Social Question
Do you think this video is shopped?
I was looking at this Flight of the Conchords video called ‘Ladies of the World’, and I noticed that they were (obviously) doing some pretty cool stunts on rollerskates. I had never seen them do that before, and while its perfectly possible that they can do it, it looked kind of like the heads were superimposed onto the bodies…
What do you guys think? I just want a second opinion. Or a third.
Warning: This video is… different. Its a typical HBO kind of thing. It talks about hermaphrodites, and the basis of the song is talking about how they want to sleep with as many ladies as they can to show them… gratitude. Don’t ask, it really isn’t the point.
But if you’re easily offended, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
The roller skating part starts at around 2:27.