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Maybe our universe was made by advanced scientists...
So I was watching this documentary and it was talking about how it is theoretically possible to create a big bang and then in turn create a universe. So I got to thinking maybe we are all wrong and maybe some very advanced civilization (I’m talking 14 billion years + more advanced than we are now) Maybe They were experimenting or did have the technology to create our universe. So the theory that our universe was created out of nothing is not really true. What happens is that they use the technology to create a big bang, but physics will not allow a universe to be created on top of a universe, so once they make a mini big bang, it rips a hole in spacetime and esentially goes into another dimension. It would be like blowing a soap bubble, then blow a bubble inside that and the new bubble pops out of the side of the original bubble. if you lived in the original bubble you wouldnt be able to see whats going on the bubble that popped out the side it would be its own universe. So maybe our “God” is actually some scientists that were experimenting and created us and maybe their “God” are also some scientists that did the same thing…maybe all universes are made by a bunch of infinite scientists.
my head hurts
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