Why use fluther instead of a different answer site?
Yes, there are others…
I don’t like them though.
I am asking this primarily so that maybe a newcomer will see all of our good reasons for sticking around, instead of swimming away.
I am asking this question with many answers of my own to use fluther instead of another site. For one, I think there is a sense of community. It is also akin to how wikipedia aims to let their information be updated by its users. If anyone has an answer they can give it, and it will be validated by the lurve.
It also seems that certain people will give better answers about better topics and that this site is getting the questions to the right people.
Now those are a few good reasons. How about some more bad and good reasons…
A reason not to use fluther would be traffic flow maybe? Not enough people answering the questions? I really have trouble finding any cons.
Observing members:
Composing members:
72 Answers
I actually feel like I know some of the people here
I feel welcome when I am here and missed when I am gone
I care about people here profoundly
and I feel a sense of deep common connection
I find the level of intelligence to be higher than that of other sites.
This is about the only decent site left that will have me.
I like the hors d’Ĺ“uvres.
There’s other Q&A sites?!?!
The royalty checks are bigger here.
@cprevite I stand by my comments! I said it’s high_er_ not high!
Higher Intelligence of the Q&As like Simone said, and also Simplicity of the site’s design.
It better not get all complicated down the line, in a misguided desire for more socialness, like many other websites
I like the better setup, mostly the high intelligence and the jokes.
The quality of answers, the diverse talent in the regulars, our wonderful Mods applause!, and the utter lack of 10-year-olds and txtspk.
It is cozy and warm and full of bright fun jellies
@ChazMaz….Would you grab me a deviled egg and a couple of carrot sticks? I’ll buy you a tall cold one. You good with Carlsberg Elephant?
See ya…..Gary/wtf
Familiarity for me. It’s my first one and I know how it works. I tried Answer Bag once. I was on there for about 15 minutes before I couldn’t stand it any more.
I like it and I like to hear what the other jellies have to say.
@whatthefluther Gary, don’t you mean a Jellyphant!
Fluhter is my first lurve,
It will be my last lurve,
I’ll be true to YOOO-OOO
Familiarity, yes, but it’s a good site. I agree with @Simone_De_Beauvoir about the above average intelligence level. To underscore my point, go see Minekey.com!
The clean, fuss free interface with just a touch of humour.
You won’t be bombarded with redonklous NSFW questions every morn to the point that you’ll lose your chubby.
because i like to see “alley cats” fight!
Seriously, the questions and answers are much better on this site than the others i’ve tried!
I don’t use Fluther instead of any other site. I participate in many of them. Some are more entertaining than Fluther, some are more intellectual than Fluther, and some need a lot more help than Fluther, but I see no reason to limit myself to just one.
The clean, easy to use set-up. The lack of txtspk. The comparatively high intelligence level. The question matching algorithm. The humor. The positive reinforcement of lurve. But, most of all, the community. The people here rock!
Just like what @YARNLADY said. I also participate in other similar sites but I remain active here. I think it’s because fluther has a sense of community,neat management,interesting/attractive issues,and other constructive value. And now,it’s becoming a much better site with its improvements!
@augustlan I see how you praise your own site…
Because Fluther is the best?
You’re exactly right. Because Fluther is the best.
That’s a great answer.
For the same reason that I’m not interested in dating.
@Doctor_D Haha… I don’t own the site! I was a member first, then I became a mod, then I became the community manager. :)
@Auggie Ah – we know you’re really the Wizard pulling Ben, Tim and Andrew’s strings!
@janbb: So glad you said “strings” – I was concerned for a moment.
@cprevite Well, we don’t really know what goes on behind locked doors, do we?
@janbb: true. I’m waiting for the porn adaption…‘F’ is for Fluther
“So, is that a tentacle…or are you happy to see me?”
“Here in the lagoon, we can go really deep.”
“No lube necessary – I’m an ‘oh my jelly’”
“Here at Fluther, we’re all about penetrating answers.”
ok…I’ll stop.
Well, I just happen to stumble onto this site but I can’t really put my finger on what keeps me here. I guess I just like it here.
I’m with @YARNLADY on this one. I don’t use just Fluther—I use several different Q&A sites:
I like Fluther because it’s a streamlined design that’s easy to use, and has a lot of participation. The censorship here bugs me sometimes, but they have a right to make up their own rules here, and there are other Q&S sites…
Answerbag used to fit that desription until they changed it all around and made it difficult to find new activity in questions you’re following, and membership took a nose dive. The home page throws Staff Questions and “Professionally Researched Answers” at you on the top of the page—and member Q&A is way down in a little box. It’s almost pointless participating there any more. But I still respect Answerbag because the mods aren’t heavy-handed. They’ll remove spam and personal attacks, but there’s no censorship otherewise.
BlurTit is active, but they don’t have indicators telling you when there’s new activity in questions you’re following, so it’s a pain to use because you have to watch your email for new replies to questions—and that limits overall participation. Plus, the site is dominated by 13-year old girls (and younger) and so most of the Questions are about Justin Whatsisname. Because they allow little kids in, they have censorship there, but it’s mostly just filtering out dirty words and sexual innuendo, and not so much about content.
SodaHead is very active, and there’s no censorship whatsoever (except for removing spam and personal attacks)! w00t! But it’s dominated by neocons and Tea Baggers. And it’s a complex cumbersome design to use.
Fluther provides clean bathrooms.
I am so comfortable here now that every other Q and A site just seems to confuse me! I also love the simple layout of this site and the people that I see around everytime I log on.
OK – so out of curiosity I went and visited some of these ”other” Q&A Sites, and ya know what…
I don’t know any of those people!!
@Val123: Well, they’ve heard rumors.
@cprevite That’s not good!! :)
As a former very active member of Wisdm for three years, and now here for the last several months, I find it very interesting how each site takes on a distinct human-like personality of it’s own. Wisdm was a great site, for all the reasons that Fluther is a great site….mostly it was made up of people of above average intelligence, but it still had a different personality than here. Somebody needs to do some research on this phenomenon.
And PLUS the creators should have a phone conference with all who are interested because it’s COOL to hear the voices of The People!
@Val123 My husband has had many flutherites on his internet radio show, including @augustlan and @andrew. You should check it out sometime. It is interesting to hear the voices of our fellow jellies. :)
@jonsblond Please can you tell me how to find it too
The level of censorship here is excessive. Overzealous mods with heavy handed censorship doesn’t make for a good site. Minekey is 100 times better.
@janbb, I was trying something different. Why are you getting your panties in a bunch, are you an owner of the site?
@Roscoe_P_Coltrane No, I just don’t get it when people join here and immediately start putting it down before getting a feel for the place. That’s all.
@janbb, well then that’s just too bad for you then isn’t it? I don’t intend to filter my beliefs to accommodate you.
@ChazMaz, I’m not hard to find…bring it on.
@Roscoe_P_Coltrane Most people are quite pleased by the level of moderation here. Clearly, you disagree. I’m curious as to why you think questions like “Is it gay to want to stick household items up your butt?” would make Fluther a better place.
household items?!?!
Like a toaster?
I’d suggest a vacuum cleaner.
I use it because it’s the best available.
@augustlan, any relaxation of draconian moderation would be an improvement over what exists here now. May I ask you, how did you know what that question was since it was removed almost immediately? Furthermore, if it was SO offensive, how is it YOU are able to re-create it here? YOU get the laughs from MY joke, mighty convenient if you ask me.
@YARNLADY , Exactly what is that supposed to mean?
@augustlan , I was just reading another thread where a key point in the flow of the conversation is gone. Replaced by “Comment Moderated” BLOODY HELL?
@augustlan is the Goddess. She sees all. She knows all.
The question itself isn’t offensive, it’s just not worth our time or Fluther’s bandwidth.
hmmmm I just don’t like it when people start bitching about Fluther, I’ve never had any problems here
On the contrary the member of the community here have helped me no end,...they are true friends and give honest and thoughtful answers. I’ve never been anywhere else where you can come to in the depths of depression and have so many people make you feel good about yourself and truly valued. Anyone who doesn’t experience this should probably ask themselves; what am I sending out in the community…sow…reap… enough said. x
@Roscoe_P_Coltrane I think that’s a very acceptable question about a possible anatomical anomaly.
@augustlan has eyes in the back of her head so watch out.
Hey, Auggie – I know who you ate supper with last night, though.
@janbb She told me you said “hi”. I said “hi” back. :D
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