General Question

XOIIO's avatar

Can I use this joystick with flightgear?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) June 1st, 2010

It has attack 3 written on it. I want to use it with a flight simulator called flightgear. Will it work or is it only for that game. I have plugged it in and it doesnt have any software on it.

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8 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Actually it looks like I can, I am downloading the software right now. Do any of you have any experience with this joystick?

DeanV's avatar

It should work. Or at least it’s worth a shot because Flightgear is free.

It’s a logitech, right? Is it recognized in Control Panel as a input method?

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah, it’s all set up now. Just waiting for the big ass flightgear file to download.

DeanV's avatar

@XOIIO It’s a pretty good game, though. Worth it, in my opinion. Although Microsoft Flight Simulator is probably better.

Also, if it’s still downloading you can play around with the Google Earth flight simulator. It does work with a joystick.

XOIIO's avatar

Microsoft flight simulator? Hmmm

XOIIO's avatar

Ahh, but that is paid.

DeanV's avatar

@XOIIO Yeah, I think it’s worth it, though. It’s got better physics than the Flightgear one, plus a huge modding committee, which is probably my favorite thing about it. But it is a little pricey.

XOIIO's avatar

Probably, but I don’t know if I like flight simulators. I probably will. If I really enjoy them I might look into MFS

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