belong under bridges
Spam is for breakfast
User is too stupid to live
Quip sucked-dead-rats-through-a-straw
Quip sucked-farts-out-of-dead-chickens
User apparently has no spell-check
Glue alert – tacky answer
Dragon alert – flamer

whatthefluther's avatar

@syz….I, for one, appreciate your pain. Thank you! See ya….Gary/wtf

syz's avatar

@whatthefluther I was going to add WTF?!, but you already had it covered ;)

bob_'s avatar

We really liked your post, but with the economy like it is, we had to let it go.

BoBo1946's avatar

we like your effort! Removed due to a rule infraction!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The elevator didn’t go all the way to the top floor!


The lights were on, but there is nobody home!

Dog's avatar

* POOF *


You have been voted off the island.

janbb's avatar

We like you, it’s just your post that was shit.

bob_'s avatar

It’s not you, it’s us. Specifically, us thinking your post sucked.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Your response has been selected for a Darwin Award

rebbel's avatar

From now on, we will write your answers.

zenele's avatar

Your response is still there. You, this thread and fluther no longer exist.

Val123's avatar

Removed due to a rule infraction that we haven’t made up yet.

DeanV's avatar

Eeeny eeny miney mo, your post is gone.

FutureMemory's avatar

Using the Soup Nazi’s voice:

No post for you!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

You lost this weeks vote. The launch is waiting to take you off the island.

Silhouette's avatar

[Thumperian principle]

Fred931's avatar

Removed by 1337 h4Axz u fokin nu0ob

nebule's avatar

<<< has been put in the corner until she says she’s sorry

Arisztid's avatar

Removed by Fluther moderators, will be returned at some time in the future… we like messing with your head.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Gone in 30 seconds . . . .

Val123's avatar

_Removed by moderators because it got 100 GQ’s, and we’re jealous that it wasn’t our question.__

DeanV's avatar

Gone like Challenger.

Too tasteless?

augustlan's avatar

Removed due to excessive blood alcohol content. In the mod.

bob_'s avatar

Yeah, yeah, you got modded. Boo-freaking-hoo. Cry us a river.

mattbrowne's avatar

This comment is NOT safe for those who are sensitive to loud noises or may be offended by extremely salty language or have a tendency to shy away from people wearing protective undergarments

Val123's avatar

ROFL!! @augustlan You guys can’t mod when you been drinkin! It is not allowed!
@mattbrowne “Protective Undergarments?” LOL!!!

mattbrowne's avatar

@Val123 – People keep telling me I’m a bit too serious at times…

Val123's avatar

@mattbrowne Well, they don’t know you is all!! Your humor is very understated, and I love it!

janbb's avatar

@Val123 He’s much improed since I’ve been working on him!

Berserker's avatar

Conan the Barbarian took your post to the seven hells, biotch.

bob_'s avatar


Val123's avatar

@janbb :) Keep it up! He’s a dear!

Berserker's avatar

Gangbanged by hairy Vikings with bad BO.

bob_'s avatar

Removed accidentally due to mod being distracted by, um, films of the adult variety.

bob_'s avatar

And like that, poof, it’s gone.

Man, The Usual Suspects kicks ass.

Berserker's avatar

Removed by creepy nurses from Silent Hill. WE TOLD YOU NOT TO GO THERE BUT YOU DIDN’T LISTEN! Did you?! No! You didn’t! And now it’s gone. GONE!!

AstroChuck's avatar

How about this?

Response moderated (Unhelpful)

Dog's avatar

“Dude you just do not get it…”

janbb's avatar

How about this?

Response moderated (It sucked)

HungryGuy's avatar

Kind of like shooting deformed alien dogs in a deserted subway…

nebule's avatar

Response Moderated because you should be writing your essay and not on here

anartist's avatar

This thread may be moot but still funny

This copy sent to the boneyard.

MeinTeil's avatar

Removed as it’s wit would choke every other user with envy.

bob_'s avatar

Puny, whiny post. HULK SMASH!

MeinTeil's avatar

Awesome bob!

Berserker's avatar

This post was hucked out the window for pretending to be a master military tactician.

bob_'s avatar

This quip was been subject to damnation.

Berserker's avatar

Your post has suffered an extremely bad reference to the movie Cookers. Getta eer you! ’‘Flings shit post out of bucket’’.

erichw1504's avatar

Post has been removed due to several ties to the groupe: Al-Qaeda.

SmashTheState's avatar

“This posting never existed, by order of the Ministry of Truth, Fluther Division.”

janbb's avatar

You certainly have a bug up your ass about Fluther, don’t you @SmashTheState ? I wonder why you keep coming back.

SmashTheState's avatar

“Q: If you find so much that is unworthy in the United States then why do you live here? A: Why do men go to zoos?”H.L. Mencken

janbb's avatar

Glad you clarified that.

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