Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

What should you do if someone follows you home?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) June 1st, 2010

I was followed home a few weeks ago and he asked me all these weird questions. Thats behind now and the situation died down.

Me and my retard self called him because he gave me his number, so i called, we strightened things out. BUt the thing is my dad takes me home everyday now and he doesnt know i called the dude back and now im scared that the guy will follow me home agin and my dad will see him and the guy will rat me out because I really dont want to tell my parents.

I have no idea what to do and im cluless and a teenager that needs SERIOUS help.(As of being a reatard).

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21 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Everyone makes mistakes. It sounds as if you have a loving father. Explain things to him so that he can continue to protect you while you need protection.

janbb's avatar

I concur with @dpworkin ‘s advice. It’s important information for your Dad to have in case there is a further incident.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Your parents need to know. If you ever go missing, they’ll know where to start looking. I’m not saying that you will go missing, but it’s a possibility.And yes, I’m trying to scare you. Never, ever do that again, missy. No normal guy would follow you all the way home.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Tell your parents what happened. They will help you.

Remember, you don’t have to talk to anyone who gives you a weird feeling. That is your intuition and now you know to listen to it. The next time some guy follows you or makes you feel uncomfortable, remember how you’re feeling now, and tell him you don’t wish to be bothered. A decent man will leave you alone.

You are under no obligation to talk to or call someone you don’t want to speak to. Women are taught that others people’s feelings come before their own and that’s not always true. Always being polite and ignoring our intuition can get us hurt. OK? I’m glad you’re all right, but don’t call this man again and tell your parents.

Likeradar's avatar

Who is this guy? A stranger, a friend from school…?

blueberry_kid's avatar

Likeradar I really dont know, just some weird guy that followed me home

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@astrix24 How much older than you do you think the man was? Make sure you give a physical description of the man to your parents, too.

GrumpyGram's avatar

If he does it again, simply pull up into a Police Station parking lot. That’s what I’D do. He won’t even pull into a parking space. If he does, just walk inside then look out the window and see him take off. And you COULD take his license number.

Silhouette's avatar

May I ask why you called the guy? You reopened a can of worms which could cause all kinds of problems for you, your father, and this guy, you better own up to it before the situation goes south. Your dad needs to know you made last contact with this guy so he has all pertinent information. Take a deep breath and go tell your dad what’s happened.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Hi….First of all take care of yourself. Let your dad protect you. It’s too crazy out there for you to be alone in this situation.

Secondly, who is this guy? Is he a student? Is he an old geezer? (I suppose that would be over 18 in your case.) If he asked you really strange questions….please steer clear.

I agree with @silhouette…Why did you call him? You don’t have to call guys that give you their numbers, EVER…EVER…EVER. If they insist on giving it to you, take it, smile and run for the hills…and don’t call them. It’s not as important as your own life and safety.

“Dad….I have something to tell you…but I don’t want you to get upset with me. I am telling you because I am really scared and I know I made a huge mistake…okay? I feel awful about what I did. I called Mr Strange Weirdo…I wanted to straighten things out with him and thought it would help. I straightened stuff out, but now I am afraid that he might follow me again. I wanted you to know so that you could make sure that I was safe. I am very sorry, I tried to fix something on my own and I should have let you handle it. I won’t do this again.”

Please be careful. You are not stupid….and certainly you learned from this whole experience…I hope.

All the best to you…..and big hugs. Let us know how it goes.

Val123's avatar

Wow….learning experience. Glad you survived.
I was followed often when I was a single young lady. This was pre-cell phone days. I would take a detour to the police station and park, ready to go in…but it sounds like you’re not old enough to drive.

I agree with everyone else. Absolutely tell your parents. They may get mad and call you a fool, but I guarantee their first priority is to protect you.

Merriment's avatar

@astrix24 – So…how many times did you talk to this guy? Once? He is unlikely to be coming back based on that one call. But, if as I suspect is the case, you dabbled in the attention he was paying you and talked with him a few are right to fear him showing up again.

Bottom-line is you involved your father by telling about being followed and scaring him to the point that he is driving you home every day…now you owe it to him to be honest about what you have done so that he doesn’t get hurt or hurt somebody.

evandad's avatar

That guy should go straight to jail

perspicacious's avatar

Calling yourself a retard is distasteful. You sound like you are about 12. You should actually tell your dad that you talked to and actually called a guy who followed you home. Please be careful.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Omigosh, thanks so much guys, i appriciate all the help. I told both my parents and they gave me like a two hour long lecture, but i deseverd it. Im grounded for a whil, well not really., my mom and dad just took my phone away and im getting a new cell number. Im freaking outcuz i dont know when im getting it back but i really appriciate all the help. Thanks. I understand what i did was stupid and i know that i am stupid, (sorry @DarlingRhadamanthus, i shouldnt of done it, im stupid.) Anyway, Thanks :-) <3

janbb's avatar

Hey – you’re not stupid; you’re a kid! And even us grown-ups do dumb things.

Val123's avatar

@astrix24 Right on! So glad you gathered up the courage to tell them! Now it’ll all be taken care of and you don’t have to worry any more.

And you are NOT stupid. You did something foolish, but we ALL are guilty of that in our lives at some point, especially when you’re younger. Except not Auggie. Of course.

Val123's avatar

Or @janbb, who just gave me a GA. :)

dpworkin's avatar

Hey, good for you! That took some courage! I’m glad you’re safer.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Hey you…...:) Why are you apologizing to me? I don’t think you are stupid at all! And I didn’t say that. I was just giving you advice on learning to say, “No.” No is okay. No is useful. No is a good word to know especially when confronted with strangers who are pushy and attempting to get in your personal space.

Know why I think you’re clever/smart? Because you came here and asked for help! That was great! Know why else? Because you talked to your parents!! Hooray!! I am so glad you gave them a chance to help you. And..a new number is the safest way to go. You don’t want to answer the phone if that person is on the other end of the line. They did the right thing, I hope you know that.

Take good care…you deserve good things in your life! Honest! And we are all here cheering you on! (And…please, please, be careful from now on.)

Big, big hugs! Sooooo happy you were so incredibly brave to tell your folks! You rock!

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