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Oh...should I not have done that?
I’ve decided that I want to give away my 5th generation, classic iPod. It was purchased in July 2007 and has given me three years of reliable service. I would now like to pass it on to somebody who could benefit from its use as much as I have, but who is not able to by one new. I think that if it’s taken care of properly it could last at least another year or more.
So last night I posted an ad for it in Craigslist’s “free stuff” section and in the details field asked for a brief explanation of why I should give the asker my iPod. I’ve gotten about 20 responses from people who would like to give it to a niece/nephew, son/daughter or disabled family member, as well as from people who just recently lost or broke their iPods and need a replacement. But I got one email from somebody accusing me of making people jump through hoops and making them my “puppets.”
I asked for a backstory because I want to make sure that my iPod goes to a “good home.” It’s something I use every day and I will be sad to part with it. But I will happily pass it on to someone who can enjoy it and who could not otherwise have one (due to financial constraints, etc). I think that since it’s my iPod and I’m giving it away for free I should at least be able to give it to some one who I believe deserves it.
Was it totally hokey of me to ask them to tell me why I should give them my iPod? I just wanted to make sure that my decision to give it away was worth it. It’s something I value a lot, above most of my possessions besides my laptop. I wasn’t trying to be the kid with the piece of meat standing in the middle of a swarm of starving dogs, or anything like that.
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