Are there any decent men left on this planet?
I’m sorry it just seems like there’s nothing left but, wankstas, thugs or wanna be thugs, wannabe pimps, players and losers…where are the decent educated law obiding upstanding responsible men at??
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57 Answers
They were weak. I shot them all with my gat.
Yes they are out there. Where are you looking?
If all you can see surrounding you are losers then either you need to look elsewhere or have your vision checked.
Are there any decent women left on this planet?
It seems like there’s nothing left but bitches, cunts, pretentious whores and gold diggers. Where are the decent, educated, hard working women who want a man for his personality rather than his wallet?
See? I can make some pretty weak generalizations too.
Try hanging around a different crowd.
And perhaps start blaming it on the fact that you have bad taste in men because surely, all men aren’t like that.
@rocketsquid you know what I’m really starting to think that that’s what happened they’re either dead, locked up or on the run from child support smh
@Vunessuh what I said wasn’t WEAK generalizations they were pretty much facts…just like what you said about women is true I know alot of females who fit in those categorizes. I don’t have bad taste in men it’s just lately I’ve noticed that all the decent ones have disappeared and this is all thats left.
Yes, and I’m married to one of them. and NO you can’t have him:o)
I am not dead, nor in prison, and i don’t even have children.
They might be facts, but i think they are your facts.
Other people might have other facts.
@malldesdoonie Yes, it’s weak because it can be true of humans in general. Not just a particular sex. It’s the simple fact that time after time women come on here and ask why all men are scumbags and why do all men cheat and why are all men insensitive and why can’t I find a good man and blah fucking blah.
You never want to look at the fact that it might be YOU. You can’t constantly bitch about why men are a particular way and you can’t expect to automatically be able to change them.
Change who you associate with, search in different places or simply become a lesbian and shut up.
It’s a generalization and it’s dumb because there are plenty of good men who are good people and want nothing more than to take care of a good woman.
When you see the same behavior in all the men that you meet, you are the common denominator.
Thanks for offending me.
I’ll make sure you aren’t in my social circle.
see? that’s where they’ve gone!
@Vunessuh I don’t mean to come off sounding conceided but I don’t have to change who I associate myself with my friends and I are all bread winners. I never made it a habit of hanging out with mr and mrs “hi i’m on welfare and have been for the 6 six yrs and i’ve got more kids than i can count and im working at a below minimum wage job just so I dont the boot.” Also I know that it’s not ME, I’ve had several men tell me that im a good woman and that to just be patient and I’ll find someone, I dont expect to change ANYONE if you’re a loser, wife-beater, player, slacker, pimp….I can not change that and I’m not interested in doing such we are who are and the only way there can be a change is if that person wishes it if not hey. Even if it is a generalization it’s not dumb it’s my opinion i have mine and you have yours….. to each his own.
@the100thmonkey I wasn’t trying to offend anyone if that doesnt apply to you don’t take offense lol
@malldesdoonie Maybe it’s where you’re looking? I’d love to find a woman who’s into surfing and deep sea diving, but despite all my trawling around central Ohio, I can’t seem to find one.
You’ll have to look in places the “good guys” hang out, maybe pick up some interests that good guys take up. Think about what you want in a man, then think about what he might do in is free time.
I might not be the best person to ask, you don’t exactly get to be 26 and single by being good at this.
I was kidding with my first post. I’ve never shot anyone fatally.
I know one in Florida. ;-)
@RocketSquid Get out of town, you know how to deep sea dive and surf?? I’ll admit I don’t have a clue about either one but I’ve been dying to learn. Alas I’m not from Ohio though, :-( But I’ve tried looking in the places “good guys” hang some of them turn their noses up at me b/c I’m a single mother or b/c I’m a college drop out smh
@malldesdoonie Ah I think you have given the answer in your comment to RocketSquid.
But I’ve tried looking in the places “good guys” hang some of them turn their noses up at me b/c I’m a single mother or b/c I’m a college drop out smh
Ironically enough, you may be the victim as well as the perpetrator of sweeping generalizations.
In other words, you are being judged by the men you are seeking just as you are judging those men that you don’t want.
It may be best to drop generalizations entirely and to seek out men who do the same.
What exactly are you looking for? I always say having a clear idea of what you want can be helpful, especially a top 5 must meet these criteria. Is it possible you are dating guys, or staying with men longer than you should, even when there are signs they are not going to work out?
Well, there was that one but then he fucked up last week.
@janbb Haha. You’re in rare form tonight.
Must be the Indian food (and the beer) I had for dinner!
I’m sorry you have not had the opportunity to meet some more thoughtful, mature and respectful men in your preferred age-group. I raised two sons who are turning out to be men of whom I can be proud. They were raised with good values and guidance from a circle of fine people around them and they will be good husbands and fathers some day. They have, among their closest friends other young men of good character.
Yes there are now and there have always been men who are selfish, lazy jerks. Finding a good one takes self-respect, patience and determination. Good luck and good hunting!
Yes. They are all here at Fluther. :D
Hey, I’m pretty decent. Sure, I’m currently fantasizing about getting freaky with Symbeline and @Vunessuh, but it was Symbeline’s idea! Kinda. Sort of. Okay, maybe it was mine. But hey, I do say “please” and “thank you”.
You sound like the lame rap artists who say all women are ho’s and bitches, then associate with women who confirm that opinion. Granted, there are plenty who fit that bill, but there are more who do not but these idiots will never get one because they have nothing in common with them.
So if you associate with men who are in that category it’s no wonder.
”...educated law obiding” I would suggest that you begin with your own education. I’m not even going to address the preposition at the end of your sentence. Change where you hang out, the class of man for whom you are looking is obviously not there. They seldom are in the same place as “thugs, wankstas” etc. They also aren’t interested, generally speaking, in women who associate with those types.
I know of four living in my immediate area. They are at university, they treat women well, they are funny and motivated, they work out and they are very purdy if I do say so myself. My sons and my nephews fu*king rock. Sadly they aren’t allowed to make any long term relationship plans yet. See, I told them it would make their palms hairy and I’m not going to tell them I was lying until they are done with college.
Good guys are everywhere, the thing is love can be unexpected, and can be found in the most unexpected places.
They exist. My son is a great guy but everytime he has some interest in a smart, funny girl that gets along great with him, he says she’s always hooked up with some loser guy who treats her like crap.
I’ve met plenty of girls who have liked my son and said, why can’t I meet someone like him but they stay with the unemployed bum.
The same happened with me. The moment I got married a lot of guys where hitting on me asking why couldn’t they find a nice girl like me. Why because they wanted the loose girl down the block who had 3 kids from 3 different daddy living on welfare. I wasn’t hiding.
I married one of the good guys but then that is what I was looking for.
If you look for them and walk past the low lifes with the cute smiles, than you’ll have better luck.
Sadly, there are no more decent men on the planet. Not too long ago—surely you remember—the pants thief came along and stole every man’s pants, short or long—even man-skirts and man-dresses. The pants thief was immediately followed by the underwear thief. He, too, was highly successful at his trade.
The result, obviously, was indecent men.
Well, almost.
Somehow, three men managed to avoid these thefts, but alas, they were all abducted by aliens.
I’m afraid you’re going to have to make do with indecent men, my dear. But ask us about it, and to a one we’ll all say that going commando is something we should have done a long time ago.
Anyway, if you’re willing to settle for an indecent man, I’m not so bad, myself, as far as such things go.
I know a few but they aren’t available. Keeping looking.
They don’t seek attention or work in the entertainment industry, so therefore go unnoticed.
Get a cat, take a trip, enjoy some space from the Mars crowd. lol
Of course there are. I have married two of them in my lifetime, and am a step-mother to two more. If I can think of four right off the top of my head, surely there are many more.
@augustlan Either you’re right, or you’re hogging them! XD
All the great men are taken. Thats why everyone is cheating.
“Sadly, there are no more decent men on the planet.”
Sorry you feel that way. But… Not true.
@13thpagoda ummm..that was good! (Don’t agree, but like your writing style)
Yes, there are good men and women here… they are everywhere!
Do you make any effort to find a decent guy? Oh no, if its not a woman asking why men aren’t approaching her, its either complaining there are no decent men left or calling men names. No one is entitled to anything, if you want something you have to work for it. “Mr. Right” isn’t going to magically appear, the creeps will however. I have 2 younger sisters who sound just like you.
@Pandora Your sons luck sounds like mine, except some of these girls I did go out with always had their “friends” doing everything they could to break us up only to set them up with guys that were always in and out of jail. freeloaded off of everyone else, were troublemakers and not even good looking on top of all that, yes they had wonderful “friends” who cared about them. I am always reading in the police arrest section of my local newspaper about how wonderful these “relationships” turned out.
@malldesdoonie ”... a loser, wife-beater, player, slacker, pimp,
gold digger, drunk, druggie, know-it-all, gold digger, moron, loudmouth….”
Boy, that was hilarious!! Luckily for me, Mr. Grumpy is none of the above. LOL !
Not fair to name teenage sons. The significant Male Flaws don’t set in until later==or until they marry you. lol
I think there are a lot of good men and women, but….as @GrumpyGram said…
the ol’ ’ bait & switch’ takes time to show up. You could date someone for 10 years and living together is the final rub on true colors.
I’m not into that anymore, I say the perfect arrangement is 20 acres with 2 houses and a picnic table in the middle. lololol
Just for the record, my stepsons are in their mid twenties. :)
@Coloma – That sounds ideal. One change. Instead of two houses. A house and a well equipped camper/buss. I would be happy to take the camper.
you’re looking in the wrong place if all you’re finding is wankstas and thugs. maybe the problem is that you’re looking in the first place. let them come to you. trying to find a guy thats good for you is like looking for a needle in a haystack. you can’t force it. yes there are decent men on the planet, along with jerks, but also along with wonderful ones. (jews)
@deni – You are one decent primate.
Well..I seriously doubt that anyone could be more challenged than I in the pool of decent men. lol
Bohemian classy country girl, a lover of eastern philosophies, super verbose, critical thinker,can chew the fat until it is rendered into oblivion on just about any subject, surrounded in my zone by 3 types of men…hardcore biker dudes, redneck deer huntin’, turkey shootin’, bass fishin, nascar lovin’ 100 pak of Coors lite a night types and retired old geezers that spend their days driving to their mailboxes in golf carts and riding their tractors around. lol
The men that appeal to me most live in the city and only show up in my territory for weekend excursions and wine tasting. hahahaha
No offense towards the bikers and the bubbas, just not my cup o’ tea.
The day someone butchers a deer in my garage will be the day hell freezes over. lol
@coloma And you stay there because….
Because I love the mountains, river and my micro-farm scene and communing with nature.
Peace, space, and quiet, no crime, the starry nights and being able to sit outside naked. lol
It’s all good….and besides…I am no stranger to relationships, just not that important to me anymore.
@Coloma A good man may be hard to find, but starry nights, geese and cats….priceless!
Reason # 29
The pregnant doe napping under my deck, who eats bread from my hand and brings her twins to my yard every summer for 4 years running now. :-)
Mama deer will be giving birth to this years fawns any day now…and, oh yeah…did I mention living in premiere wine country too? lol
^^^^^^^^^^ Oh, I love it when you talk about your lifestyle . It takes my mind off of things and I forget where I am! I have just now come out of this wonderful Coloma dream. I want to feed a pregnant deer!
There are decent men (and women) out there. A big help toward getting them to meet one another is twofold:
The “decent” people need to have a little more self-regard and be more willing to stand up for themselves. “Nice” doesn’t have to mean “doormat”.
The people seeking them need to shake off the mentality of “decent” having to include “just like me” and/or “would look great nailed to my pillow”.
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