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Jude's avatar

Worst baby name?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 2nd, 2010

Someone that you know (personally), named their baby _____?

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76 Answers

Seek's avatar

Harold Butts. Yes, they called him “Harry”.

Also, April May June.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I know Siberian Huskies named that
.My deepest apologies to all the Dakotas out there.

Jude's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I’m with you on that one.

rebbel's avatar

Obviously the baby couldn’t help it and she is undoubtly very sweet, but she was named by my ex mother-in-law, Nafi.
The a sounding as the u in yuk. Or truck.

Blackberry's avatar

Whatever your name is, and Jjmah. :P

Jude's avatar

@Blackberry you need to be betchslapped. ;-)

jenandcolin's avatar

@meagan I totally agree! I hate that name! The name Neva (a river in Russia) is a family name and I want to use it for a girl but now (for about the past 2 years) when I tell someone the name they always say, “don’t you mean Nevaeh”
Ugh, I hate that name! (sorry to anyone who has that name…)

rebbel's avatar

@meagan and @jenandcolin
How is that name pronounced, please?

bob_'s avatar

Any of the following.

rebbel's avatar

Uh…., thanks.

Seek's avatar

((Heaven backwards. Do you suppose they name their sons Alucard?))

rebbel's avatar

It’s probably because i am not American and thus never hear these kind of names (although i recognized some of them from the series The Wire), but i actually like a lot of them.
They sound exotic, to me.

bob_'s avatar

@rebbel Dude

* shakes head disapprovingly *

meagan's avatar

@rebbel Nevaeh isn’t very common. Its pretty white trashy stripper name.

chyna's avatar

Fonda Peters. Honestly, I knew a girl with that name.

Cruiser's avatar

Lucille/lucy what’s up with that name?? Who would could possibly be that angry to name their kid that!! ;)

Merriment's avatar

@lucillelucillelucillethat’s effin hysterical! LOL

Likeradar's avatar

Neveah is actually a very popular baby name among African Americans.
In 2007, it was in the top 10 in NY, and was in the over all top 50 in the US in 2006 and 2007.

Jude's avatar

Ryan for a girl? Bad?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Someone named their baby Jeffy – I really don’t like it.

Seek's avatar

Eww. I hate The Family Circus.

FutureMemory's avatar

Isn’t there a hand lotion called Neveah?

bob_'s avatar

@FutureMemory That’s Nivea.

Trillian's avatar

There was one clinic where I worked that had several. I think I told this on another thread but it is so freaking weird that it bears repeating.
Orange Jello &
Lemon Jello (Pronounced or-AHN-gelo and le-MON-gelo) Twins.

And I once had a cashier check me out at Franks, her name tag actually said “LaTrina”.

Likeradar's avatar

@jjmah I love Ryan for a girl. I’ve seen it spelled Rian. Poor boys… we’re taking all the good names.

chyna's avatar

A lady came in my Doctors office with her newborn and told us she had named her Grey.
Kind of depressing.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Merle, Newt, or Elmer.

CrazyRedHead's avatar

I once knew a girl named Summer Autumn Winters

DominicX's avatar

Well, I personally hate Braden/Caden/Jaden/Hayden. None of them are “unique” anymore!

I know a boy named “Piper” (my 7-year-old cousin). While I like the name, I always thought of that as a girl’s name…

Also, according to the book Freakonomics, someone was named “Shithead”, pronounced “shuh-teed”. :P

Jude's avatar

@Likeradar I’ve always liked it. It was the name of an actor’s (I can’t think of him now) girlfriend.

I like traditional names. The g/f and I agree, we both like the name Vivien for a girl. Viv for short. We both picked Colin and Michael for boy’s names. I still love Rett (Everett).

CrazyRedHead's avatar

@jjmah I must that Ryan is not a bad name for a girl. Mine is Ryenn.

jenandcolin's avatar

A lot of “bad” baby names for me are based on associations…
Although I like the name Breanna, I knew a Breanna (she goes by “Bre”) that was an evil person. So, I kind of hate this name now when I think about it.
Same bad associations with Erin (her name was actually Eryn), Laura and Crystal.
On another note I really hate the names Mindy, Cindy and Lacey (as in a material used to make undergarments).

gemiwing's avatar

These discussions always make me a little uneasy for a few reasons. A- we’re talking about kids and B- a lot of hidden racism comes about in talks like this. A wise friend pointed me to a very informative essay on urban myth names that is a must read here It’s a three parter and each part is well worth the read. Also, Snopes has a great article on ‘funny’ baby name jokes that still circulate- snopes

I think the worst names are ones that are so popular that the child has to go by first and last name- it was a hassle for me growing up. Names that are too long to fit on a form, or names that have four parts- try fitting that on a passport, driver’s license or SAT form! Also names that are hard for other people to spell or pronounce correctly- it used to drive a friend of mine crazy. She ended up going by her middle name, Grace, just to make her life easier.

Beyond that- anything goes for me personally.

DominicX's avatar


Well, I mean, a person is allowed to dislike a name…

Top 60 Ghetto Names:

My favorite is “Beethovenice”. :P

gemiwing's avatar

@DominicX Of course someone is allowed to feel whatever they feel- I’m not sure where you’re getting that from my earlier comment. I do think it’s important to check our thinking and make sure we’re thinking clearly and not letting societal racism impart a taint to our thoughts.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Dweezil and Moon-Unit. Sorry Mr. Zappa, but you shouldn’t smoke and name, for the love of god.

Also, for some reason, the name Dylan has always bugged the hell out of me. Couldn’t tell you why. I’ve only known nice Dylans and it’s not as if it’s a deeply weird name or anything.

@gemiwing: I actually know what you mean. There are a number of “ghetto black” names that I think are absolutely beautiful but there is no way I would “be allowed” to name a white child of mine any of them.

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Does that mean you are my long lost sister she kicked out of the house 21 years ago for drawing on the walls with sharpies all the time?? <<Smiles>>

Seek's avatar

Oh! I haven’t met him in person (though, I’d love to!) is Keifer Sutherland.

His full name is “Keifer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland”

His passport literally reads “Keifer William Frederick De”

That’s just too much.

tedibear's avatar

My sister was a nurse and did a stint in a maternity ward for a bit. Her two favorites: “Ether” and “Anesthesia.” Not Anastasia, but Anesthesia. I went to school with a boy named Edward whose last name was Eddy. And yes, he was called Eddie Eddy.

One of my favorite websites for bad baby names

YoKoolAid's avatar

First name: Wiener. Last name: Cadet….brutal

DrBill's avatar

pronounced Sha-thed

Spelled Shithead

His parents should have been shot!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s the name of a nearby town. The other kids would have a lot of fun with it.

erichw1504's avatar


ubersiren's avatar

I watched a documentary once which had a girl named “Pineapple” in it. Sort of cute, but I’m sure the girl was picked on.

I loathe Aiden and anything that rhymes with it. When I go to the playground, all I hear is Aiden, Jayden, Braden, Kaden… and the one I heard most recently, Zaden. Gag me with a spoon.

I really don’t hate many others. Unoriginality just makes my head want to explode, though. I can’t understand why you would name your child anything in the top 10 most popular names. But that’s just me.

OH WAIT- I almost forgot about this

KatawaGrey's avatar

@ubersiren: Holy crap. Those are awful people. That child doesn’t need a cake, he needs to be taken away.

Jude's avatar


ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

This girl I know just named her baby Collin and she calls him “Colly” for short. I hate that name. It makes my skin crawl. I also think it’s ridiculous when people name their baby after some type of vehicle, like Bentley or Mercedes. I mean, seriously? Come on…

Trillian's avatar

@gemiwing I don’t feel like we’re discussing kids here so much as the parents who named them. We all know it isn’t the kids fault, and their peers are the ones who will be merciless, not us.

ShiningToast's avatar

Pronounced La-dash-ian
Quote from the mother: “You say the dash.”

Also, Major Major Major Major.

gemiwing's avatar

@ShiningToast That’s the 1917 joke that the essay I linked to above is about.

@Trillian I don’t think anyone is making fun of children, I simply feel that I am not comfortable with it.

DominicX's avatar


There’s also “Grayden”. :P

The funny part is my brother had a stuffed bunny that he named “Grayden” way back before all those names were popular. I don’t even think he knew it was a real name.

filmfann's avatar

I grew up with a friend who has a sister named Tiger.
She was born in the 50’s, long before it was popular to curse your child with stupid names.

I have another friend who named his daughters Sunny and Stormy. When something is broken in the house, he refers to it as Storm Damage.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Any name that is spelled in some manner other than the generally accepted version of the common name. Example: If you’re going to give your child the ever so common name of Courtney or Brittney, for god’s sake, don’t saddle them with Kourtnee or Kortni or Kortnee or Britni or Brittnee thinking that some how makes it special. All it means is that for the rest of their life, they are either going to have their name misspelled, or waste time spelling it aloud to people, who will give them a dumbfounded look, and misspell it anyways.

Tom Lehrer once said, “I knew a man named Henry who was such an individualist, he spelled his name H-E-N-3-R-Y.” The 3 was silent.”

ubersiren's avatar

@DominicX Never heard that one before. I’ve heard Grayson, but Grayden is sort of neat to me for some reason… I’m so fickle!

Silhouette's avatar


Merriment's avatar


filmfann's avatar

@lillycoyote those parents need jail time. They wanted a swastika on a birthday cake!

Jude's avatar

@Silhouette Myrtle’s cute a Bassett.

Silhouette's avatar

@jjmah I actually had a big ole airedale I named Myrtle, I had to change her name when I was told my mother in laws given name was Myrtle.

Seek's avatar

@filmfann – His sister’s name is “Aryan Nation”.

lillycoyote's avatar

@filmfann Yes, it’s disgusting, isn’t it. Corrupting an innocent child from birth.

mattbrowne's avatar


Jude's avatar


A kid (worker) at American Eagle had that name. Wtf?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@mattbrowne Can you write that out phonetically? And from what nation is that, ancient Mayan or something?

Likeradar's avatar

Jermaine Jackson has a son named… wait for it… Jermajesty.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Likeradar And his pot smoking sister is affectionately referred to Jerhighness?

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