What is it with women and their lack of logic when it comes to public bathrooms?
Every Saturday at work, some woman in another department uses the hover method, and pees all over the seat, and doesn’t clean it up.
First of all, what kind of person doesn’t look before they leave the stall?
Second, what is so hard to understand about public toilets? Unless the toilet is already dirty… if you put your butt where it is supposed to go, then all of your stuff goes where it’s supposed to. It’s the hover method that makes the seat dirty. The hover method creates the need for the freaking hover method.
Why is it that people who are so concerned with the cleanliness of the toilet seat in a public bathroom are so cavalier about leaving their excrement on it for the next person?
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186 Answers
The hover method takes much practice to perfect. It can be done.
HAHAH News flash! Some people are pretty selfish, they aren’t concerned with the butt that comes in behind them.
I agree and what also really pisses me off is the people who put those sanitary papers on the toilet seat and then leave them there for someone else to pick up. WTF? The toilet seat is too dirty for you to put your bum on but I’m supposed to clean up after you???
Are there any other guys out there that want to respond but think twice about it? I like my nads where they are.
gross. i HATE public restrooms and thought all women did. im one of those who perfected the hover method, but sometimes accisents happen. i make sure to clean p after my self though.
You are my new favorite user. You have asked the question that I have been wondering about ever since I was old enough to pee in a public bathroom. I hate it when women use the hover method. It’s not just the pee on the seat but I don’t want to hover over the toilet. It’s silly and pointless to do so because, as you stated, the only reason why people hover is because people hover!
Also, on behalf of my arthritic mother and her older and arthritic friends, shame on all of the people who hover without cleaning up. My mother and her friends are incapable of hovering due to age and bad knees so if they don’t see the pee before they sit down, well, they’re SOL.
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@susanc: It is just as easy to sit on the toilet as it is for us “pussies” to clean up.
@susanc: Excuse me if I don’t want to wipe up URINE that came from some stranger. I worked in a lab; you don’t touch someone else’s bodily fluids unless you’re wearing gloves. Sorry, I didn’t think I needed a supply of gloves just to use the public restroom.
Next time you see a shit smear or a nice big puddle of menstrual fluid on a toilet seat in a public restroom, remember the tone you just used while you clean it up.
Ah, the joy of being a man…
@bob_: It’s interesting you say that. My roommate was telling me a story about the bathroom at his office, and how the guys were really getting furious because someone kept peeing all over the seat and not cleaning it up. After a while, it got so bad, that someone camped out in the bathroom to catch who it was.
Turns out it was a guy who claimed it was against his religion to touch his penis, so he couldn’t guide where the urine went.
Which I promptly dismissed as crap because you could grab a pen or something and kind of prop it up, or you could stand directly over the bowl instead of in front of it. But still… happens to guys sometimes too.
@poofandmook: It’s against his religion to touch his penis? How does he clean it???
@KatawaGrey: I asked that; my roommate didn’t know that either. lol
And now you know why I don’t “go” in public.
Buy a funnel and put a note on it…if you must hoover, please use the funnel! (especially if your aim is poor!)
Place the funnel on the person’s desk.
@worriedguy What if it’s the bathroom at the mall? I don’t know where the person-who-used-the-bathroom-previous-to-me’s desk is. I think it’s better, in this instance, to just pee in the sink. Lack of privacy is a small price to pay in order to not catch somebody else’s butt and/or pee cooties.
@wyrenyth: But my butt cooties can cure cancer.~
I don’t know which person it is… there are too many. But it’s always about the same time every Saturday in the same stall. Of course, MY preferred stall.
Put a sign up that says, If your going to pee like a man, at least put the seat cover up.
I never did get it. I know in some toilets you can definetly tell that no one has cleaned it for some time. In those, if a paper seat cover is not provided than I tear two long sheets of toilet paper and cover the areas where I have to come in contact with it. Of course I will shoot for a toilet seat that isn’t wet.
Sometimes I do have to wipe because I have ABSOLUTELY KNOW CHOICE. Yuck. In which case I pull out my hand sanitizer and squeeze it over the seat and then clean it. And follow by cleaning my hand with it before having to clean myself.
Its just nasty! No excuse for it.
I hover. But I’ve mastered it. And if by chance I dribble a little, I clean it up. I don’t care how clean the seat appears to be, I’ll always hover. I just can’t bring myself to put my ass on a public toilet seat.
FYI people. There is an extremely small chance of getting anything from a public toilet seat. Unless there is obvious shit or urine on the seat don’t use it. If it’s clean just sit.
@tinyfaery I know how low the risk of catching something nasty from a toilet seat is. I’ve never worried about getting a disease. I just work myself up over thinking about how many gross people might have sat on that seat before me. Yuck.
This is off topic, but it makes my blood boil when people consistently relate women to lack of logic. Men aren’t emotionless, black and white no shades of grey robots, and women aren’t illogical emotional dimwits, despite what popular media wants you to believe. Sigh.
@HTDC: I know what you mean but I think it’s appropriate in this instance because this question refers specifically to women’s bathrooms.
Isn’t that why a lot of places put seat covers/a$$ gaskets in the stalls so there is a barrier for the seat. Not much can be done about the noxious gasses that are sometimes emitted.
@KatawaGrey …and specifically linked to logic…A large percentage of men don’t wash their hands after they go to the toilet, but does anyone accuse them of having no logic? I don’t know, just doesn’t seem fair…
@poofandmook I agree with you totally, sometimes I walk into a womens bathroom and i have to keep myself from throwing up in my mouth! I’ve seen everything from stool to pee on the seats to dirty tampons to bloody period water in the toilet. I mean honestly i use the hover method but I ALWAYS wipe after myself. Some people are just nasty and they feel like since it’s a public toilet no one would really care if its clean or not. smh
@KatawaGrey I, for one don’t pee on my hands but still wash my hands. LOL.
@HTDC Not to make light of your feminist concerns but we are talking about women who piss all over the toilet seat, like some men are prone to do and in light of the very nature of this question I don’t think it’s a very real threat to women to say those hovering hosers lack logic.
@HTDC as a hoverer I wouldnt say I lack anymore logic than someone who plops their fanny on the seat
@HTDC Not that it matters but I’m a woman.
could hoverers put the seat up in the position I am not permitted to leave the seat?
@HTDC: I’m not disagreeing with you, but with this case, for this question, it is reasonable to call certain women illogical because it is a woman specific question. Perhaps you should ask another question to that nature. :)
I admit, I usually hover. I also hold a baby while doing this, and keep a toddler entertained.. And if I happen to miss and get it on the seat, I wipe it up. I don’t understand why people would refuse to wipe up their own pee.
I hate going into a dirty public restroom..maybe that’s why I want to hover, because I’ve seen peed covered toilets too many times.
I have come to the conclusion that if everyone who hovered wiped up after herself, those of us who do not hover would know of the existence of the hoverers.
@KatawaGrey and @poofandmook
I stand by my assertion that people who are afraid of human effluent need to man up. You are SHARING the toilet
with the rest of the PUBLIC. So are the people who didn’t leave them clean. So? Clean it, for god’s sake. Are you the responsible adults here, or just the me-first police?
I’m serious when I suggest that you try another country sometime.
And what about those paper Ronald Reagan Campaign Hats? Too lazy to use those?
I don’t hover. My ass goes right on that damned seat with all the germs. I hate it, but I can’t hover without splashing like Niagra Falls, so that’s my only alternative. I look out for puddles and smudges (I will find another stall for these) and use the little disposable covers if they’re available. Sometimes, if I’m not about to explode, I’ll lay down some toilet paper. I bathe regularly and do my laundry, so any butt germs that survive long enough to attach to my rear go down the drain eventually. I doubt anyone has ever caught anything from a toilet, besides maybe, the common cold. It’s not like I’m inserting the seat into my vagina or brown eye. I think I’ll live.
I’m with @majorrich! Put a sign up that says, “If you’re so damn paranoid about sitting on the seat, at least put the seat UP before you pee all over it for the next person who comes along to sit in!”
@ubersiren Nobody ever got sick from a toilet seat!
I have been hovering for a lot of years and I have the method perfected. I look upon it as exercise. I like the burn in the quads. But I always put the seat up first with my foot, I am not too tall and sometimes hovering over the seat could cause problems. And I usually do it because the place is dirty to begin with. Although in general aussie toilets seem to be kept in much better condition than most countries. Except the ones in grocery stores, omg, why are they always disgusting!!???
@Val123 I can’t tell if you’re agreeing with me or mocking me…lol.
I’d rather sit on a clean-appearing seat than put paper down. More germs are carried on people’s hands than on the skin of their butt-cheeks. (Actual urine, feces, blood, etc. on the seat is another story.)
On the other hand…
Overheard in an east coast bathroom:
Harvard man and Yale man finish up and get ready to leave.
Harvard Man sees that Yale man doesn’t wash hands and says “At Harvard they taught us to wash our hands after we pee”.
Yale Man says “At Yale, they taught us not to pee on our hands”.
(You can substitute any school you want. :-))
@ubersiren Totally agree with you! And totally copy you! Oh..I see the comment I made…it wasn’t directed at you! In fact…I don’t know WHO I was directing it to! Maybe everyone who’s afraid of a toilet seat?
@Val123 its not about being afraid of the toilet shoot some people have crabs you know did we forget that they hide out under toilet seats? I’d rather hover and slashand then clean up any day
ewww- I hate public toilets
My OCD mother taught me to clean up before and after I use the public toilet. I carry a small pack of disinfectant wipes whenever I go out in public. I used to wipe everything before I touched it, but now I just wear disposable gloves instead.
I was just talking about this with my step-son’s girlfriend! I decided long ago that the very slim chance of catching something relatively benign didn’t warrant the hover or cover methods. I mean, you can’t catch AIDS from a friggin’ toilet seat! She’s a nurse (LPN), and insists that you can catch bad things from a toilet seat. She swears she knows of a case where someone caught MRSA from a toilet. I find this very difficult to believe. Anyone have any statistics on that?
Anyway, years ago I worked in an office where someone was always leaving not only urine, but pubic hair on the toilet seat. We finally posted one of those annoying signs “If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.” It finally stopped.
loll..amazing how some questions take off…“The Hovering Lady,” by @poofandmook!
A note on the wall would help the situation…maybe…people who are unsanitary are part of the system unfortunately…not much can be done with them! EXCEPT every, every and every bathroom should have a bottle of Purell! should be a law! loll
@augustlan Well as far as I know I know that if another female has crabs and uses the toilet and you come behind her and use it you’re going to have it too because they climb underneath the toilet seat. Men transfer it that way too when they sit to do #2 those little critters go right under the seat.
May I just say, ewwww to almost everything that has been said.
I am master of the hover maneuver…practicing on chinese toilets for several weeks perfected an already damn near perfect skill. lol
I never leave a mess and I won’t clean up others either.
@malldesdoonie Know what`s worse than lobsters on your piano? Crabs on your organ.
For all of this craziness, I do have to actually input something useful. Pee is one of the most sterile substances that come out of the human body due to its highly basic nature, which is caused by the large concentration of nitrogen found in urea. There is absolutely nothing you can “catch” from somebody else’s pee. That doesn’t make it any less icky to touch, but you can’t get sick from pee.
Good sharing! Yes, I knew that too. Unless one has a urinary tract infection or other renal infection urine is perfectly sterile. Good call!
In my younger days, the expression, “public convenience” was an oxymoron. More than once, attending an all day function, women would retire behind a bush or wall.
I have no issue with finding a bush myself on occasion…preferable to some public conveinences. lol
@Coloma Generally, even with a URI, the urine is fairly sterile. The bacteria are attacking the tissue and mucus linings in the urethra and kidneys, which is why it “burns” when you pee. You may see some dead bacterial cells, but I don’t think you can actually catch a URI from a dirty toilet seat. You’d be hard pressed to catch even a yeast infection from a dirty toilet seat. Now crabs are a different story. Those little effers can jump.
Yeah..I didn’t think you could catch a UTI or anything like that, I guess I was thinking about drinking ones urine. Um…in the event of being lost in the desert or something.
I didn’t ‘clarify’ that thought. lol
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@HTDC: The reason why I posed the question the way I did is because I’m a woman, and I have not witnessed what goes on in the men’s bathroom. If I happened to be both at some point in time, then I could substitute “women” with “people”. But, alas, I can’t pass judgment on something I know nothing about. I can however make observations on what I deal with multiple times a day in an office bathroom.
@poofandmook As someone who was in charge of cleaning up the bathrooms at a restaurant – men are stinkier and leave more clutter than women (they’re more likely to drop a paper towel on the floor) but overall, they are much, much cleaner. Men are much less likely to leave a toilet unflushed. And it’s not just children that do this, people – I’ve caught full grown adults being just as guilty of this ridiculous and gross crime.
Just the other day I went into a restroom in a well known retail clothing store.
The 1st stall I opened..OMG! It was baaaaad! lol
I could only surmise that someone must have been proud of their gargantuan defecation and wished to share it’s monolithic proportions with all who came through.
I saved a little girl the trauma by blocking the door and telling her to not go into that stall.
Maybe her curiosity got the best of her with my warning….dunno…it was out of my hands at that point. haha
I did find an employee and told them they might want to flush and be on standby for a potential disaster. lolol
@susanc: What ever your problem is, you need to tone yourself down. I have every right to have an issue with cleaning someone else’s urine or menses or feces off something I am about to sit on with bare skin. You may not be able to get a disease easily from urine, but you can contract MRSA from feces or HIV from menses. This is as basic as having to clean up after yourself. From when you are a child cleaning up your toys, to when you are a teenager cleaning up your clothes, to when you are an adult cleaning your freaking excrement off a toilet seat that does not belong to you.
Take your name-calling, insults, and superiority complex elsewhere, please.
Whats worse is when people hover and get it on the floor as well. Really! Sit your butt down or buy a small can of lysol and spray the crap before sitting. Its just inconsiderate. Not everyone is 6 feet tall with the legs of a daddy long leg and can hover. Pee doesn’t always go exactly where you want it too no matter how good you are. It is why your butt has to be as close as possible to the bowl. Everytime I see piss on the floor or all over the seat, I wish that the person who did that is sitting in piss filled underwear.
Hey thats another question. Where do they put there underwear when they straddle. The bottom of the bowl will get in the way. Ewwwee. That means they handle their underwear and put it down somewhere. NASTY, JUST PLAIN NASTY.
Ass gaskets are still the answer. Maybe a stack of a couple few.
Are there actually any horrid diseases or infections you can contract from sitting on a public toilet seat that does not have visible…stuff…on it?
@majorrich LMAO
To those who say you hover and wipe before exiting. Nasty too. Wiping doesn’t mean you sanitized it of your pee. Take a lysol wipe and at least wipe the seat before you sit or if you still must hover than sanitize it after your done.
Oh and one more thing. If you have a small child who you know isn’t the best at cleaning up after themselves than please clean up after them when they are done.
Maybe we should consider having toilets like the Japanese. You squat down and you don’t touch a thing. Its also easier to wipe. Some of their floors are slanted a bit so sanitizing water is let go from the wall every couple of minutes on the floor so it sanities the floor as well all day long. Cleanest bathrooms ever. Never saw feces or tampons thrown around.
Allow me to share the methodology of the perfect hover.
The key factor is ISOMETRIC skill. lol
Legs straight from the knee down, thighs horizontal, butt down , picture yourself with back flattend against a wall in a squating posistion.
For hovering over basins on moving trains in asia follow the above instructions with deep squating modifications. Feet need to be kept slightly furthur apart for the splatter factor. lolol
Legs remain stationary, upper body sways fluidly to the trains rhythems. haha
@susanc: I must say, I am surprised that you are so offended by the idea of cleaning up after yourself.
I need a link showin me why a crab would jump off lovely, lovely pubic hair for a hard, cold toilet seat. That’s the story a cheating boyfriend tells the girl after she gets crabs.
See, to me, even if you can get crabs from a toilet seat… what are the odds that you will? And if you do, while the ick factor is pretty high, it’s not gonna’ kill you. It just seems like an irrational fear. I mean, aren’t you more likely to pick up a cold or the flu in the grocery store? Who knows who has handled that box of pasta you just picked up?
@augustlan: One word: money. Money is extremely dirty and people don’t think twice when touching money.
It’s true…money is filthy!
But…most germs don’t live that long, so the money in our wallets overnight is probably pretty clean by the time we handle it again right?
Hepatitis C viruses live up to 4 days on surfaces. I guess it’s technically possible that it could transfer to your bottom then to the open cut on your hand.
Lets just pretend that we were treated like cats and that public bathrooms were one giant litter box, dig and go and cover. lol
Kinda puts things in perspective a bit.
Yep, icky bathrooms are not pleasant, but better than the Tidy cat zone ey?
@pandora How do old women pee in Japan? I’d have to have something to hang on to.
I wonder how many other men find this thread disturbing.
@FutureMemory: More than I thought would be! But the truth is the truth.
Toilets in Korea are just holes in the ground. You squat over them. I think the old folks stay in shape by using them. But @FutureMemory I wondered the same thing. Maybe some have a trapeze over them or something like that.
I do not worry too much about catching a horrible disease, I just don’t like putting my bare bottom where someone else’s bare bottom has been (poetic, isn’t it). And you do have to think about ringworm and scabies and other assorted skin eruptions.
Nope I will stick with the hovering and I still at 65 have nicely defined quads probably because of it!
@augustlan As well as pasta, it always grosses me out to see those self-serve donut, bagel, bread bins at the grocery store. You know some sick little kid probably went by and touched all of them. At the least, anyone could be breathing on them or shedding hair onto them. Ack!
While I don’t like crap or pee covered toilets as much as the next person, I do feel we are very germophobic in America as a society in general. Just sayin’
I agree. It’s one thing to be careful, not put your hands in your face, wash them etc.
It’s entirely another to carry around an arsenal of germicides and live in fear.
@janbb: I agree… which is why I actually put my butt on the seat. I know when I get home I will shower, and I always make sure the seat is visibly clean and dry and there are no dried spots or puddles of anything :x If it meets the criteria, I sit. I don’t sterilize everything.
@poofandmook Moi aussi. My comment was not meant as a critique of anyone’s; just airing a general pet peeve. I plan to feed my grandson dirt this summer.
@FutureMemory, @poofandmook I think we like to think of the truth as something less icky, and this completely bursts that bubble. I mean, what’s next, are you going to say that when women go to the restroom in groups, they don’t do it to have make-out sessions?
That’s totally why they do it, right? Right?
@bob_: Alas, no. I prefer to go to the bathroom alone, and not have accompaniment… personally. I mean, who wants their friends to be a witness if a poot slips out? :x
I want to see them in their homes, if it dirty, i’ll be smile lol
@bob_ Wrong. Now you make me a sandwich! :-)
@Dr_Dredd I’m sorry, but sandwich-making is a one-way street.
@janbb Have you seen the new commercial about liquid soap dispensers? Now the part you press down is so germ covered you have to buy their fancy new dispenser. My son and his wife are germophobes- drives me batty!
When I’m in the bathroom at work, I lift the thing to turn the water on.. the soap dispenser is automatic. Then I get two paper towels… also automatic. I dry my hands quickly, then use those towels to turn off the water, and also to open the door. I only do this at work, because who knows who wiped their butts and didn’t wash, and then got it on the door handle? GROSS. I don’t do that at home, because I know that side of the door handle is always touched with clean hands ;)
@bob_ I can’t believe you’re talking about sandwiches in THIS thread!!
Okay, I’m dumb enough to ask: How did sandwiches get into this thread?
@Adirondackwannabe It’s all my fault. @bob_ said that the reason women go to restrooms together is to make out. I said that he was wrong, and therefore he should make me a sandwich…
@Dr_Dredd I guess I can’t say too much. I’m out there soliciting penis and vagina jokes.
It’s great being Male. At least we can aim where we pee.
@majorrich According to Freud, that’s one of the reasons for penis envy.
@Dr_Dredd Hey! I can write my name in the snow too! Well, I’m running around kind of in circles but I can do it!
@Adirondackwannabe Go look at @bob_ ‘s profile! And mine too cause I changed it today. :)
@bob_: Actually, the handicapped stalls in women’s bathrooms are portals to DisneyLand.
@bob_: Those are only in California bathrooms.
lol point is clean up after yourself lol
@wyrenyth What if it’s the bathroom at the mall? I don’t know where the person-who-used-the-bathroom-previous-to-me’s desk is. I think it’s better, in this instance, to just pee in the sink. Lack of privacy is a small price to pay in order to not catch somebody else’s butt and/or pee cooties.
In a crowded bathroom, is peeing in the sink a not uncommon practice for women?
I have never seen anyone pee in the sink in 65 years of visiting public restrooms and even quite a few bars in my younger days. Now in the bushes is a different story…
Hmmmm….peeing in the sink…..peeing in the sink…..mmmmm….uhhhhh….ummmmmm can’t say I’ve seen that before, except for that time when i…... Nope can’t ssay I have :-)
It would be a pretty involved maneuver for me to pee in the sink, considering my boobs barely clear the counter :P
@poofandmook: Since I’m old and going to die soon anyway, I usually like to grab some of those handy free paper towels and some soap, when a toilet seat is dirty, and clean it up. And flush the toilet. Without gloves. It’s a little service old people do for young people who are more vulnerable. Like if you were a baby and didn’t know how to take care of yourself: I would do it for you.
@KatawaGrey – How did you jump to the conclusion that I don’t clean up after myself? I’m advocating doing that and also rolling up our sleeves and cleaning up after other people. New thought, huh?
But that’s socialism. Everyone who can does more than they really “should have to”. And this is, by God, not a socialist nation.
Here is an example of peeing in the bathroom sink. Note that the women are sitting on the sink, not in front of it. No aiming involved, I think…
So this is not something anyone here does at a crowded party, for instance?
(Serious question.)
“Okay, I’m dumb enough to ask: How did sandwiches get into this thread?”
Apparently discussing this has really made some people hungry. ;-)
But that’s socialism. Everyone who can does more than they really “should have to”. And this is, by God, not a socialist nation.
Socialism? Now I’ve seen it all. Socialism in a thread about peeing in the sink. Sigh.
“All who need to, pee in the sink,
All who can, clean it up?”
A) This thread makes me lol. And by “lol”, I actually mean “laugh out loud” and not “I don’t have anything witty to say so have a lol.”
B) I was being extraordinarily sarcastic when I said women should pee in the sink in order to keep from catching butt/pee cooties. But I’m totally glad somebody caught it two days later and brought it back up, because the results were hilarious.
Seriously, though. If all the toilets in a public bathroom were disgusting, would you consider peeing in the sink? I mean, if you have an aversion to cleaning up after yourself (at least rinse it down with some water, please!) then don’t bother. . . But is it a plausible option?
And @Dr_Dredd – seeing a reference to socialism in a peeing thread is like seeing a reference to racism in a thread about how to fry chicken in a Southern style. People get way too worked up about things that don’t matter (you can’t tell me how to pee! That’s socialism!), and are way too passive about things that do matter. (The government is taking away all of my rights regarding health care? . . . Oh, well. Obama knows best!) Nothing out of the American people surprises me any more.
@Dr_Dredd – it’s not a thread about peeing in the sink, exactly. It’s a thread about people are who leave public toilets dirty. Socialism is represented here by the strange, incomprehensible notion of cleaning up after other people. Not in our backyard! We’re the land of the free! (and of the blindly overserved, as shown by Obama’s heinous attempt to provide health care for the poor).
@wyrenyth: no one’s saying ”you can’t tell me how to pee! That’s socialism!”. No. People are saying that they have a right to a clean bathroom. And I’m saying none of us have a right to a clean bathroom in a public place, though when we find one, which is most of the time, it’s wonderful; and we could consider helping out.
This idea seems to make people think I’m saying I prefer to urinate on toilet seats. That’s a pretty big jump. I attribute this mind dysfunction to our American belief that everything we’ve ever had was earned by us personally, and our American belief that having to take care of shared property without being paid to do so is unnatural and even wrong. So, maybe this is a big jump too, but I see it as horror of the concept of community. In other words, fear of the simple concepts behind socialism.
We’re certainly seeing that fear these days. I believe the economic downturn brought on by the excesses of the Bush years (not that Clinton didn’t overreach too) has made people very angry – rightly so. But, feeling betrayed, they complain about people who don’t flush the toilet instead of complaining about people who abused their powers and impoverished us.
Exiting now. I agree this has gotten foolish.
Only person who made it foolish was you, @susanc.
People are saying that they have a right to a clean bathroom.
And don’t they? How hard of a leap is it to expect people to clean up after themselves? Pulling in the conditions of other countries is hardly relevant here. Yes, it would be very difficult for us if we all lived in some impoverished third world country. But we don’t, so can’t we expect people to at least have the common decency to leave things the way they found it, or even a little cleaner?
I, honest to god, think people have the right to complain about anything that is a direct effect of the degradation of our society. Pee on toilet seats, pants on the ground, kids who have this unfathomable attitude that the world is theirs and they don’t have to do a darned thing to earn anything. Your “just do it yourself” attitude only enables those who are too lazy and too self-centered to do for themselves.
I am not your personal nursemaid, nor am I your mother. I shouldn’t have to walk around cleaning up after other people, considering it certainly isn’t my job when I’m just out and about. It’s one of those ‘golden’ rules that we were all taught in Kindergarten – if you make a mess, clean it up. It’s right up there with “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
Of course men are course brutes, but at football games there are many lines for the sinks, floor drains and every throne and urinal. Four at a time in floor drains. Thats how we get in and out so fast. Of course it’s very hands when someone is peeing in the sink.
That is a treasured drunken memory of my college days.
@majorrich: Are you serious about the floor drains? Because not only is that nasty, but it explains why the men’s bathroom is always so smelly when you even just walk past it.
honest. desperation sets in. I can only personally say i’ve used a sink.
at the stdium now there are no urinals. Just a trough about twelve guys wide
@majorrich: That is heinous.
I’m kind of surprised nobody brought up that scene in Step Brothers when Derek’s wife hoisted her leg up and used the urinal.. ROFL
@FutureMemory NO WOMEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK WHEN THE BATHROOMS ARE CROWDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aside from the fact it would be embarrassing as hell, and she’d probably get beat up by the other women, there’s a good chance she could break the sink. Women don’t have a handy little hose like men do. Yes, they would have to literally SIT on the sink.
@Val123: Unless they’re really really tall.
@poofandmook Sorry! He was driving me crazy with his insistence that surely women pee in the sinks! @KatawaGrey With REAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY long legs. Like 5 foot legs. (Foot legs. That sound weird….) because there is still the problem of hitting the sink if you aren’t going to sit ON it!
@Val123 Women don’t have a handy little hose like men do. Yes, they would have to literally SIT on the sink.
No kidding… jesus christ…
Just for you Val
@FutureMemory Clearly you hang out with a different class of woman than that found on Fluther. :-)
Is there a space saver kind of thing like a female urinal? It would protrude from the wall like a regular one, perhaps more protrusion and different shape.
@majorrich I think the visual on that would be pretty scary unless they were enclosed in stalls, which would mess up the space savings. This is another thread that refuses to die.
I have a picture of a certain Fluther user, using a urinal like the girls on the sink. lol. no names will be disclosed Sometimes you just have to go. I don’t think I’d be skilled enough to sink pee..nor would I want to. I’d go outside before that.
I don’t know if I should be proud or ashamed of myself for this being my “crowning glory” thread on Fluther LOL
I thought it was one of the better questions we’ve had here lately.
I don’t think I have ever enjoyed a thread as much as this one.
@majorrich They’re here once in a while! Just keep hanging around!
and it was my thread! :D beams
@poofandmook I hear-by award you the prestigious Sink Sitter award!!
@poofandmook OMG! I was looking back through this and one of your comments got removed…out of your own question!!! That’s too much!! HA HA HA HA!!!
@Val123: lol I was okay with it… I lost my temper in that comment ;)
Even though our bottoms don’t touch the inside of the toilet bowl, I also get grossed out by giant smelly poo skids left behind.
I have walked into stalls and walked straight back out from the stench of a lingering lumpy skid.
I can’t help but feel a little grossed out by a warm seat too. A cold one feels fresher somewhere in my strange mind – although I know this is ridiculous.
“I can’t help but feel a little grossed out by a warm seat too. A cold one feels fresher somewhere in my strange mind – although I know this is ridiculous.”
I’m the same way. A warm one makes me feel like I’m making butt-butt contact with the previous dude.
That’s one of many reasons why I only use a public toilet if I’m desperate and have my sanitary wipes with me.
I just can’t imagine anyone having the time or the inclination to amass the array of photos @FutureMemory managed to find. I don’t know whether to be astounded at your talent or feel sorry for your lack of productive activities.
I’d make a great P.I. on a long stakeout for a woman.
I can pee in a coffee cup in my car…but must be wearing a skrit.
Don’t ask for specifics but, it’s been done a couple of times. lol
butt in winter keeps you from sticking. XD
BTW…I just noticed that it happens only on Saturday and there is one particular woman who does it. Definitely post a sign.
@Val123: Wasn’t me. Cat did it.
:) LOL! Well, come tell Cat to lick all the milk off my my keyboard!!
@rooeytoo It only takes a few seconds to move my mouse to the google search field that’s built-in to my Firefox browser, then a few more seconds to type “pee in sink” and press Enter. When the google page comes up with the search results, all it requires to find pics related to your query is to find and press the “Images” button.
If you require further instruction on how to use the internet send me a PM.
@FutureMemory But why would you WANT to get pics like that? Stupid girls, BTW. Some future potential boss is gonna see those and then what.
@Val123 To prove you wrong after you typed a full sentence in CAPS followed by about 50 exclamation marks.
LOL! K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh! I found what you were referring to! However, please note that all your pics were, obviously, in a private bathroom. You could actually sit on a sink and not break it because it’s supported by a cabinet. Further, obviously the girls were just trying to get attention or they would have shut the door like MOST people do when they go to the can and they certainly wouldn’t allow pics to be taken. The thing is, women do NOT pee in the sink in a public bathroom, be it a bar or whatever as @Futurmemory keeps trying to insist that they do as though it were a regular occurrence.. Obvious tacky aside, most public sinks are attached to the wall, and aren’t designed to hold 120 plus pounds.
Young kids, like in your pics, do a lot of dumb things. That certainly doesn’t make it the norm.
@Val123 Young kids, like in your pics, do a lot of dumb things. That certainly doesn’t make it the norm.
I never said it was the norm. I believe all I did was ask if anyone ‘here’ has done it. When told that it’s not done by anyone I googled pics to the contrary. I don’t think I specified whether it was public or private bathrooms – just a bathroom.
Val, someone in this very thread reported that they have a pic of a fellow female flutherite peeing in a bathroom sink. Clearly under particular circumstances it is done by some women.
@janbb: NOES!!! I’m just a poofy cat.
Hate to break another aspect to this already hilarious thread, but what about porta-potties? Or shall we reserve another thread for that? LOL
@majorrich: Porta-potties are TEH REAL DEBBIL!! I was forced to attend NASCAR (I never knew what the proper capitalization for that was) and the freaking entire seat of the porta-potty was covered in piles of doo and I swear to you that the pot was empty.
@majorrich You’ve never used a porta potty?? Oh man, I had to use one with two kids, while screaming at one to NOT stick his hand in the nasty urinal part.GAG
I’m never gonna have kids
@poofandmook Ha ha! I finished my candy bar before I read that, so nuts are not flying everywhere! You missed!
@cash….I made my own primitive camping terlit. No, I did not start with a sink, but I DID start with a 20 gallon (I think it’s 20 gallon) Rubbermaid water cooler, like the kind the city guys haul around on their trucks. The first time I set it up in yonder woods, it was the most splendid thing I’ve EVER felt! If you’ve ever been stuck for 5 days in the woods with nothing but bushes to use, you’d so appreciate what I mean!
@FutureMemory – Thanks but I know how to use google, I guess I just never used it for peeing in sink photos, heheheh!
Porta Potty’s are bad enough that I (a non-female) will avoid them unless it is a dire emergency and turd birth is imminent. But, I carry a small supply of ass gaskets in the travel bag. As an experiment, I found my gas mask (an M17-A1) will not filter odors. Mens butts are a much better aim than Womens as there is seldom waste on the seat. If they bring in a trailer, there is the same trough thing I mentioned earlier. Shoulder to Shoulder urination.
Ew, public restrooms are gross and i hate using them. Even if they look clean, i’m sure there are nasty germs there anyway. I don’t touch anything in public restroom unless i have a ball of scrunched up toilet paper in my hand as a guard.
So i don’t touch the loo either and have to “hover”. And i’m usually not messy, but do clean it if i do. And at least i know that my body fluids don’t have some nasty disease that i can pass onto someone else, which is why i don’t touch anything in public restrooms.
No matter what anyone tells me, i won’t believe that public restrooms are clean and i won’t touch anything!
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