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ucme's avatar

What are some of the best/worst examples of movie/tv stars releasing a song on an unsuspecting public?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 6th, 2010

Yeah give me your examples of maybe a pleasant suprise or an assault on the eardrums given by actors past or present.

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38 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Jack Black is a great example of a good actor/musician.

Eddie Murphy, not so much.

ucme's avatar

Am assuming these are examples of the worst incidents.I refuse to click on the Don Johnson link for fear of puking.

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

Jack Wagner and Miley Cyrus.

bunnygrl's avatar

OMG it would have to be William Shatner try this from 1978 or this atrocity <shudder>

We actually have a copy of the Leonard Nimoy album that the bilbo baggins song <shudder> comes from and its actually really bloody good actually. I was very surprised :-)
try here
huggles xx

ucme's avatar

@bunnygrl My money is on the monkey’s arse on his head entering the charts.Toupee or not toupee, wig – gle it just a little bit.

bunnygrl's avatar

@ucme LOL LOL LOL does he still deny the whole wig thing these days? very very sad it is :-)
ps: more evidence in defence of Leonard Nimoy is here and here
love them love them love them :-)

ucme's avatar

I shall take you back to Paint Your Wagon.A strange little movie featuring the vocal talents of Mr. Clint Eastwood, singing “I talk to the Trees” & Mr. Lee Marvin singing, well talking, “Wanderin Star”.Surreal, truly surreal.

bunnygrl's avatar

@ucme OMG definitely!! That is an amazing little film for loads of different reasons but yes, wonderful and wanderin star is one of my all time favourites, total classic.

syz's avatar

Here’s a nice compilation (including Steven Seagal).

Trillian's avatar

Eddie Murphy. What was he thinking?

ucme's avatar

Murphy’s thought process, $$$$$$$$

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Would have been more apt had he adapted the lyrics thus, “I can’t get no wig tape/viagra/decent roles”. Oh & yes it’s buggery of the ear canal.

bunnygrl's avatar

I actually bought this as a single with my pocket money and I still love it to this day. <realises she’s just given away her age and skulks off hoping nobody notices>
hugglys xx

bunnygrl's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille how is a person supposed to sleep after that? LOL <hugs>

jonsblond's avatar

@DrBill Please…make….Gwyneth…stop!!!!

gemiwing's avatar

Tardy to the party. One- the song is abysmal, two it’s from a freakin’ reality show ‘star’.

DrBill's avatar


Oh, How I wish I could…

filmfann's avatar

How about David Soul’s Don’t Give Up On Us Baby ? He was on Starsky and Hutch.
The future isn’t just one night…

boffin's avatar

@ucme That’s it…Anytime you can get Clint and Lee to sing it’s a win win…

vbabe96's avatar

I dunno if he counts but, Ewan McGregor FTW in Moulin Rouge.

whatthefluther's avatar

I was surprised when I heard that the lead singer/songwriter from this band was a soap opera star….he has great musical talent. Here’s 30 seconds to mars
See ya…....Gary/wtf

vbabe96's avatar

Removed because I’m an idiot.

shego's avatar

@gemiwing I have that frightful video.
Please if you can’t handle bad music, or bad singing, this song is not for you

jazmina88's avatar

Luanne from Housewives of NY…..she cant sing…..

evandad's avatar

MacArthur Park by Richard Harris has to be in the both the best and worst. It was a great tune by Jimmy Webb who was made of gold at the time. It crossed over to be played on almost all radio stations. It was doomed to suffer a Stairway to Heaven existence once it fell off the charts. I would change the station if I heard it start up now, but I used to love it.

Buttonstc's avatar


You beat me to the punch with David Soul. He really has a good voice and kind of a shame he was just a one hit wonder.

Also, this was in the days before Auto-Tune so it is his actual singing voice. Not too bad to listen to even nowadays.

And as long as we’re going for the oldies, let’s not forget Ozzie and Harriiet’s boy, Ricky, who started out as a child actor, but ended up as more than a decent singer.

“Hello, Mary Lou”

“Bye Bye Love”

“Travelin’ Man”

And numerous others.

Good times, great memories.

bunnygrl's avatar

@shego OMG that was sooooooooo bad!!!! when you’re right you’re right. @filmfann and @Buttonstc I agree about David Soul <remembers buying “Silver lady” and “Don’t give up on us baby” 45’s with pocket money and wearing my “Starsky” cardigan to school> happy happy times :-)
hugs xx

whatthefluther's avatar

Hey kids, here is another soap opera star and in this case a one hit wonder, Rick Springfield
Seee ya…..Gary/wtf

whatthefluther's avatar

Now to really date myself (not that I watched this crap), here’s the Partridge Family. Of course the public was not unsuspecting given the theme of the show, but it would have been nice if they actually provided music rather than backround trash to spotlight David Cassiday’s poses. If I recall, only Cassiday sang, everyone else lip synched and faked playing their instruments. Feel free to gag along.
See ya…..Gary/wtf

lillycoyote's avatar

William Shatner has a new album out!!! A concept album.

The version of Bohemian Rhapsody is pretty weird. Like a bad acid trip. I only just heard about it tonight and remembered this thread. I thought you all would want to know if you didn’t already. :-)

filmfann's avatar

<————— Has dry heaves after watching @lillycoyote‘s video

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