Do idiots ever try to con you into buying junk at the mall?
Yesterday as usual I kept walking and ignoring this annoying moron.
He was so persistent I had to be a little nasty to get rid of him.
He told me this is going to be your day. I kept walking and said, I do not have time for you. He simply repeated himself. I said, go do your drugs some place else.
This jerk was a real loser and I am too busy. I shop for my family. I am not at the mall to socialize. My family was waiting for me at home. I am needed at home.
What would you say to such a jerk? I wanted him to bug off without being too nasty but; some people would have been threatening him or cursing.
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21 Answers
I just say “No thank you” and repeat as necessary as I continue walking.
It’s always worked for me but maybe that’s because of my killer death glare?
Not interested.
No, not interested.
No, really, not interested.
If you’re talking about kiosk salespeople, they’re doing their jobs. Cut them some slack. Say “no thanks” and walk away. It’s not like they’re lassoing you and tying you to a chair.
Yeah I’d probably tell him to fuck off too. It’s even worse when they peddle their shit door to door.
However, what they do, for the most part, is their job. I don’t think they’re very convinced that what they’re selling is the best thing next to sliced bread, they just put on an act.
Personally I think the people at Bell Canada are way more annoying in phoning me twice a day trying to add extra features and services to my cable and online connections.
As for mall people, they usually leave me alone after my first refusal, since I always look really angry and mean haha.
I don’t even acknowledge them, instead I just keep walking like I did not hear them. I remember one time I had a guy from one of the cell phone kiosk’s really trying to get me to switch to their company. I looked at him, asked if their company (it was either Sprint or AT&T) would offer a 22% discount for my employer. They said “no”, and I said, “well Verizon does” and I walked away. They didn’t say anything else after that. :)
No. Thankfully I am blessed with the sort of looks and bad temperament that encourage people to attempt to become invisible rather than make eye contact with me let alone actually speak to me.
Idiots by definition are not capable of conning me into anything, although they do try, god do they try.
When I am busy which I was. I tend to be very dismissive of pushy irritating people.
This jerk looked stoned
I did not wish to be an all out bitch but some people are to dumb to comprehend anything less.
LOL by nature idots are too dumb to know they are transparent to those of us with a working Brain.
@philosopher It’s the hostile ones that have me laughing. I mean who rattled their cage.Leave me alone please.
Not very often, I have this eyebrow which screams… “APPROACH ME AND I’LL KICK YOU IN THE NADS!”
I had an I incident about a year ago when I was cornered by two people from the same kiosk, and I tried telling them I wasn’t interested, and I tried walking away, but they wouldn’t let me move. So the lady grabbed my hand to put some lotion she had on my hand, and I did warn her not to touch me so I took things in my own hands and punched her. The other person standing around me moved. I felt bad for doing it but she wouldn’t heed my warning.
I don’t want to resort to violence. The Police around here would arrest you for something like that.
If he touched me I would have pushed him to the ground.
My looks are deceptive. I am thin but I left weights and I am strong.
No man wants to fight me because I am a very dirty fighting. When they think they have a weight advantage it gives me an edge.
If someone puts their hand on you. You can press charges for assault. Especially if some strange man attempts to touch you.
That would not work on a Psychopath.
People usually tell me I look tough when I am annoyed but; this dude was desperate.
@philosopher Oh, well I suppose not. I guess the next time a Psychopath wants to thread my eyebrows at a mall kiosk I better sit down and shut up. lol
Please do not; scream run shout and yell.
I only meant to make sure you are aware not to offend you.
These nuts seem immune to dirty looks.
I fear for all women.
Now if, we were together we could kick him on the floor and say do you get the message now jerk?
I just blank them out and walk past as though I’ve not heard or seen them. Only one time I stopped for them – my phone service had been hijacked without my knowledge or authority by another comany, and while I was still in the middle of legal proceedings with them there was a kiosk in the mall by this company. I stopped and told them the whole story, listing all the legal breaches they’d made. By the time I finished there was quite an audience gathered. I don’t think they did very much trade that day.
I completely empathize with your experience.
I was nice young women. It is dishonest people like this that have made me a bitch in training.
I see through all bullshit. I trust few people.
Honestly I always ignore them and keep walking. This jerk followed me despite that I ignored him. It is not my nature to be mean but I can be a blunt bitch. When people attempt to con me, bullshit or manipulate me.
Most of them get it when you ignore them. This jerk was to dumb.
You will notice some people think our attitude is mean.
I think my time is my own and I do not have to waste on anything which is unimportant to me. I encounter route callous people every day.
I am looking for a program for my Autistic son after he finishes school. I am dealing with bullshit artist, insincere people and people with morals like the devil himself.
Since few people are attempting to help me or have a clue about my difficulties. I have little empathy for most people. I no longer care what most people think.
Sometimes I want to say if you walked in my shoes one day you; jump off a tall building. I treat people as they treat me.
I live right outside of Manhattan. Maybe in a small town some place people are less viscous . Here in NYC support and honesty seems very rare.
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