What is the price of being so cute?
I was working at a bar and a beautiful girl who was a customer asked me “What is the price of you being so cute?” I told her” That would be you”, and she blushed and walked off. If you were posed with this question/ hit, what would you say?
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41 Answers
a lot of unwanted attention. advances, etc
I can’t improve on your answer. Nice!
That’s pretty funny; her line was clearly a pick-up line but she got embarassed when you responded!
Having to answer obnoxious questions.
However, as a bar tender I would’ve said. Having to put up with nice size tips. Don’t want to piss them off.
@janbb Could I have said something better…was I wrong? For my part..I was just being honest.
@Pandora That question wasnt obnoxious….at least to me.
The question was meant to be flirtatious, perhaps a pick up line.
@cornbird I thought your reply was meant to deter her. Thought thats why she blushed and walked away. However I can see how it can be a compliment or insult.
You could’ve said, It depends. If you give me your number and we can discuss it in detail later.
Or meet me after my shift and we can discuss it over coffee (at a local coffee joint).
She hit on you first. I don’t think she thought you a creep. However, depending on how she sees herself you reply could’ve felt like you were being snide.
@janbb I know. I didnt want to push myself on her to much too soon with the fear that she might think im a creep.
Hand her a quarter and say two bits.
@Pandora It was meant as a compliment. Im just interested in what you other guys or gals would say in that situation. Thought I might get some amusing answers.
Only being seen skin deep. But you knew that.
That many people like me?
Excellent comeback @filmfann ! Good responses tend to come to me hours to days after they would do any good. 8—(
That’s an odd question, to me. She obviously is trying to give you a compliment, but it’s just odd. I don’t really think there’s a clever comeback…I’d say something like, “I need you to explain a little further.”...with a nice smile.
“How much are you willing to pay?” ::wink::
@aprilsimnel But, the question doesn’t center around him being for sale or available for a price…it’s like, “How much did you have to pay to be cute?” What am I missing?
You aren’t missing anything. That’s what I get for trying to answer questions before I’ve had my coffee.
I don’t even understand the question.
There is no price for being cute (it is a blessing to be cute)! But, looks are only skin deep! Think that was already said, but so true. I’ve gone out with some very beautiful ladies, but by the time the evening was over, they did not look near as good as when i met them!
having musguided morals, being self centered and self absorbed.
“I am loved and adored by millions.”
@janbb Your a penguin from NJ. Seriously?
But of course, why wouldn’t a cute penguin from New Jersey be loved and adored by millions?
I only had to pay her a few thousand to say that.
And the check had to clear first.
@cornbird I could be wrong but I think maybe the reason she blushed was because your response could be interpreted as an insult. The price I have to pay for my undeniably good looks is I have to put up with you. Girls who throw themselves at my feet kind of thing.
So my answer was insulting? I really never meant for it to be insulting. I understand that she was hitting on me by telling me that she thinks im cute and i just wanted to let her know that i think she is cute too! If it pleases you all it didnt just stop there….before she blushed and walked away she told me that she is not as cute as me and i told her that she should reconsider. Then she blushed and walked away. I didnt want to include that info cus i didnt think it was necessary
@chyna You understand where I was coming from right when you answered that you couldnt improve on my answer?
Absolutely. I think it was a perfect answer. I thought when I read your answer that you threw it right back at her about being cute.
I predict that she will be back within one week to flirt some more.
Come back to this question in one week and let me know if I was right.
@chyna Will do. In fact if im lucky I might find her this evening…but I doubt it though. The bar that I work in is kind of far from the city. It is close to the ocean and people only come to it whenever they go to the beach.
So it’s almost the weekend. Look for her this weekend.
@cornbird I’m glad you included that, it changes my answer. Nothing insulting about telling a girl she’s cute.
@ All girls. I know its usually the guys duty to persue the girl, but if she was really interested she could have given me her number, or maybe arrange to meet me after work…am i wrong?
Well, if she was with her friends, maybe she wasn’t comfortable doing that in front of them. Maybe she didn’t want to look too aggresive. I would never do that myself, but I’m kind of shy.
@cornbird Like I said and @Silhouette, from a girls point of view your compliment could be confused for an insult.
Unless a girl is really into herself she would thought you were shooting her down. Beside bartenders get hit on a lot and she has no way of knowing if you had a girlfriend.
You could’ve said something like, Its more like hitting the lottery when someone as pretty as you takes notice. Follow by a big cheesy grin. Then follow it by saying you would love to talk with her more later after your shift or maybe when your on break.
I don’t know if there’s a “price” other than that I’m always getting hit on by straight girls at parties…
I don’t think I would have understood the question at first. The price?
Anyway, looks like she likes you, so count your blessings and see what happens.
“You and me for some dinner” (plus big smile on your face)
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